Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 316 Sister-in-law's kindness is priceless!

Chapter 316 Sister-in-law's kindness is priceless!

At this time, outside the yard of the puppet troupe, a black Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle was parked there quietly.

In the back seat was a middle-aged man in his 40s, with a calm demeanor and a bit of a master.

Beside him, there was a young woman about 20 years old, holding his shoulders and beating his legs.

A big man with a Chinese face named Zhang Daqiang in the front seat looked back and said with a smile:

"Master Shi, you really don't need to come here in person for a trivial matter like demolition."

"If our boss finds out and brings you here, I'm afraid I'll be scolded to death by him when I go back!"

The Master Shi he was talking about was the sixth-ranked master in Jincheng, named Shi Biao.

This person had a deadly friendship with Ma Laiming. It was rumored that Ma Laiming's company had just been established ten years ago, and he offended someone, and his right hand was almost cut off.

It was he who saw injustice and saved Ma Laiming.

Since then, the two have sworn brothers with different surnames, sharing weal and woe.

Ma Laiming has always respected Shi Biao like a brother, not only gave him 20% of the company's shares, but also made him not need to worry about the company's affairs.

Just focus on cultivating and wait for the dividends every year.

As Ma Laiming's bodyguard, Zhang Daqiang naturally knew the importance of Shi Biao in his heart.

Now, Shi Biao insisted that he bring him here to personally supervise the demolition.

Zhang Daqiang could imagine that he would be severely taught by the boss after returning home.

After all, as Ma Laiming's subordinates, wouldn't it seem too incompetent if they had to drag the boss' brother over such a trivial matter?
Shi Biao opened his eyes slightly, and said slowly:
"It's okay, I'll explain it to you when I go back."

"In addition, I heard that this puppet troupe has been here for a long time, so I'm afraid it's not so active."

"After all, you are my brother's subordinates. This is the first time you have encountered such a difficult bone. If there is no one who can stay in charge, who can control the situation in time if things get serious?"

"You said so!"

Zhang Daqiang nodded quickly.

Shi Biao's words are not without reason.

Although Ma Laiming said that no matter who blocks it, don't take it to heart.

But for Shi Biao to come, at least one more guarantee for them.

In case of an accident, with Shi Biao's ability, he could indeed control the situation immediately.

"In this case, I will take people in first, and if there is anything, I will come to you again!"

Shi Biao waved his hand slowly, Zhang Daqiang looked at him respectfully, and then got out of the car.

At this time, the muck truck had already surrounded the puppet troupe.

Inside, there are seven or eight bulldozers, eyeing the three-story building in front.

Ye Yun, Murong Yan, Xiao Huang, and Pei Yanbin have already arrived at the door.

Seeing that the opponent's lineup is so strong, Pei Yanbin couldn't help sweating profusely:
"This bastard is going to be tough!"

He never expected that Ma Laiming would dare to demolish it.

You must know that this is an urban area, and without government orders, generally no one dares to move casually.

However, Pei Yanbin knew that Ma Laiming hadn't dealt with the government yet.

Otherwise, he would not fail to hear the wind.

Looking at the current situation, it was obvious that Ma Laiming was going to do something first, push his troupe, and force himself to leave here.

Thinking of this, Pei Yanbin burst into anger from the bottom of his heart.

Right now, the troupe is still an industry under his name, but Ma Laiming came to attack him.

Even if the mud bodhisattva is angry, how could he watch his ancestral family property being razed to the ground?

"Ma Laiming, the dog||day, if you dare to demolish it today, I will never stop dying with you!"

With Ye Yun and Murong Yan in charge, Pei Yanbin was not so afraid anymore.

Zhang Daqiang came to Pei Yanbin at this moment, and looked at him with disdain:
"Stupid||Fucking bastard, do you think that if you scold our boss a few words, the house will be saved today?"

"I tell you, we have dismantled all the surrounding surveillance cameras, and we will flatten your place tonight without anyone noticing it!"

