Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 300 Play a game for your daughter!

Chapter 300 Play a game for your daughter!
"and many more!"

As soon as the old man finished speaking, Yao Fangling covered her mouth and stared at the old man in surprise.

" are not Principal Guo, are you?"

It suddenly occurred to her that yesterday in the school leadership's office, she saw a group photo of all the school leaders.

The one standing in the middle is the old man.

According to their status in the school, he should be the principal of this school, Guo Yaobang.

Guo Yaobang smiled at her, nodded and said:
"Little girl, I have some eyesight."


When he said this, the girls were all stunned.

Tangtang principal, why did you play Go in the library?


Yao Fangling remembered that there had always been a legend in school that there was a Go master lurking in the library.

As long as it is the person who moves his chess pieces, he will chase them to the next game.

Unexpectedly, this person turned out to be the principal of the school.

Although, when she came to the library before, she would see the chessboard here.

However, because Guo Yaobang has already killed all the invincible opponents in this school, it is difficult to see him revealing his real body.

Therefore, like most of their classmates, they all saw the chessboard but had no idea who was behind it.

Guo Yaobang seemed to see the doubts of the girls, and said with a smile:

"You must want to know, why am I hiding here to play chess?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that it's because our school's library is the most advanced in the city. Only by staying here can we meet truly knowledgeable people, and among these people, there may be Go masters."

"As a chess idiot with seven dans in Go, I finally met a master a few days ago."

"Unexpectedly, before breaking his chess game, he was moved by this little girl. Now..."

He looked at Ye Yun with burning eyes:

"Young man, you must replace your daughter and play a game with me. Do you dare?"

Ye Yun smiled lightly: "Why don't you dare?"

"Big cousin, the principal is a master of the seventh stage!"

"Yeah, although I don't know much about Go, but I heard that if you can reach the seventh dan, that level is already top-notch. Some players, the level of the seventh dan is even higher than others' level nine."

"Our Huaxia chess player, Kong Jie, is such a person, he is very, very good!"

Guo Yaobang has been gaining prestige in the school for a long time, and these girls couldn't help being shocked when they learned of his true identity.

Although winning or losing the next game is irrelevant.

But these girls all regard Ye Yun as a super idol, and they don't want him to lose too badly.

After all, Guo Yaobang is a master who has been proven in actual combat for several years.

Ye Yun, however, has not let these girls see his Go level.

Ye Yun smiled slightly at them: "It's okay."

Unexpectedly, Ye Yun agreed without even thinking about it.

With such a calm look on his face, it felt like he was sure to win before the competition even started.

This made Chu Wenyan and the others secretly surprised, but also had a tinge of expectation.

Chu Wenyan even prepared a new label for his eldest cousin in his heart.

National Go player!

Ye Yun then picked up a sunspot and put it on the chessboard.


His hand made Guo Yaobang tremble in shock.

"One trick turns the world upside down and breaks the deadlock! Seconds! Really seconds!"

Guo Yaobang thought hard for seven days, but failed to find a way to break the deadlock.

I was on the phone with that person just now, and I was laughed at.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yun resolved the deadlock with a subsequent pawn.

Moreover, when this sunspot falls, the outcome is instantly determined!

No change!

How could this not surprise Guo Yaobang?

"Young man, your hand is so clever! But it may be a coincidence once, and you can see the truth twice!"

"Let's talk about the next set first!"

Guo Yaobang rubbed his hands together with a fiery expression on his face.

Obviously, he was looking forward to the battle with Ye Yun.

"it is good!"

Ye Yun sat down and held Yaya in his arms.

Seeing this, Guo Yaobang couldn't help frowning:
"Young man, the chessboard is like a battlefield, every movement and stillness is a murderous intent."

"What is important is to be calm and judge the situation. With the child in your arms, can you still play chess well?"

He felt that Ye Yun was playing chess with the child in his arms.

Or you are too conceited and don't take yourself seriously.

Either he didn't know much about Go, and the move just now was purely ignorant.

Both made Guo Yaobang disdain Ye Yun.

After all, he is a majestic seventh-dan master, no matter who is facing him, he should show enough seriousness to fight against him.

Instead of a casual look like the young man in front of him.

Ye Yun glanced at him lightly and said:

"Since you said that the chessboard is like a battlefield, you must also know that when the two armies are fighting, the generals will charge forward, and the generals will strategize."

"Without a worldly general, you can talk and laugh, and the mast and scull will be wiped out. It doesn't have to be for everyone to put on a show of fighting to the death, right?"


Guo Yaobang was stunned by what he said.

However, Yao Fangling approached Chu Wenyan's ear with a smile:

"Wen Yan, I recorded what Handsome Ye said, it's really impressive!"

"I'm so afraid that if I stay with him again, I really can't help falling in love with him!"

Chu Wenyan gave her a white look with a smile:
"Then run away quickly!"

"I don't! I can't bear it!"

Yao Fangling immediately shook her head.

"Tch, don't agree!"

Chu Wenyan pushed Yao Fangling's forehead with his small head, and the two hugged and laughed in a low voice.

Guo Yaobang came back to his senses and looked at Ye Yun with admiration:

"Young man, for what you said just now, I will make you my friend!"

"I, Guo Yaobang, have lived to be 69 years old, and I have never met a young man with a heart and insight like you!"

"Today, let's have a good game! You go first!"

A quarter of an hour later.

Guo Yaobang, who was still high-spirited and murderous at first, was already dripping with sweat.

The right hand holding the chess pieces kept trembling slightly.

"This this……"

On the chessboard, the sunspots have surrounded the whites.

Like a million soldiers besieging the city, Bai Zi almost has no room to defend.

"Young man, can you regret the game?"

Guo Yaobang asked with a red face.

He is a seven-dan Go master. When he was young, he had participated in China's top professional league and won the championship for three consecutive years.

After retiring, he became the principal of Jincheng University of Foreign Studies.

After living in seclusion for so many years, I set up a chess table in the library in order to meet some masters unexpectedly.

Seven days ago, he met a [-]th-dan big player. After the two fought for a set, the opponent left a deadlock for him to break.

He originally thought that that big national player was already the most difficult opponent he had ever encountered.

Unexpectedly, the young man in front of him would not give in too much!

Ye Yun smiled lightly: "It's useless to regret the game."

Guo Yaobang hastily observed the chessboard carefully for a while, and finally got up and let out a long sigh:
"You're right, it's useless to regret it."

"I surrender!"

(End of this chapter)

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