Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 314 This is the real miracle!

Chapter 314 This is the real miracle!
In the audience, because of the appearance of Ye Yun and Yaya, the audience fell silent instantly.


"Huh? Who is that handsome guy? Seeing what he means, he seems to want to touch that dolphin?"

"Jasco's dolphin is not something you can touch casually. I heard that so far, only the President of the United States has touched it once. At that time, the dolphin almost got angry!"

Many people shook their heads secretly.

In this world, everyone loves beautiful things.

However, there are some things that can only be seen after all, and cannot be touched.

This dolphin of Jasko has been with him for four or five years.

Although, many people have seen the performance of flying dolphins.

However, being able to watch such a magic trick with one's own eyes still makes many people feel very proud.

As for the dolphin, it was his baby.

How is it possible to let people touch it casually?

"I guess, this handsome guy should be the man of Patriarch Murong. I just heard Boss Pei call him Mr. Ye. It should be close to each other!"

"It's the man of Patriarch Murong, so what? Jia Sike is a world-class magician, if he doesn't show face, why not just blow him away!"

Seeing some girls showing admiration towards Ye Yun, some men said sourly.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, all of which reached Jaske's ears.

He is also very familiar with Chinese, so he also knows that the person standing in front of him is a member of a big local family in Jincheng.


"Sir, I don't care who you are, my dolphins are untouchable!"

"It is noble and mysterious! No one is qualified to touch it except me!"

Jass waved his hand impatiently and said:
"You guys have affected my performance now, please get out of here!"

"Otherwise, I'll call security!"

"Wait, Jasco!"

Pei Yanbin ran over at this time, "Mr. Ye's daughter, I just want to touch the dolphins, please help me."

Seeing that Pei Yanbin had come forward, Jia Sike couldn't help frowning slightly.

"You Huaxia people are really unreasonable!"

"My dolphin is a sacred object!"

"Even if I agree, it may not let you touch it!"

Ye Yun smiled faintly: "That's not necessarily the case."

After finishing speaking, he waved to the dolphin: "Come here."


Jaske put his hands on his chest and sneered.

In this world, the only one who can call him over with a wave of his hand is me, Jaske!
Because, I am his master!

The only master!
The stupid and arrogant Chinese people are really ridiculous!
"This Mr. Ye is quite arrogant! Do you think he is a fairy? As soon as he waved his hand, the dolphin ran to him?"

The few men who satirized Ye Yun just now had extremely disdainful smiles on their faces.

No matter how handsome you are, so what if you have money?

In this world, after all, there are things you can't do!
However, in the look of everyone full of doubt and ridicule.

The dolphin actually flew towards Ye Yun!

Moreover, there was a cheerful cry from its mouth, which seemed very excited.

"Oh! My God! Poppy, what are you doing?"

Jaske was dumbfounded.

I am Bobby's only master!

It actually showed such enthusiasm towards that man!

"Papa, it's so cute!"

Yaya happily stroked Bobby's head.

I just feel that its skin is smooth, cool and comfortable.

"Bobby, come back! Are you crazy?"

Jaske blushed with anxiety and kept yelling at Bobby.

But Poppy ignored him completely.

Ye Yun smiled lightly and said:

"It's just a monster with a little spirituality. It was pretty good to be able to obey your orders before."

"You... how do you know?"

Jasko looked shocked.

Poppy is a dolphin he found off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

At that time, it was still young, and Jasko took it back to raise it.

Unexpectedly, as it grew up, Jia Sike discovered that it turned out to be an incredible beast.

Whenever it encounters high-density blue light, it can fly.

This secret, only he knows.

Even the president of the United States invited the top biologists, but failed to find out its unusualness.

Unexpectedly, this man saw its secret at a glance!
Ye Yun smiled disdainfully:
"I know more than you can imagine!"


Jia Sike was speechless, I really met a monster today!
"Papa, I want to ride on it, can I?"

Yaya thought of a cartoon "Little Flying Dragon" that she had watched, in which the boy was riding on a dolphin.


Ye Yun nodded lovingly: "But it's too small, I'll make it bigger so you can sit still."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Bobby's forehead.

Poppy's body length instantly changed from 1 meter to about 3 meters.

Moreover, the body exudes a dazzling blue light, shining brilliantly.

"Oh my God! This... this is a real miracle!"

"Mr. Ye, are you the incarnation of God?"

Jaske's face was full of shock and admiration.

This man can make Bobby so big in a flash.

Only the Creator, God, has this kind of means!
However, the audience in the audience all screamed when they saw this.

"My God! So he is a magician!"

"This move is even stronger than Jia Sike's! You are so talented!"

I don't know how many girls there are, and they cheered wildly.

In the supreme VIP room, Murong Yan, Luo Xuewei and Chu Wenyan looked at each other and smiled.

This man is truly omnipotent!
After Yaya finished riding, something that surprised Murong Yan and the others even more happened.

I see.

The son is like jade, with a peerless demeanor.

Ye Yun stood proudly in the center of the stage, holding Yaya in his hands, holding the microphone, raised his head, and stared affectionately in the direction of the VIP room.

"Today is my wife Murong Yan's birthday. On this very commemorative day, I originally wanted to give her the most beautiful gift in the universe as a surprise."

"However, I found that no matter how beautiful a gift is, it still can't express what I want to say, so I stand here and want to tell her..."

"My wife I love you!"

There was a tremor in his eyes, filled with tens of thousands of years of affection.

"I used to be timid and timid, and wanted to escape from this world. It was you who gave me infinite warmth and encouragement during the darkest time of my life."

"Although we had known each other for a short time at that time, if our relationship lasted for a long time, it would not be day and night. I love you, and I have loved you for a long, long time!"

"If you want to ask me how long it is, I will tell you, 4 years!"

"When I came back to you, I knew that you loved me as much. You used your persistence to keep the crystallization of our love and the happiness of our family. You deserve my best thoughts. To take care of you and love you!"

"I want to tell you that I will still love you for countless 4 years!!"

Ye Yun raised his hand and blew a kiss to the VIP room.

"Happy birthday, wife!"

After Ye Yun finished speaking, the audience burst into tears.

I don't know how many gazes gathered in the direction of the private room on the third floor at the same time.

Soon, a petite and beautiful figure quickly ran down from the third floor.

"Ye Yun! I love you too, madly in love with you!"

"I want to love you too, forever!"

"I had a very happy birthday! Very, very happy! Your appearance is my pride and my hope!"

"In this life, if I can meet you, even if the world falls apart, I will have no regrets!!"

With a smile and tears in her eyes, Murong Yan threw herself into Ye Yun's arms.

On this memorable day, all eyes were on and the two embraced tightly.

The audience applauded like thunder.

In the private room, Luo Xuewei, Chu Wenyan and Chen Yajing burst into tears instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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