Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 275 Tell Your Commander to See Me!

Chapter 275 Tell Your Commander to See Me!
Karen thought for a while, narrowed his eyes and said:
"This is a big deal! There are thousands of people in the waiting room alone!"

Vikas sneered, his eyes full of disdain:
"What is this man to you?"

"There are already a lot of Chinese people, they are as annoying as locusts, so go ahead and do it!"

"With your ability, manipulating them is not as simple as playing with a group of ants!"

Karen nodded and smiled:

"This sentence is not false!"

"Since they are chasing after you, don't blame me for being cruel!"

After speaking, he took out a yellowed book from his arms and pressed his right hand on the book.

At the same time, there are words in his mouth.

I saw streaks of gray light spreading out from the book, like water waves, getting bigger and bigger.

The people shrouded by the light instantly turned gray, their eyes were lifeless, like a walking dead.

"Hey, good job! Turn all these lowly Chinese people into puppets!"

Vikas smiled arrogantly, while looking around to see who was most likely to be an undercover agent.


At this time, Ye Yun, who was watching cartoons with Yaya, couldn't help frowning.

Feeling a strange breath approaching, he waved his hand lightly, and a white light flashed out.


Karen shook her hand and dropped the book on the ground.

At the same time, the weird gray light disappeared instantly.

"Well, there are masters here!"

Karen groaned.

And Vikas' eyes just fell on Ye Yun: "This guy did it!"

Karen turned around and stared fixedly at Ye Yun:

"A little boy, unexpectedly has the ability to break my puppet technique!"

Murong Yan asked:
"Ye Yun, is the puppet art a spell to manipulate others and use it for oneself?"

Ye Yun nodded:

"Yes, but his puppetry is a little different, more sinister."

"Not only do you manipulate others for your own use, but also, once you are controlled, you will soon lose all vitality and become a dead person!"


Murong Yan couldn't help frowning her eyebrows, and gasped.

These Ah Sans are really hateful, they actually came to Huaxia and used this method to harm people!

Karen folded her hands on her chest and sneered:

"Little boy, so you can see the difference in my puppet technique!"

Ye Yun said with a disdainful smile: "I don't want to comment on such low-level spells."

"Hmph! What arrogance!"

Karen's eyes were full of anger, "But, you know, I only used less than one-tenth of my mana just now!"

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled:

"You try your best, and the result is still the same as before."

"You, you fart!"

Karen jumped angrily.

He is one of the top ten spell masters in India.

In particular, his puppet art has reached perfection.

Not only can he control others, but he can also improve his own cultivation by absorbing their life points.

In the past, I don't know how many martial arts masters in India kowtowed in front of him and begged for mercy.

When he came to Huaxia this time, he didn't want to use such a brutal technique.

It's just that the people in the network are ignorant of current affairs and have been tracking and collecting their information.

What's more, a little boy from Huaxia dared to comment on his puppet art, and even put on a dismissive demeanor.

It is tolerable and unbearable.

This bad breath must come out!

"Little boy, since you are so crazy, I will let you try my ultimate ability!"

Karen put her hand on the book, ready to chant the spell again.

"Don't move! Put your hands up!"

Suddenly three figures appeared behind Karen and Vikas.

It was a young woman who took the lead. She held a special pistol in both hands, and together with the two men behind her, she aimed at Karen's head.

Karen ignored the three people in the net, but told Vikas:
"You go and deal with them, and I'll deal with this little boy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a white light exploded on his forehead.

Then, he fell heavily to the ground, dead instantly.

"Karen! What's the matter with you?"

Vikas was dumbfounded.

Why did Karen die before he used the puppet technique?
Another sound.

The same white light exploded in his forehead, and he also fell to the ground instantly dead.


The scout named Shi Mengjie and the other two were dumbfounded for a moment.

Why did the two Asan who were so arrogant just now suddenly die?
The three of them set their eyes on Ye Yun at the same time.

Shi Mengjie stepped forward and looked at Ye Yun angrily:

"You killed people?"

Ye Yun nodded and said calmly:

"They want to kill me, shouldn't they fight back?"


Shi Mengjie stamped her feet angrily.

"Do you know that these two people committed robbery in Modu, and we are tracking and investigating them."

"Now you kill them all, what if they have accomplices?"

Seeing Ye Yun's indifferent expression, her little face was flushed with anger, and she angrily said:
"Besides, who gave you the right to do it?"

"Because of your recklessness, our reason has become a loss."

"At that time, if the Indian country makes representations to us, what can we explain to them?"

Seeing her angry look, Ye Yun couldn't help frowning, and a chill flashed in his eyes:
"Even your commander, Li Tinglong, dare not talk to me like this. If you say one more thing, be careful that I'm not polite."

From Shi Mengjie's words, he guessed that they should belong to the network of Jiangnan Province.


Shi Mengjie still wanted to speak, but under Ye Yun's sharp eyes, she closed her mouth.

Her mouth puffed out angrily, obviously very displeased with Ye Yun.

After a while, she calmed down and said:
"In any case, today you have violated the regulations of our net, I have the right, please go back with us and cooperate with the investigation."

As the net of heaven and earth, the captain of the investigation team of Jiangnan Province.

She felt that she had the right to take her own citizens back to investigate anywhere in China.

Ye Yun glanced at her lightly:
"Take the corpse away, and let Li Tinglong come to see me when we arrive at the Demon City."

"Ha ha."

Shi Mengjie clasped her hands on her chest, and smiled angrily.

A young man in his early twenties dared to speak so brazenly that the commander-in-chief of Jiangnan Province, who is a net of the world, wanted to talk to him?
Could it be that the sun came out from the west?
Even the two team members behind her showed disdainful smiles.

Commander Li Tinglong, who is that character?
That is a general who has grown up from countless bloody battles.

According to the establishment of the regular army, he is a real 2-star lieutenant general!
Wouldn't it be idiotic to let such a person with all-hands and eyes go to the front of a young man in a humble manner?

"I can see that you should be the son of a big family. However, you are too self-righteous!"

"Our Commander Li, is it possible for you to see him?"

"I'm afraid if you really let him appear in front of you, you won't be able to say whether you will faint from fright!"

Shi Mengjie shook her head and sneered, her eyes full of disdain.

"Shi Mengjie, how can you talk to Mr. Ye like that?!"

Suddenly, a majestic voice came from behind.

I saw Li Tinglong and Wang Gan walking over quickly, leading Xia Jin and the others.

Li Tinglong glared at Shi Mengjie angrily:

"You stupid girl who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, apologize to Mr. Ye immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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