Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 305 I have a child, can break the world!

Chapter 305 I have a son who can break the world!

next morning.

Ye Yun returned to Murong Villa after sending Yaya to the kindergarten, and saw a beautiful girl standing there pretty.

Chu Wenyan had no class this morning, so he came over early in the morning to help Murong Hui plant flowers in the backyard.

Seeing Ye Yun, she hurried up to meet him: "Big cousin, there are experts coming to challenge you!"

Ye Yun smiled slightly, he had already guessed who came.

After the two entered the door, they saw two gray-haired old men sitting in the room.

One of them is Guo Yaobang, the president of Jincheng University of Foreign Studies.

The other person looked almost 80 years old.

He was wearing a white Chinese tunic suit, with a white beard and fluttering long beard, and he looked like a master.

Behind the old man stood two young men, their expressions full of seriousness.

When they saw Ye Yun, there was some contempt in their eyes.

Seeing Ye Yun enter the door, Murong Hui stepped forward and said with a smile:

"Ye Yun, they said they came to challenge you to go."

"One of them is the principal of our Jincheng University of Foreign Studies, and the other one said that he will only announce his name after you come back."

Ye Yun smiled lightly.

The old man next to Guo Yaobang has quite a spectrum.

However, he also heard Guo Yaobang's phone call yesterday, and felt that Guo Yaobang seemed to be in awe of this person.

Logically speaking, with Guo Yaobang's seven-dan Go level, to make him so awe-inspiring, his level must be unfathomable.

Naturally, there is also the capital of pride.

Unfortunately, what he met was Ye Yun.

Since he didn't speak, Ye Yun didn't bother to answer.

In this world, who has more face than the Supreme Killing God?
Seeing Ye Yun's indifferent look, the old man couldn't help but frowned, and said:

"Young man, it was you who broke my trap yesterday?"

Ye Yun nodded slightly: "Yes."

The old man frowned even deeper.

Young, with a self-righteous demeanor, wait and see how the old man teaches you how to behave!

Guo Yaobang got up and said:

"Mr. Ye, this is the one I mentioned to you, the one who set up the dragon chess game."

"He is our big national player in China. So far, the only nine-dan master who has won the Go league championship for ten consecutive years and won a gold medal in the International Go Championship, Mr. Zhang Taiyan!"

As his words fell, Zhang Taiyan and the two apprentices behind him couldn't help raising their chins.

"Zhang Taiyan?"

Murong Hui had an epiphany look on his face.

"It turns out that he is a chess master!"

In the past 50 years in Huaxia, there is only one person who can be called a chess master.

He is, Jincheng Zhang Taiyan!
Murong Hui did not expect that he would appear at home today.

Moreover, he is still here to challenge Ye Yun!

Zhang Taiyan was very satisfied with Murong Hui's shocked expression, nodded slightly and smiled:
"The world respects me as a master of chess, and that is someone who looks down on me, Zhang."

"However, the road to chess is long, and the road I have to go is still very long!"

Although the words were modest, there was a faint hint of arrogance.

He set his eyes on Ye Yun:

"Young man, I didn't want to come here at first, but old man Guo kept pulling me over."

"Now that we're here, how about we play a few games?"

Ye Yun nodded casually: "Yes."

Seeing that he didn't take it seriously at all, Zhang Taiyan couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Today, if Guo Yaobang hadn't dragged him here forcibly.

How could he compete chess with an unknown person?
You must know that he is highly respected and well-known in the Weiqi world in China.

If people knew that he ran to the home of an unknown junior and challenged him, wouldn't it make people laugh?
Therefore, he decided to teach this young man a lesson today.

"Set up a chessboard!"

Zhang Taiyan waved his hand, quite like a master.

The two disciples behind him immediately set up the chessboard respectfully.

On both sides, there is a can of black and white.

"Young man, you come first!"

Zhang Taiyan looked at Ye Yun indifferently.

Murong Hui hurriedly stepped forward, he had never seen Ye Yun play Go, and was very curious about Ye Yun's Go level.

Moreover, the person sitting across from Ye Yun is still China's Chess Master, which is really interesting!
And Chu Wenyan stood beside Ye Yun with a smile on his face.

