Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 293 I kissed the wrong ass!

Chapter 293 I kissed the wrong ass!
"Papa, this flower is so beautiful, what's its name?"

Yaya sat in Ye Yun's arms with a tablet in her hand.

The little girl watched a domestic cartoon just now, in which there was a fairy transformed from daffodils, and she thought the flowers were very beautiful.

Ye Yun said with a smile:

"It's called Narcissus, and it has more than a dozen nice names like Lingbo Fairy, Jinyintai, and Yulinglong."

"Wow! It's really boring! It's so porridge!"

Yaya clapped her hands happily.

"Then, does this kind of flower really exist in our world?"

Ye Yun nodded:

"Of course there is! Narcissus is a very precious flower, and it will be spring soon, which is a good time for it to bloom."

Yaya's eyes shine brightly:

"Then let's plant a daffodil ourselves, shall we?"

Ye Yun nodded: "Okay!"

Murong Ranran walked in from the door at this time.

She had already put on her spring clothes, with a black tights on her upper body and a short brown leather jacket on top.

Below is a pair of black tights, which perfectly outlines the slender and graceful curves of her legs.

A pair of high-heeled short leather boots made her look even taller.

On the slender legs, there is a waist that is tightly grasped.

Further up, there are plump and perfect breasts, jade neck and head, and exquisite and fashionable short hair.

There is no place that is not filled with youthful and moving beauty.

She held a bag of donkey-hide gelatin dates in her hand, pinched one with her slender fingers, and put it into her ruddy lips.

The small mouth puffed up and chewed slowly, the movements were extremely beautiful.

"Brother-in-law, are you going to plant daffodils?"

Chu Wenyan was about to start school, she was bored by herself, and planned to play with Yaya for a few more days before going to school.

Ye Yun nodded: "Yes."

"Then I'll take you to buy it! There are two flower markets in Jincheng, and the one in the southern district is bigger and better. Let's go there and shop!"

Ranran took a donkey-hide gelatin date and stuffed it into Yaya's mouth, and took the little girl from Ye Yun's arms with a smile.

"So sweet!"

Yaya took Ranran's bag over, put her arms around her neck and said with a smile:

"Auntie, you drive the car, I'll give you a jujube!"

Ran Ran pampered her with a kiss, and smiled: "Little greedy cat, thank you, auntie!"

Afterwards, Ranran drove, took Ye Yun and Yaya to the Minghuahui Flower Market in the Southern District.

Half an hour later, the three arrived there.

After coming out of the parking lot, Ran Ran couldn't help frowning:
"Huh? Why is it so quiet today?"

As the largest flower market in Jincheng, Minghuahui has always been very popular.

Especially around the vernal equinox, it is the peak season for selling flowers.

But today, it looks very deserted.

Ye Yun said lightly: "Go and see."

As soon as the three arrived at the gate of the market, two men who looked like security guards stood in front of them:

"Sorry, the market is closed today, please come back this afternoon!"

Ran Ran took a look inside and saw that all the shops at the door were open for business, she couldn't help but be surprised and said:
"But they are all open, why not let them in?"

Seeing that she was extremely beautiful, the security guard patiently explained:
"This morning, a big person came to inspect here, and it will be temporarily closed."

"You'll be fine after dinner."

Ran Ran curiously said:
"What kind of big man has such a big show?"

"Didn't it say on TV that no matter who you are, you can't engage in privileges?"

Seeing her innocent expression, the security guard shook his head and smiled:
"Girl, you are still too naive!"

"It says on TV that you don't engage in privileges, so is there no privileges in this world?"

"We don't know who that big shot is, but we just received a call from the market manager asking us to close the place and prohibit people from entering."

However, she frowned unhappily:
"How can we be idlers?"

Turning around, she pouted, obviously making her a waste of time, which made her very upset.

Yaya also pouted and said disappointedly:
"It's a pity, I really want to see Fairy Lingbo sooner."

This is the name of the fairy in the cartoon. She really wanted to see the real appearance of Fairy Lingbo with her own eyes.

