Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 282 Peerless Beauty, President Murong!

Chapter 282 Peerless Beauty, President Murong!

Passers-by nearby saw their plight and immediately dialed 120 and 110.

However, soon a team with a wide net appeared and took them all away.

The crowd watching didn't know what happened, and they didn't dare to speak out because of the intervention of the net.

Therefore, in less than an hour after Ye Yun left, this matter was completely turned into a thing of the past.

Although the three of Jin Junmin were released in the end, Li Junfeng's death was completely an accident for the others.

Even later, when Jin Junmin and the others returned to school after being discharged from the hospital, they did not mention Li Junfeng in advance.

As if he didn't exist at all!

It was in the afternoon that Ye Yun and Yaya saw Murong Yan coming out of Xincheng Construction Company.

Seeing a smile on her face, Ye Yun knew that this girl should have discussed all the details with Xincheng Company.

In the evening, after dinner, the family of three played in the nearby shopping mall for several hours.

Then back to the hotel to rest.

Silent all night.

The next day, at seven o'clock in the morning, Murong Yan got into Xincheng Company's Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle and headed for the Pujiang Development Zone Management Committee Building.

According to the requirements of the management committee, today Murong Yan, in the name of Xincheng Company, will start an auction here with several counterparts from Magic City for the most popular land parcel S019 in Pujiang District.

Deng Wenming sat in the row in front of Murong Yan, took out a document and handed it to Murong Yan, saying:

"President Murong, the management committee announced the companies participating in the S019 plot in the early hours of this morning."

"Among them, there is a company called Haike Real Estate Group, which has the strongest strength!"

"I think it may be the biggest competitor we will face this time!"

Murong Yan casually glanced at the information of all competing companies, nodded and said:
"From the data, they are indeed very powerful, but we don't have to worry too much."

This Haike Real Estate Group, on the bright side, is about the same size as the Murong Group, which can be said to be evenly divided.

However, if we really want to compare, the total assets of Murong Yan and the famous American Preston Investment Company are several times that of Heike.

Of course I wouldn't take this company seriously.

Seeing her confident look, Deng Wenming couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Although Murong Yan is very young, she is definitely a top player in the mall.

Deng Wenming had discovered this characteristic from his conversation with her yesterday.


"President Murong, this Haike company belongs to the Chen family, one of the top five families in Shanghai."

"This Chen family is an amazing big family in our magical capital! It is said that their ancestors were key members of the Qing Gang. In the first half of the 20th century, they were big figures on par with Du Yuesheng!"

"Later, the Chen family's descendants have always been inseparable from the underworld in the capital. Many local rich and powerful people sometimes have to retreat when they hear the name of the Chen family."

Deng Wenming knew that with Murong Yan's style of doing things, he would definitely fight for the development right of S019 this time.

However, he did not expect that among the competitors this time, there was also the Haike Company of the Chen family.

This made him worry, if Murong Yan really competed with the Chen family to the end, would they anger the Chen family.

However, right now he has no way to repent.

Xincheng Company under him had already signed a cooperation agreement with Murong Group.

If he backs out, he will have to pay Murong Group 3000 million in one lump sum.

This amount of money is not small for their small company.

How could he cut off such a large piece of flesh from himself?

Therefore, the reason why he told Murong Yan about the background of Haike Company was to let her back out of the difficulties and not participate in the auction of the most popular S019 plot.

Turn around and take pictures of some other small plots. In this way, I don't violate the agreement, and I don't have to take the risk of offending the Chen family.

Kill two birds with one stone!
Murong Yan heard the meaning behind what he said, and told herself to avoid the S019 plot.

However, before she came, she had already set the S019 plot as the only target with all the senior officials of the Murong Group.

How could you give up casually?

Moreover, after meeting Xiao Xuanzong, Li Jiutian and others, Murong Yan felt that no matter how powerful the Chen family is, there is no need to be afraid.