Her intuition told herself that the big cousin would be invincible!

"The way of Go is the way of life. When one piece falls, life begins."

"The battle of Go is like a battle between strategists. Big rivers and big rivers must not give up an inch of ground!"

After Ye Yun's first piece fell, Zhang Taiyan picked up a chess piece and said calmly.

The two disciples behind him all showed expressions of incomparable admiration, and sighed in low voices:
"The teacher is really good! The true meaning of life and Go can be summed up in one word!"

After Ye Yun's second son landed, Zhang Taiyan couldn't help but glance at him:
"The young man is a little guilty. Seeing that you act so quickly, you must not have thought much about it?"

Ye Yun smiled faintly:
"The speed of action seems to have nothing to do with whether you think carefully, right?"

"what ever!"

Zhang Taiyan couldn't help but accentuate his tone.

This young man is really too frivolous, can he really break his own predicament?

10 minute later.


Zhang Taiyan, who was calm and composed before, suddenly frowned.

On the forehead, there was a faint drop of sweat.


On the chessboard, neither side even took out half of the pieces.

However, Ye Yun's sunspots had formed a tendency to surround Zhang Taiyan's white sons.

There is no going forward, no going back.

Although it has not been eaten completely, but there is no flaw to follow.

"You don't intend to kill my big dragon, do you?"

Zhang Taiyan's hands trembled slightly.

He had already discovered that Ye Yun was going to take most of his chess pieces in one go.

Moreover, he has no power to fight back!
"You see it?"

Ye Yun smiled lightly.


Zhang Taiyan's scalp was numb when he saw it.

He never thought that he, a famous chess master, would have a day when someone would kill the dragon!

"My God! What kind of monster are you!"

"I've been in the chess world for dozens of years, and I've never met someone who can put half of the chess pieces out like you can kill people!"

Under the shocked gazes of Murong Hui and Guo Yaobang, Zhang Taiyan stood up and cupped his hands towards Ye Yun.

"Senior! You have been taught!"

In front of Ye Yun, an old man who was nearly eighty years old showed the pious gaze of a primary school student.

"Wow, big cousin is really amazing!"

Chu Wenyan happily gave Ye Yun a thumbs up.

My own feeling is indeed right!
Big cousin is the best!

Ye Yun got up and asked: "Is there any more competition next?"

"Don't dare!"

Zhang Taiyan shook his head immediately.

"However, I wonder if senior can solve the most difficult chess game in the world?"

"I don't want to provoke seniors, but there is a chess game, which is the supreme challenge for everyone in the whole Go world. I think seniors are skilled, so why not give it a try?"

His eyes are burning, if he can see someone solve this chess game in his lifetime, he will die without regret!
Ye Yun smiled faintly: "You are talking about the only dead end game in "Ten Games of Danghu", right?"

Zhang Taiyan's eyes shone with incomparable astonishment:
"You know this too?"

Ye Yun nodded:

""Ten Games of Danghu" is a chess game produced by Shi Xiangxia and Fan Xiping, two great Go players in the Qing Dynasty in China during the Qianlong period."

"The only dead game among them has been hailed by the world Go world as the most difficult game in history."

Zhang Taiyan already smelled something unusual in his words, and hurriedly asked:
"Senior, do you have a way to crack it?"

As he said that, he quickly ordered his two disciples to play out the deadlock.

Ye Yun picked up a sunspot and smiled lightly:
"With a smile, the wind and thunder shake, and with a rage, the sea is cold; with one hand, he breaks the sky, and with one sword, he dances through the sky."

"I have a son who can break the universe!"

The black man fell.

The entire chess and card board faintly emitted a golden light.

When the golden light dissipated, Zhang Taiyan opened his eyes wide, full of horror.


"It's really broken!"

"You are a miracle!"

His eyes were burning, his body was trembling, looking at Ye Yun's eyes was like facing a god.

"Senior, your hand is the strongest in China in 5000 years!"

"Please accept me!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Taiyan, the Chinese Chess Master, gave Ye Yun a ninety-degree bow.

(End of this chapter)

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