Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 297 Where's Your Masculinity?

Chapter 297 Where's Your Masculinity?

Chu Wenyan couldn't help but rolled his eyes:
"Are you sick? When you signed up yesterday, the person you saw wasn't you?"

The person who came was Kang Zhitao, the son of a director of Jincheng University of Foreign Studies.

This person is one year older than Chu Wenyan, and is her senior.

When Chu Wenyan came to school on the first day, he was followed by him.

Although Jincheng University of Foreign Studies is a private school of aristocratic nature, there are many beautiful daughters from various families in it.

However, beauties like Chu Wenyan, who exude a pure temperament all over the body, and have a boyish personality, are simply rare.

In particular, she has never had any scandals with any boys during the whole year of enrollment, and she is regarded as a treasure-level school belle by some rich children.

The fame in the school is also the senior sister who is close to the third year, and is called "Contemporary Diaochan" by the classmates, Lingxue.

As the son of the school director, Kang Zhitao's status in the school was elevated.

Some people even called him the first school grassroots in the history of Jincheng University of Foreign Studies.


No one is more handsome than him!
No one is more talented than him!
As the saying goes, a man is talented and a woman looks good, so Kang Zhitao directly made himself Chu Wenyan's boyfriend by default.

He also said that in this school, except for him, no one is allowed to pursue Chu Wenyan, otherwise he would be his enemy.

When Chu Wenyan first heard him say such words, he was extremely disgusted with him.

In her eyes, this kind of person is no different from Lu Zhiqiang.

One regarded her as a prey, and the other regarded her as his exclusive product.

It's disgusting!
So, when she saw this Kang Zhitao, she couldn't help but want to get angry.

Kang Zhitao stepped forward and said with a cheeky smile:
"For you, it's a day, but for me, it's a year!"

"There is a saying that if you don't see each other for a day, it's like three autumns. This is how I feel now!"

"Zhitao speaks really well! He is indeed the number one talented scholar, and his speech is really good!"

The two dog legs immediately flattered.

Chu Wenyan frowned, and stared at them in disgust:
"Kang Zhitao, I advise you not to pester me anymore, I really hate you!"

Yaya nodded in agreement:

"Aunt Yan is right! Scoundrel, don't think about my Aunt Yan!"

Kang Zhitao frowned and glared at Yaya, intending to scold her.

But thinking that she is Chu Wenyan's little niece, he forced a smile and said:
"Little friend, I'm not a bad guy, I'm just your Aunt Yan's suitor."

"Look, kid, is uncle's ring interesting? Do you want to give it to you?"

He pointed to a ring on his hand with a seductive smile on his face.

"do not want!"

Yaya flatly refused.

Aunt Yan doesn't care for anyone, she doesn't want anything!

Chu Wenyan sighed speechlessly:

"Kang Zhitao, even children don't like you, you better go!"

"Also, I warn you, don't talk nonsense in school, I am not your private property, please respect me!"

Kang Zhitao showed an arrogant expression:

"Am I wrong in saying that? In this school, only I can pursue you!"

"I didn't disrespect you, I just thought that you should be my girlfriend, and no one else!"

He spoke frankly and righteously.

It seemed that in this school, he was the only candidate for Chu Wenyan.

And Chu Wenyan couldn't refuse him either!
Seeing this, Yaya couldn't help thinking that Lu Zhiqiang had the same expression when he pursued Aunt Yan that day.

So he poked Chu Wenyan with his small hand:
"Aunt Yan, he is very similar to that Shu Shu who served as a soldier."

Chu Wenyan nodded and sneered:
"It's really similar! Both of them are very narcissistic!"

Kang Zhitao heard something unusual in his words, and asked quickly:

"The soldier you mentioned is also the one who pursued you?"


Chu Wenyan looked at him coldly:
"A person who is as self-righteous as you, was taught a lesson by my eldest cousin, and he will know how to behave!"

Mentioning Ye Yun, Chu Wenyan couldn't help raising his chin slightly.

That proud look made Kang Zhitao very unhappy.

"The big cousin you are talking about, can't it be him?"

Kang Zhitao glanced at Ye Yun disdainfully.

He is very handsome, but he is too motherly. Chu Wenyan actually showed admiration for this kind of person, he must be blind!

He couldn't help but tilted his neck and made a clucking sound, as if I was more of a man than you.

Chu Wenyan nodded: "Yes!"

Kang Zhitao shook his head and sneered:
"Chu Wenyan, I really convinced you, in order to reject me, you can even use this kind of person as a shield!"

"She's sissy, not manly at all!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he knelt heavily on the ground.

Below the knee, a large pool of blood flowed out in an instant.

"Ah! Ah! It hurts me to death!"

"what happened?!"

Kang Zhitao was stunned.

How come you just knelt down?

He felt that his kneecaps were smashed, and the pain almost made him faint.

Ye Yun walked in front of him, staring at him coldly, like a god of death:

"Tell me, where is your masculinity?"


When Kang Zhitao raised his head and looked directly into Ye Yun's eyes, he felt a chill in his heart.

That kind of gaze, like a bloodthirsty beast, is staring at him closely, if one is not careful, he will be torn to pieces!
Ye Yun slapped him hard on the face, only hitting him like a pig's head, with teeth flying.


"I...I don't know!"

Kang Zhitao was so painful that he almost fainted, his heart was full of grief and indignation.

Kneeling on the ground and being ravaged, it's still manly, it's not bad if you don't cry!
"Papa, let's go!"

Seeing Kang Zhitao's dead pig's expression, Yaya was not in the mood to stay any longer, so she dragged Ye Yun and Chu Wenyan into the campus.

After about 2 minutes, Kang Zhitao felt his body lighten up, and the pressure suddenly disappeared.

The two dog legs quickly helped him up:

"Zhitao, this kid looks like a master of martial arts, he's not easy to mess with!"

Kang Zhitao's face was red and swollen, his legs shook violently, and the blood on his knees kept flowing.

He gritted his teeth tightly, his eyes were about to split open, he looked at Ye Yun's back with hatred, and cursed angrily:
"Fucking martial arts masters! My father is the director of the school, and he knows a lot of masters!"

"This bastard still dares to stay in the school, I will ask someone to depose him now!"

"It's paralyzing, it hurts me to death!"

He had a ferocious face, as if he wanted to eat people.

And before, completely different.

The two dog legs were startled by him, and quickly helped him walk towards the Rolls Royce by the roadside:
"Zhitao, we'll send you to the hospital first, and when the pain stops, we'll find someone to deal with this kid!"

Kang Zhitao nodded. He was in so much pain that he wanted to die. It was more important to go to the hospital first.

Anyway, Chu Wenyan would still stay in the school, he felt that Ye Yun could run away as a monk, but could not escape from the temple.

However, just after the car drove out of a street, it suddenly lost control and hit the lamppost at an unimaginable speed.

The three of them lost consciousness at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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