Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 311 Even if the Three Realms are overthrown, find him!

Chapter 311 Even if the Three Realms are overthrown, find him!
Qingyang City.

The moon and stars are scarce, and the birds fly south.

Ye Yun has arrived, located in front of a pedestrian street in the urban area.

According to the address given by Xiao Huang, the man surnamed Chen, Chen Guande, is in the pedestrian street, in an old-fashioned courtyard.

Since this pedestrian street has just been built, the commercial facilities inside are not complete, and the popularity is very low.

In addition, this street was rebuilt from an original rural road. The houses on both sides are relatively dilapidated and the environment is relatively messy.

It seems that it is out of tune with the urban area of ​​Qingyang.

"Ye Yun!"

Just as Ye Yun was about to walk in, a clear and pleasant voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Turning around, I saw a Volkswagen Beetle parked in front of me.

The car window fell, and a delicate and beautiful face smiled at him.

Then she got out of the car and happily ran to Ye Yun.

Ye Zhiqi was wearing a black tight-fitting shirt tonight, and the neckline of the shirt was decorated with exquisite white petal-shaped patterns.

On the tall chest, the pattern has been squeezed into a slightly curved shape.

The design of the middle sleeves allowed her pair of small white arms, which were as white as jade, to be exposed outside, shining brightly under the light.

Around her waist was a black belt studded with diamonds, and the slender waist was barely able to be grasped under the tight belt.

On the fair and delicate face, the burgundy lips are particularly attractive in the night.

"It's really you!"

In his tone, there was great surprise.

Ye Yun nodded: "It's me."

"You came to Qingyang, why didn't you tell me?"

After Ye Zhiqi finished speaking, her pretty face flushed slightly.

This tone is very similar to a girl acting like a baby to her boyfriend, blaming him for not notifying herself in advance.

Ye Yun smiled faintly:
"I have something to do here, so I don't need to trouble you."


Ye Zhiqi clasped her hands together, placed them on her lower abdomen, and stood up pretty: "Then go do your work first!"

"OK, bye."

Ye Yun nodded, then turned around and walked inside.

After walking about 100 meters, he came to the courtyard where Chen Guande lived.

The lights inside were brightly lit, and there were noisy noises from time to time, as well as a pungent smell of smoke wafting out.

Ye Yun opened the door and went in, and saw two burly men walking over.

"Who are you looking for?"

the big man asked.

"Chen Guande."

Ye Yun replied.

The two big men could not help becoming vigilant when they heard that he spoke with a foreign accent and was relatively unfamiliar:

"Call him first, he's not here."

Ye Yun smiled slightly and continued to walk inside.

"Damn it! Are you here to mess things up?"

As soon as the two big men saw this formation, they knew that the coming was not good.

Immediately, they waved their arms and punched Ye Yun.



In just a split second, both of their arms were completely shattered.

Ye Yun lifted one of the big men, aimed at the front door and smashed it.


The door was knocked open, and the big man fell to the ground and passed out instantly.


Dozens of people gathered together to gamble, and there was a mess of smoke.

Everyone was startled by this movement, and looked towards the door one after another.

"Damn it, someone is here to mess things up! Brothers, copy the guy!"

The big man behind Ye Yun hissed.

Immediately, more than a dozen people rushed out with iron bars and machetes in their hands.

Obviously, they are all guards of the casino. Seeing that someone is coming to make trouble, why not go all out?

However, Ye Yun just waved his hand, and a blast of wind came out.

Then there was a sound of broken bones, and all these dog legs fell to the ground, leaving only the strength to howl.


"Is this him, is the X-Men coming?"

Everyone in the casino gasped.

This perverted guy, isn't he here to catch a bet?

"Chen Guande, get out!"

Ye Yun walked into the door, and a wave of invisible true energy blew away all the smell of smoke inside.

Under his tremendous pressure, everyone lowered their heads and trembled, not daring to look directly.

"Boy, dare to go to Lao Tzu's place to make trouble, isn't it boring?"

A fat man rushed out, holding a pistol in his hand, and glared at Ye Yun viciously.

Ye Yun recognized at a glance that this person was Chen Guande.

"come over."

Ye Yun said lightly.

Chen Guande smiled disdainfully: "Who are you? You tell me to come here? Believe it or not, I shot..."

"Hey, what's going on?"

The gun in his hand instantly turned into a pile of iron filings, fell to the ground and was blown away by the wind.


Chen Guande's legs went limp, and he knelt on the ground panting heavily.

Where did this evildoer come from?

I have never offended this character!

He almost stopped his heart in fright, and crawled to Ye Yun, tremblingly said:

"Master, you and I have never met before!"

"Did you find the wrong person?"

Ye Yun didn't answer, but instead asked:
"Do you know An Fanghua?"

Chen Guande was taken aback, thought for a while and said:
"Are you talking about that An Fanghua from Jincheng Dahang Village?"


Ye Yun's eyes flashed with excitement.

Since this person can say the mother's name, he must know the mother.

After dismissing a group of gamblers, Ye Yun sat in front of Chen Guande, staring at him coldly:
"Does my mother's death have anything to do with you?"

"She...she died?"

Chen Guande was stunned.

"She is a rare beauty in our Dahang Village. How could she die at such a young age?"

If An Fanghua was still alive, she would only be in her 40s.

Chen Guande felt that with her looks, she must still be a great beauty at this age.

Ye Yun frowned slightly:

"You don't know about her?"

"Of course I don't know!"

Chen Guande shook his head quickly.

"Although I am also from Dahang Village, when I was here, I came to Qingyang to hang out!"

"I haven't been back for so many years. I just remember that she is a very beautiful woman with a good personality and is very popular with men."

After listening to Chen Guande's words, Ye Yun fell into deep thought.

Judging by Chen Guande's expression, it seemed that he really didn't know what happened to his mother in those years.

"Then do you know, is there anyone else named Chen among my mother's acquaintances?"

Ye Yun thought for a while and continued to ask.

Chen Guande's eyes flickered, he shook his head and said:
"I have no idea!"


Ye Yun was keenly aware of his strangeness, a ray of extremely cold light penetrated Chen Guande's eyeballs and pierced his heart.

"Tell me what you know, or I'll kill you and torture your soul!"


Under Ye Yun's cold gaze, Chen Guande was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he quickly lay down on the ground and said:

"I said! I know a person named Chen Min!"

"He used to be from the village next door to us. He tried to pursue your mother, but she kept rejecting him!"

"Later, some people said that Chen Min died suddenly, and others said that he became a fairy. I didn't expect that anyone who mentioned him would die!"

"It's also because I had a fight with him before that I was so scared that I ran to Qingyang City and have been hiding until now!"

Ye Yun frowned, and asked:
"Then, does anyone in the An family know this person?"

Chen Guande thought for a while, shook his head and said:
"No one should know. Otherwise, as long as they mentioned this person, they would have died a long time ago."

In case he was lying, Ye Yun used the soul search method to confirm Chen Guande's statement.

It seems that Chen Min can basically be concluded to be the man surnamed Chen in the mother's notes.

Unexpectedly, this Chen Min was so wicked.

However, for Ye Yun, no matter whether he is Li Kui or Li Gui, he must be caught!
He immediately sent a voice transmission to Xiao Huang, asking him to find this person.

And remind Xiao Huang that this person may not be an extraordinary person, even if the Three Realms are overthrown, he must be found!
After leaving Chen Guande's place, he saw Ye Zhiqi still standing there.

Under the moonlight, the pretty shadow pavilion.

After seeing Ye Yun, her beautiful face bloomed like a flower.

Bright and moving.

(End of this chapter)

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