Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 289 I don't like vulgar fans!

Chapter 289 I don't like vulgar fans!

Undefeated golden body!

Strong as a fortress!
It is the secret knowledge of the King Kong Temple in southern Xinjiang, and the highest pursuit of the body training world.

Master Shixiang is the younger brother of the abbot of the King Kong Temple in Southern Xinjiang. He has extraordinary talents since he was a child, especially in physical training, which is unmatched.

Later, he followed his elder brother to worship Buddhism and became a monk at King Kong Temple in southern Xinjiang.

After 23 years of hard training, he has achieved this undefeated golden body that can't be blasted by missiles, and he is proud of the Chinese body training world!

I never thought that such a strong body would become as brittle as an egg shell under Ye Yun's slender and fair fingers.

Just poke it and it will break!
This, if it was placed a few seconds ago, Chen Changtian and the others would not have dared to think about it.

But now, this scene appeared in front of my eyes.

Can't help but they don't believe it!

The number one master of the Chen family, the stone elephant master with an undefeated golden body, just fell!
Without any power to fight back, he died completely!
"What kind of devil are you?"

For most of his life, Chen Changtian uttered such a desperate and helpless wail.

As for Chen Jinyu and Chen Junxiang behind him, their faces were pale.

Especially Chen Junxiang, his legs were trembling now, and he was almost unable to stand up.

Ye Yun came to kill him, now that Li San, Liu Zhengyue and Master Shi Xiang have been killed one after another, he will be the next one!
"Stop him quickly! Kill him!"

Chen Junxiang was startled and angry, roaring like crazy.

The more than 100 martial arts masters in the yard heard this and roared at the same time:

"kill him!"

Just when everyone was cheering up and preparing to fight Ye Yun to the death.

Chen Changtian suddenly raised his hand and shouted:
"Stop me all!"

He took a step forward, poof!Kneeling down on the ground:
"I, Chen Changtian, have never begged anyone. Today, I am begging you!"

"Although my son did something stupid, it didn't cause any harm to you after all. Moreover, you have killed so many people in our Chen family now."

"I beg you to stop this matter!"

A generation of heroes, kneeling in front of Ye Yun at this time, does not have the half of a hero.

On the contrary, there was a look of awe and fear on his face.


Seeing this, Chen Jinyu and Chen Junxiang exclaimed at the same time.

How proud is my father, that... he actually knelt down to this man?
Without looking back, Chen Changtian shouted loudly:
"You bastard, kneel down too!"


Seeing his father kowtow to Ye Yun, Chen Junxiang was like a deflated ball, without the previous arrogance.

"Ask him for mercy!"

Chen Changtian roared again.

"I... beg you, don't kill me!"

dong dong.

Chen Junxiang hit his head heavily on the ground, and the sound of kowtowing echoed in the room.

Ye Yun looked at Chen Changtian lightly, with a hint of disdain in his tone:
"The son doesn't teach, it's the father's fault. He bullied others, and instead of punishing him harshly, you covered him instead."

"No loss, does that mean he deserves to be forgiven?"


Chen Changtian was speechless for a while.

He just loves his son dearly and doesn't want Chen Junxiang to be killed.

As for right or wrong, it doesn't matter at all!
Ye Yun smiled coldly, and walked in front of Chen Junxiang:

"What's more, he dares to attack my wife?"

"My Ye Yun's wife is something you can force!"

After finishing speaking, he stepped on the back of Chen Junxiang's head, and directly stepped on his whole body on the ground.

Feeling the tense pressure on his head, Chen Junxiang was so painful that his eyes were tearing apart.

At the same time, boundless fear filled his heart.

He felt an extremely cold killing intent!
"Please! Don't kill me! If I knew it was you, I wouldn't have done it!"

Due to extreme fear, his pants|| crotch was a little wet.

Ye Yun sneered:
"I said, you can only rest until you die, don't even think about begging for mercy."

The words fall.


Plasma splattered.


Chen Changtian was about to burst into tears, his eyeballs were filled with bloodshot streaks, almost bursting his eyeballs.

"If you kill my son and reject my Chen family's successor, I will fight you!"

Begging for mercy failed, and his son was killed, and the hostility from his body rushed out all at once.

However, just as he was about to get up and start, a white palm had already fallen.

He slapped Tian Ling Gai with his palm.

Chen Changtian lay heavily on the ground, motionless.


Chen Jinyu rushed to Chen Changtian's side, hugging him with tears in his eyes.

"Ye Yun, you are a devil! How could you... kill my father?"

Chen Jinyu roared hoarsely.

Tears were shining in a pair of Danfeng eyes, and it seemed that there were thousands of emotions mixed in. It was hard to tell whether it was hatred or awe.

Ye Yun glanced at her lightly:
"The only one who wants to fight with me is death."

With a wave of his hand, an invisible wind rushed out of the house.

Then, there was a sound of bones breaking.

Everyone in the yard fell to the ground in an instant, all violently dead.

Afterwards, Ye Yun walked out without looking back, as if walking through a purgatory on earth, without a drop of blood on his body.

Chen Jinyu bit her red lips tightly, dug her fingernails deeply into her flesh, and watched Ye Yun's back disappear before her eyes.

long time……

long time……


Ye Yun returned to the Four Seasons Hotel, waited for the elevator to reach the first floor, and walked in.

"Hey, wait!"

The fragrance was blowing, and two beautiful women who were stylishly dressed and revealingly dressed walked in at the same time.

Their bodies exude a light floral scent, as well as a hint of the aroma of cocktails.

In the airtight elevator, it feels a bit soul-stirring.

The two women were giggling and lowering their heads to discuss something funny.

Suddenly, one of them raised his head and saw an extremely handsome man standing beside him. His eyes lit up and he said with a charming smile:

"Brother, you look so handsome!"

Another girl raised her head and couldn't help covering her mouth when she saw Ye Yun:
"Wow, really handsome!"

She stared at Ye Yun with a smile, her eyes were very seductive:
"The night is long, does the handsome guy need someone to accompany him?"

Ye Yun glanced at her lightly: "No need."

"Then, what about me?"

The woman in front moved a little closer to Ye Yun.

"Huh? Why can't I move?"

The woman looked confused.

"I can't even move!"

The other woman was also very surprised.

Both of them looked at Ye Yun at the same time: "You did it?"

Ye Yun nodded lightly: "Yes!"

The two women giggled:

"It turns out that you are a master of martial arts, you don't want us to be unable to move, and then let you ravage you?"

"Hehehe, I didn't see it, you are quite perverted!"

Seeing how handsome Ye Yun was, not only were the two not afraid, but they were also very happy when they thought of being hit by him.

Ye Yun smiled disdainfully:
"Thinking too much, I don't like vulgar fans."

After finishing speaking, under the surprised eyes of the two women, they walked out of the elevator.

In the room, Murong Yan and Yaya were fast asleep.

There was a trace of quiet smile on the faces of the two of them, both of them were so innocent.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the moonlight is like silver, and the years are quiet and beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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