Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 291 Sword Immortal!

Chapter 291 Sword Immortal!

"Is there a reason to die?"

Everyone in the Jin family looked coldly.

With so many lives, all of them were killed by accidents, how could they say that they deserved to die?
No wonder Jin Shengyuan kept saying that this person must not stay in this world.

His heart is extremely vicious!
His methods are extremely brutal!
It's the Jin family, the sworn enemies!
"Dad! You said before that you are 100% sure of taking him down. Now that he is uttering wild words, don't waste any more time talking with him!"

"Our Jin family has never suffered such a useless attitude! Since this man appeared, our Jin family has been swallowing his anger. Now that the arrow is on the line, we have to let him go. Let him pay the greatest price!"

The muscles on Jin Zhiyou's face were trembling, and a powerful killing intent filled the surroundings.

Although Jin Shengyuan didn't tell them, why did he overpower Ye Yun.

However, they knew that their father had been bearing the burden of humiliation and bearing the burden of humiliation.

Since he said he could win Ye Yun, he must be 100% sure.

Now that the Jin family and the Murong family are in the same situation, there is no need to hide it anymore!

"Yes! Big brother, stop talking nonsense with him! If this person is not killed, the souls of the Meng family will not rest in peace!"

Jin Jianguo and Jin Dewei immediately agreed.

Jin Shengyuan sneered:
"Ye Yun, have you heard it all? Our Jin family has regarded you as a thorn in our side for a long time!"

"Today, I will take your life first to pay homage to the souls of the Meng family!"

After he finished speaking, a thick burst of true energy shot straight into the sky.


It turned into a hurricane, blowing away all the snowflakes within a radius of [-] meters.

Baixue flew wildly like a flurry of enchantresses, and the vast sky and earth were filled with a vast expanse of wind.

"So strong! Really too strong!"

"This is no longer the breath of a mortal!"

Jin Zhiyou and the others all shrank their pupils.

Jin Shengyuan's aura at this time was already unimaginably strong.

It seems to be with the heaven and the earth, as strong as a towering mountain, overwhelming people's hearts.

Even Murong Hui couldn't help but tremble:
"This Jin Shengyuan really has the unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box!"

"His aura is probably not inferior to Ye Yun's!"

Ye Yun is very strong!

Moreover, it was so strong that Murong Hui couldn't imagine it!
However, Jin Shengyuan is not trying to give way now.

His aura seemed to turn the world upside down, making the whole earth tremble for him.

It's so tough!

Seeing Murong Hui's excited expression, Luo Xuewei only smiled faintly.

She couldn't estimate Ye Yun's ability, but she knew that Ye Yun was an existence that no one could defeat.

This is her confidence in Ye Yun!
As for Murong Ranran, he never worried that his brother-in-law would lose to anyone.

In her heart, her brother-in-law is as tall as Mount Everest, and those who challenge him will always be little ants.

"Is this why you challenge me?"

There was a hint of disdainful smile on the corner of Ye Yun's mouth.

Jin Shengyuan narrowed his eyes slightly:
"Don't you realize how different I am from you?"

He secretly sneered, he is now entering the innate realm.

Ye Yun couldn't figure out his own details, so he asked such a stupid question.

Ye Yun smiled playfully: "Tell me, what's the difference?"

"Ha ha."

Jin Shengyuan sneered twice: "When you die, you will naturally understand!"

A burst of true energy exploded like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

In the blink of an eye, he had already come to Ye Yun and patted it down with his palm.

Ye Yun just slapped him casually and sent him flying.

"I'll give you a chance to use the strongest ultimate move, don't wait until it's out of date!"


Jin Shengyuan, who fell on the ground, only felt a burst of heat on his face.

This kid, unexpectedly... actually hit him so hard that he had no room to fight back!

Is he stronger than himself, a master above innate?
Absolutely impossible!
If he was a congenital master, how could he allow Xiao Xuanzong to behave mischievously, until Murong Bo came forward to solve Xiao Xuanzong, and then resolved the crisis of the Murong family?
Also, regarding Li Jiutian's matter, if he is a congenital master, it is obvious that he will fight with Murong Bo, and the odds of winning two against one will be greater.

Why did he wait until Li Jiutian and Murong Bo fight to the end before making a sneak attack?
The only explanation is that Ye Yun is still under the congenital.

And he was beaten because he couldn't completely crush Ye Yun only by relying on his cultivation.

Only by using the strongest sword moves can you gain the upper hand!
"Since you want to see my strongest ultimate move, let me open your eyes!"

A loud roar.


Golden light blooms.

A half-foot-long golden light erupted from Jin Shengyuan's body.

With a flick of his wrist, he held the golden light in his hand.

I see.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, overwhelming mountains and seas.

The fierce murderous aura shocked everyone's hearts.

"Sword Immortal!!"

Murong Hui's eyes trembled.

This aura can only be revealed by the Sword Immortal!
He had heard that in the Chinese martial arts world, there are many masters who are dedicated to pursuing sword intent, wanting to enter the Tao with the sword and become immortals immediately.

However, the difficulty of becoming a sword fairy is even greater than becoming an innate master!

Because, if you want to become a sword fairy, you must not only successfully cross the tribulation, but also have a sword spirit to pass through the fairy, two conditions are indispensable!

He didn't expect that in just a few days, Jin Shengyuan had become a sword fairy.

"No wonder, he has the confidence to come to our house. It turns out that he relies on the Sword Immortal!"

Compared with Chen Yuhan and the others, Jin Shengyuan's murderous aura was stronger, which naturally made people more frightened.

However, Jin Zhiyou and the others all shrank their pupils suddenly, excited.

Although their realm is very low, it is not clear what level Jin Shengyuan is today.

However, just looking at this fierce and extraordinary sword energy, they can roughly guess that their father and elder brother are no longer ordinary people.

"Dad, brother, use this sword to kill Ye Yun and avenge the Meng family!"

"Spray this bad breath for our Jin family!"

Jin Shengyuan's sudden outburst greatly increased the confidence of everyone in the Jin family.

At this time, it looks like the winner is in his hands.

"Ye Yun, your death is now!"

Jin Shengyuan flew up with the sword, and "Heavenly Sword 36 Forms" was cut out in an instant, with the same momentum.

"Ye Yun, be careful!"

Murong Hui clenched his hands tightly and couldn't help shouting.

But, right away, he found that his worries were unnecessary.

I see.

Ye Yun slapped Jin Shengyuan's fierce sword energy.

The golden light cracks, and the flying sword breaks.

Then, this slap hit Jin Shengyuan's chest, and a white light exploded in his chest.

Then a mouthful of blood gushed out, dyeing the long white snow red.

"Dad, brother!"

Seeing Jin Shengyuan fall to the ground with a bang, Jin Zhiyou and the others all shrank their hearts.

Such a fierce and sharp sword was crushed by Ye Yun's palm.

What kind of pervert is this man!

"Dad is dead!"

When everyone rushed to Jin Shengyuan, they found that he had completely lost his vitality.

In an instant, the audience was dead silent.

Everyone in the Jin family collapsed to the ground.

One counts as the other, and they all look like mourning concubines, and their faces are ashen.

The biggest reliance is gone, the Jin family today is the meat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered!

Ye Yun turned around, walked into the house, and said lightly:
"Take his body back, don't try to escape."

"Tonight, you are all going to die!"

 Thanks to Zhongteng for the 1108 reward~~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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