Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 287 This word is insane!

Chapter 287 These ten words are insane!
When Ye Yun got into the car again, the driver was shaking all over.

It's like standing naked and blowing in the cold winter.

Teeth chattered violently.

He never thought about it.

Ye Yundong didn't even move, so he put the big knife Li San on the ground.

At this time, Ye Yun was basically a devil in his eyes!
"Let's go."

Ye Yun said lightly.

With a wave, rumble!With a few sounds, the two Land Rover off-road vehicles in front all rolled aside, making way for an open road.

"I... I can't drive anymore!"

The driver has been paralyzed from fright, limp, not much better than a sponge.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of those indifferent eyes from the rearview mirror, and couldn't help but feel the hairs all over his body stand on end with fright.

He hurriedly tried his best to support the steering wheel, put it in gear and stepped on the clutch, and rushed out with a kick of the accelerator.


The capital city, the Chen family.

In a luxurious manor located by the Huangpu River, the lights are brightly lit at this time.

You can vaguely smell the fragrance of wine and meat.

However, there was no cheery atmosphere in the room, but instead, there was a bit of depressing feeling.

Chen Changtian, the head of the Chen family, Chen Jinyu, the eldest daughter, and Chen Junxiang, the youngest son.

There are also Master Stone Elephant from King Kong Temple in southern Xinjiang, Tai Chi successor Liu Zhengyue and others.

He was looking at the body of the bald man with a face of surprise, and Li San, a big knife with a face full of horror.

"Who the hell dares to attack our Chen family? And beat you like this?"

Chen Changtian felt it was incredible.

Li San is a well-known martial arts master in the Demon City, and his Heaven-breaking Saber is superb, even if he singles out a master of transformation, he is only slightly behind.

As for the transformation environment, he is completely invincible!

Now, he has a decadent look on his face, how can he look like a high-spirited martial arts master?

Judging from this look, I am afraid that it is not just as simple as being defeated.

Rather, even the spirit is about to be destroyed!
When Li San thought of that extremely handsome face, he felt a chill in his heart, and he said in a trembling voice:

"The person who killed Zhang Qiang and defeated me is called Ye Yun."

"Ye Yun?"

Chen Changtian frowned slightly, as if he had heard of this name somewhere.

Chen Junxiang asked anxiously:

"That is to say, you failed to stop them and let them slip away?"

Li San smiled wryly:
"Where can I stop it? It would be nice if I can save my life and come back!"

"Besides, he didn't slip away, but let me come back."

Chen Junxiang frowned:
"Since he killed Zhang Qiang, why did he let you back? Could it be that you begged him for mercy?"

There is a rule in the Chen family's ancestor's training, but no matter what the time is, no one in the Chen family can beg for mercy from the opponent.

I would rather die!
Do not bow your head!
Even with the knife resting on his neck, he couldn't utter a word begging for mercy!

"No, no, no! How could I beg for mercy?!"

Seeing a trace of killing intent in Chen Changtian's eyes, Li San shook his head quickly.

"Then why did he let you back?"

Chen Junxiang was annoyed, if Murong Yan was allowed to return to Jincheng, it would be difficult to deal with the S019 plot.

Even if he arrests Deng Wenming's family, it's useless. To him, Deng Wenming is just a puppet of the Murong Group.

At most, it can be regarded as a dog leg!


Li San swallowed his saliva, and really didn't dare to say what Ye Yun said.

However, thinking of Ye Yun's terrifying ability, he could only grit his teeth and squeeze out a sentence:
"Because he asked me to bring your head to him within half an hour!"


After one sentence fell, the audience went cold.

within half an hour.

Bring the head to him.

These ten words are insane!
Every word is dripping with blood!

How cruel and domineering is it to say such a thing? !
"He...he really said that?"

Even the mighty Chen Junxiang felt dizzy at this moment.

On the back, the hairs stand on end, unable to stop.


Li San lowered his head, trembling all over.

Only those who are frightened will show his current appearance.

On the other hand, Master Shi Xiang and Liu Zhengyue, when they came back to their senses, their eyebrows were erected, and their faces were full of anger.

"What an arrogant tone! It's too arrogant! If you dare to hit the second young master's mind, I think he is looking for death!"

"That's right! Even the Wang family doesn't dare to blatantly say such a thing! This person simply doesn't take our Chen family seriously, and he must pay a terrible price!"

The two stood up at the same time, with a murderous look.

"Li San, come with us to the Four Seasons Hotel!"

"and many more!"

Chen Changtian suddenly raised his hand to stop.

He turned his head and asked Chen Junxiang: "Is that Ye Yun from Jincheng?"

Chen Junxiang thought for a while, nodded and said: "Yes, a member of Murong's family in Jincheng, his wife's name is Murong Yan."

"It sure is him!"

Chen Changtian had also heard about Ye Yun before.

However, because one is Jiangnan and the other is Jiangbei.

Besides, Jincheng is only a second- and third-tier city, and he didn't take the Murong family and Ye Yun seriously.

It's just that I have a little impression of Ye Yun, saying that this person is extremely arrogant and domineering, and never takes anyone seriously.

I never thought that today, I would have formed a relationship with this person.

"What are they doing in Magic City?"

Chen Changtian has a lot of things to deal with now, and they are all handled by Chen Jinyu and Chen Junxiang.

Little things like bidding, let alone ask.

Chen Junxiang replied:
"Their Murong Group cooperates with a small company here to compete with our Haike Group for the S019 plot."

Chen Changtian narrowed his eyes slightly:
"And then, the land was robbed by them?"


Chen Junxiang nodded helplessly.

Chen Changtian frowned tightly:
"Go on!"

Chen Junxiang sighed and said:
"Later, I wanted to force Murong Yan to give up the land to me. Who knew that this little girl wouldn't let her in, so I had to send Li San and the others to force her!"

"did not expect……"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Changtian slapped him in the face angrily.


"I told you a long time ago that although our Chen family made a fortune in underworld business!"

"However, there are rules and morals! You can't compete with others face to face, but you persecute a girl behind your back, do you know the shame?!"

"I think back then, when my ancestors and Du Yuesheng got together on the beach, they would always admit defeat, even if they chopped off their fingers to others, it would be fine!"

He pointed at Chen Junxiang and cursed angrily:
"Do you know why I am worried about handing over the Chen family to you?"

"It's because you don't follow the rules and disregard morality in doing things! And, people who don't follow the rules and morals can't enjoy the Tao at all!"

"You bastard, it's a waste of your manly body, you are far worse than your sister!"

Seeing that her younger brother was taught so badly, Chen Jinyu hurriedly stepped forward to hold Chen Changtian back:

"Dad, let's talk about this matter later. The most urgent thing is that Ye Yun, what should we do?"

"Miss, since he intends to seek death, let him be fulfilled!"

"When has our Chen family been humiliated like this?"

"If you don't avenge this revenge, how can the Chen family gain a foothold in the devil city!"

Master Shixiang and Liu Zhengyue were so imposing.

The majesty of Grandmaster Henglian and Grandmaster Taiji, like towering mountains, made everyone breathless.

Master Shixiang stood up, twisted his neck, and said in a rough voice:

"Didn't he let us go there within half an hour? Go and meet him now!"

Liu Zhengyue also got up afterward, and suddenly his eyes trembled slightly.

I heard Li San say in horror:

"Half an's here! He...he'!"

The words fall.

He instantly burst into blood mist.

(End of this chapter)

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