Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 320 Yaya's gift!

Chapter 320 Yaya's gift!
After the twelve golden men hid for more than 2400 years, the first thing they did when they were born was to kill.

Ma Laiming, Qu Mingjun, Zuo Li and a group of people who went to demolish the puppet troupe, Ye Yun didn't keep any of them!

After all, if this matter is exposed, too many aspects will be involved.

Especially for the Murong Group, I am afraid it will have a bad influence.

Ye Yun didn't want to see any unfavorable news about Murong Yan spread outside.

After solving all the troubles, Murong Yan's Murong Group also signed a formal contract with Pei Yanbin.

60 billion was sent to Pei Yanbin's account at once, and Pei Yanbin was so excited that he knelt down and cried bitterly.

Next, Murong Yan arranged for the best construction company under the group to renovate the puppet troupe.

At the same time, he ordered his most capable secretary to assist Xiao Huang and Chen Yajing in applying for business licenses, as well as a complete set of procedures needed to run the company.

Moreover, the original puppet troupe was renamed Jincheng Yalong Entertainment City.

This name was jointly created by Xiao Huang and Chen Yajing.

Ya is the homonym of Ya.

And the dragon is naturally the dragon in Xiao Huang's name.

After several months of getting along, Xiao Huang felt that none of the 390 official girlfriends he talked about before seemed to be as good as Chen Yajing.

This made him have to look forward to what the next earth woman who could make him so turbulent would look like.

However, Chen Yajing is also working hard to display her infinite charm, trying to hold this fickle Aaron firmly in her hands.

It seems that there is still about a week before the opening of Yalong Entertainment City.

Ye Zhiqi called Ye Yun. On the phone, her voice was still light and pleasant, with the charm of a mature woman.

"Ye Yun, today is my 22nd birthday. The staff held a birthday party for me at the bar. I would like to invite you to come with Yaya, is that okay?"

When Ye Yun answered the phone, he was holding Yaya and playing with the tablet.

The little girl has very good ears, so she quickly raised her head and held the phone in her hand:
"Aunt Zhiqi, let's go, do you still have chocolate milk tea?"

Ye Zhiqi giggled and thought: "Of course! Baby, Auntie will make you drink as much as you want!"

"Okay, papa, let's go!"

The little girl smiled happily.

Every time Ye Zhiqi made milk tea for her, she was very, very attentive.

The little girl felt that she really regarded herself as a friend, so she also had a good impression of her.

Now it's my good friend's birthday, so I'm going to see it naturally.

Ye Yun nodded and smiled, asked about the time of Ye Zhiqi's birthday party, and hung up the phone.

Yaya jumped from his arms to the ground, frowning and asked:

"Papa, tell me, what gift should I give Aunt Zhiqi?"

Gifts are exchanged between friends, and the little girl suddenly thought that she had never given Ye Zhiqi a gift before.

Ye Yun smiled gently and said:
"There is no distinction between high and low gifts, as long as you think the best and most meaningful things are fine."

"Papa, this is what we Chinese people say, is courtesy less important than affection?"

Yaya opened her curious eyes wide.


Ye Yun happily touched the little girl's face, her learning ability is getting stronger and stronger.


Yaya nodded: "Then I'll go prepare first!"

She ran into the room, took out a pink paper bag, and put a lot of her favorite candies in it.

Put my favorite Barbie doll in the bag again.

"Papa, are there many things?"

Yaya happily picked up the bag and showed it to Ye Yun.

"a lot of!"

Ye Yun laughed.

"I'll write another birthday card to Aunt Zhiqi!"

Ye Yun brought a greeting card, and the little girl wrote the word Yaya on it.

It is definitely a beautiful word among children of the same age!
Since Murong Yan has been busy with several major projects of the company recently, and at the same time she has to be distracted to help Xiao Huang and the others prepare for the opening ceremony, these days she usually does not go home until after 11 pm.

Ye Yun prepared a sumptuous dinner and fruit juice for her, and after sending them to the company, he took Yaya to Qingyang City.

Six p.m.

Ye Yun came to bring the TNT bar.

Since today is a special session for Ye Zhiqi's birthday party, the opening will be suspended for one day.

There are only staff cars in the parking lot outside.

After parking the car, Ye Yun led Yaya, who was bouncing around, and walked in.

"Aunt Zhiqi, happy birthday, this is a gift for you!"

Yaya is wearing a white princess dress, like an elf.

Ye Zhiqi's eyes were full of emotion, and she hugged her and kissed her dotingly:
"Thank you baby! Auntie is so happy that you can come!"

She looked at Ye Yun again, with a slight shyness in her beautiful eyes.

The confusion and fascination of that night is still vivid in her memory, which makes her feel very embarrassed.

However, after seeing Ye Yun's eyes as clear as water, she also felt relieved.

This man, no matter what you do, it's hard to make his mind fluctuate.

Ye Zhiqi concluded that even if she stripped naked in front of him at that time, he might be like looking at a piece of clothing, without the lust that a man should have.

"Thank you, Ye Yun!"

"I don't have many friends, thank you for coming!"

Although the words are polite, they reveal the truth.

Ye Zhiqi has been working outside the home since she was 16 years old. In the blink of an eye, six years have passed and she has only had one boyfriend.

The two had just reached the point where they were holding hands, when she discovered that the man had already had a wife, and was treated as a mistress by the man's wife.

That time, it hurt her deeply.

I thought that I had completely given up on men in this life.

It wasn't until she met Ye Yun and saw his gentle expression towards his wife that she realized that there are still good men in the world.

However, she has been alone for so many years, and she really cherishes meeting Ye Yun as a friend.

Ye Yun smiled faintly, "You're welcome."

As cold as ever.

Ye Zhiqi shook her head and smiled, then walked inside with Yaya in her arms:
"Baby, I have prepared chocolate milk tea and my birthday cake for you. Let's eat together later, shall we?"

"it is good!"

Yaya hugged Ye Zhiqi's neck and smiled.

"Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you..."

The singing of blessings sounded.

Ye Zhiqi clasped her jade hands on her chest, gazed at Ye Yun affectionately with her beautiful eyes, and silently made a wish.

"Okay, let's start!"

After Ye Zhiqi finished making her wish, Yaya took a plastic knife and prepared to cut the cake.

"Hehe, it's so lively!"


A young man in his early twenties walked in with a middle-aged man who looked similar to him.

Hands of young man holding a bouquet of roses.

He strode up to Ye Zhiqi and handed the rose to Ye Zhiqi:
"Here are flowers for you!"

Ye Zhiqi glanced at the flowers in his hand, shook her head and said with a smile:
"Gong Jie, this flower is too expensive, I can't accept it."

"Thanks for your kindness!"

The middle-aged man beside Gong Jie is his father, Gong Yifu.

Seeing Ye Zhiqi rejecting Gong Jie, she couldn't help but frowned, and said with a fake smile:
"Gong Jie, put the flowers away first, let's talk to Zhiqi about other things first."

(End of this chapter)

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