Seeing Yaya's disappointed face, Ye Yun couldn't help frowning slightly, and said to the security guard:

"My daughter wants to buy flowers, so she just leaves."

The security guard shook his head and said, "No! The regulations above cannot be violated!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a man in a suit walked over aggressively.

He looked at the two security guards with condescending eyes, and scolded:

"What's going on? You are told to evacuate everyone, why do you still have people blocking the gate?"

"If Deputy Mayor An sees it, can you bear it?"

The two security guards immediately bowed and apologized:

"Sorry, Secretary Feng!"

This man in a suit, named Feng Zhiyuan, is the deputy mayor's secretary.

It was him just now, who arranged for the two security guards to stop people at the door.

When Ye Yun heard him mention Deputy Mayor An, he guessed that it was An Xinwei, so he asked:
"The deputy mayor you are talking about is An Xinwei?"


Feng Zhiyuan frowned after hearing this: "Who are you? We, Deputy Mayor An, were you the one who called him directly?"

He has been in the officialdom for many years, from the secretary of the district chief executive to the position of secretary to the deputy mayor.

Therefore, he knew everyone in Jincheng's officialdom.

In front of them, although Ye Yun and Ranran were well-dressed and had an extraordinary temperament, they were not ordinary people at first glance.

However, he had never seen such a person in the officialdom, so he guessed that they came from a certain family in Jincheng.

As for which family, it is not so important.

In his view, people have never fought against officials since ancient times, and officials and ordinary people are not the same in terms of social status.

As the dignified deputy mayor of Jincheng City, An Xinwei should not be called by his first name in public no matter what.

As An Xinwei's secretary, he must immediately protect the face of the deputy mayor.

Ye Yun did not answer, but instead asked:

"It was An Xinwei who ordered you to stop at the gate?"

Feng Zhiyuan was taken aback when he heard this, hehe, this kid called Deputy Mayor An by his name twice in a row, he is quite courageous!
He straightened his back, puffed out his chest and looked at Ye Yun proudly:

"How could Vice Mayor An bother about such a trivial matter?"

"I'm the one who stopped here, what can you do?"

However, she showed a look of contempt:

"That is to say, you wanted to flatter An Xinwei, that's why you did these things, right?"

She had learned a long time ago that An Xinwei was Ye Yun's cousin.

Back then, she was the older sister who helped An Xinwei become the deputy mayor.

Feng Zhiyuan's mind was punctured by Ranran, his face was a little embarrassed, and he said unhappily:

"What is flattery? As subordinates, we should naturally solve problems for the leader."

"Today, the leader inspected. If there are too many people here, how can the leader understand the real livelihood of the people?"

Ran Ran disdainfully smiled and said:

"Speaking with confidence! Could it be that if you block everyone, you can let him know about people's livelihood?"

Feng Zhiyuan was choked by her again, his face turned red, and he said angrily:
"I don't want to talk nonsense with you! In short, this place is closed in the morning, so come back in the afternoon!"

With a wave of his hand, he issued an order to evict the security: "Drive them away! Don't stand in the way of the gate!"

"Feng Zhiyuan!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone behind him shouted angrily.

An Xinwei walked over quickly with a few leaders who looked like leaders.

He stared at Feng Zhiyuan angrily:
"I said why I didn't see anyone after walking around for half a circle, so it's all because of your good deeds!"

"From now on, you are dismissed, get out!"

He turned around and looked at Ye Yun with some embarrassment:

"Brother, I'm sorry, I didn't expect this kid..."

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled:
"None of your business."

Ye Yun has always believed that An Xinwei is a straightforward person and would not do such a dirty thing.

Otherwise, Murong Yan would not have let him become the deputy mayor.


Before Feng Zhiyuan could go far, he turned his head and looked at Ye Yun in bewilderment.

He had just been promoted from the position of secretary to the district chief executive, so he hadn't figured out An Xinwei's connections.

Thinking that he had just been promoted and wanted to establish a good relationship with the big boss and flatter him, he decided to clear the flower market without authorization.

Unexpectedly, the flattery failed, and instead kicked the iron plate!
What the heck, he really got it right!

(End of this chapter)

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