Just because Ye Yun was there!
Although Li Jiutian fell in the end, in the impression of many people, most of the credit was due to Murong Bo.

But Murong Yan's intuition told her that Ye Yun was the most important.

As long as Ye Yun is here, there is nothing to worry about!

Thinking of that incomparably handsome face, with gentle and encouraging eyes, Murong Yan felt that she was full of courage.

How could it be possible for the Chen family, a mere demon city, to let her go for nothing? !
Seeing Murong Yan's confident expression, Deng Wenming couldn't say anything more, he could only pray secretly in his heart that there would be no trouble today.

Soon, the car arrived at the large yard of the Development Zone Management Committee.

The parking lot was already full of luxury cars.

Deng Wenming got out of the car first, opened the door for Murong Yan, and told the driver to park the car elsewhere.

On the other hand, he and two secretaries led Murong Yan into the hall.

At this time, behind Murong Yan and the others.

A young man wearing sunglasses, surrounded by several men in suits, walked towards the hall imposingly.

"Second young master, the competing companies this time are all a bunch of weaklings!"

A man wearing glasses said to the young man with a flattering smile.

In his hand, he held the same management committee publicity materials as Murong Yan.

The young man known as the Second Young Master, named Chen Junxiang, is the second son of Chen Changtian, the head of the Chen family.

Chen Junxiang couldn't help but smile proudly when he heard the words:

"Several well-known big companies in Shanghai have a close relationship with our Chen family. When they heard that we participated in the auction, of course they all shunned us!"

"Only those unknown small companies have no way to know the movements of our Chen family in advance."

"Yes yes yes! The second young master's analysis is very thorough!"

"It is estimated that they will be dumbfounded when they see our Haike's information!"

The man with glasses wished he could kneel and lick Chen Junxiang's leather shoes.

Chen Junxiang chuckled, patted the top of the man's head with his hands, and said:

"Your mouth is getting better and better at speaking!"

"Forget it, after the bidding is over, I will reward you with a limited edition Porsche Cayenne!"

"Thank you Second Young Master! Second Young Master Wanfu!"

The man with glasses almost knelt down and licked.

After Murong Yan and the others entered the arena, Chen Junxiang and others followed closely.

Two minutes later, the bidding officially began.

The first plot is the most popular plot S019.

Chen Junxiang asked the man with glasses in a low voice: "What do you think is the right price for us?"

The man with glasses took out his mobile phone to calculate, and said with a smile:

"Second Young Master, this time it's a small company competing with us. Basically, this land is already in our pocket."

"Currently, the benchmark price given by the government is 15 billion. I think it's better for us to directly increase it to 20 billion and get it done in one go!"

"You know, if such a popular plot is won for 20 billion, it will make a lot of money!"

Chen Junxiang thought for a while, nodded and said:


"The people present are all small shrimps. 15 billion can drain them all. If another 5 million is added, they won't be able to keep up!"

"That's right! Besides, they don't have the guts to follow!"

"Our Chen family is not to be trifled with! Anyone who doesn't have eyes and dares to compete with us will be courting death!"

When the man with glasses spoke, his back was straightened, with a hint of contempt for everything.

"Plot S019, please bid!"

The staff issues a reminder.

"Chenjia Haike Group, bid 20 billion!"

The man with glasses smiled triumphantly, scanned the audience, and held up the bidding card.

"Hey, Heike said 20 billion when he opened his mouth. This is to suppress all of us!"

The bosses of the various companies present, after learning that Haike participated in the auction, had already determined that the S019 land plot was in their pocket.

After all, regardless of financial or power, all the companies here cannot compete with Haike.

"20 million for the first time!"

"20 million second time!"

Just when the staff was about to announce that Haike had won the bid, a crisp and pleasant voice sounded:

"Xincheng Construction Company, bid 35 billion!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was shocked.

Everyone turned their heads.

I saw a peerless beauty holding a sign calmly, her eyes full of confidence.

Murong Yan, a peerless beauty!

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(End of this chapter)

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