"If you're sensible, crawl to our boss now and sign the contract! Otherwise, hehe..."

"I'll sign Nima a B!"

Pei Yanbin was really angry.

Signing the contract, but also crawling in front of Ma Laiming, does he really think that Pei Yanbin is a dog?
A slap slapped Pei Yanbin's face fiercely, knocking him to the ground.

Zhang Dayong stared at him arrogantly:
"Then let me watch over you, you won't have a single brick left tonight!"

"Wait until tomorrow, I'll see what you can do!"

With a wave of his hand, he shouted, "Brothers, push this broken building down!"

The bulldozer roared, ready to go.

Xiao Huang's nose twitched in displeasure, and said to Ye Yun:

"Boss, I'm going to teach these guys a lesson."

Murong Yan has already negotiated with Pei Yanbin about the acquisition, that is to say, the troupe and land are already equivalent to his property.

Although for Zijin Dragon Emperor, these are not worth mentioning at all.

But sister-in-law's kindness is priceless!

How could it be possible to watch others act wildly here?

Ye Yun nodded: "Okay."

Xiao Huang sneered, and flew to Zhang Daqiang's side in an instant, without saying a word, a slap was slapped on Zhang Daqiang's face.

Zhang Daqiang snorted, all the teeth in his mouth fell out, and he flew two or three meters away.

"Boy, do you dare to hit me?"

Zhang Daqiang said angrily.

"Beating you is still flattering you."

Xiao Huang clasped his hands on his chest and said disdainfully.

"Tell your boss to roll over and kowtow to beg for mercy, and I will spare him!"

"Hey, are you so crazy! You deserve it too, let our boss come forward?"

Zhang Daqiang sneered a few times, and waved his hand: "Kill him!"

He thought, this kid moves so fast and strikes so ruthlessly, he must be a practitioner.

Fighting alone is not his opponent, so hit him with a car!
A few bulldozers surrounded him, even if it was made of iron, it would be smashed to pieces!

He had just been complacent for a second before he completely shut his mouth.

I see.

Xiao Huang jumped high and stepped on a bulldozer in front of him.


A loud bang.

The bulldozer was crushed flat by his foot, and the driver who had been clamoring to crush him to death just now had already been trampled to pieces.

"Mentally handicapped! If the boss's daughter wasn't there, a single slap would crush you!"

Xiao Huang looked disdainful and jumped to the ground.

"Fuck! This guy is not human!"

Seeing this, the others immediately turned off the bulldozer, not daring to advance further.

"Damn it, Master Shi really guessed it right, there really are masters here!"

Zhang Daqiang quickly got up and ran outside: "Master Shi, there is indeed a hard problem, it's up to you to act!"

Murong Yan frowned when she saw that they still had masters sitting outside.

From the moment Zhang Daqiang and the others appeared, she felt something was wrong.

Logically speaking, Xinsun Group is considered a well-known enterprise in Jincheng, and their group's annual profit is several billion yuan.

However, the land under the puppet theater troupe, although it has been remodeled, has considerable profits.

But right now, the government's plan for this land has not yet been fully implemented.

There was no need for Ma Laiming to act in such a hurry.

You know, even a leading company like the Murong Group has no plans to attack this area, and the government hasn't heard any big rumors yet.

Ma Laiming is now forcing the demolition overnight, regardless of the government's control, which is obviously counterintuitive.


There was something here that he couldn't wait to get his hands on.

Murong Yan was gifted and intelligent, so after thinking about it, she quickly came to her senses and discovered something unusual.

Turning his head, Ye Yun looked at himself with a gentle smile on his face:

"Honey, you guessed it too."

The eyes are opposite, and the heart is in harmony.

Always know what the other person is thinking.


Murong Yan nodded slightly.

Ye Yun smiled:
"Let's wait and see what happens, there will be a big surprise tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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