Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 332 Dear Lady, Why Are You So Crazy?

Chapter 332 Dear Lady, Why Are You So Crazy?
Lan Xinrui wanted to refuse, but when she thought of her dream, it was to get ahead and live a happy life with her sister.

Right now, isn't there just this opportunity?

She has been unwilling to admit defeat since she was a child, except that she was hurt by that bastard man and frustrated with life.

There is no difficulty that can make her retreat.

Encouraged by Lan Qingyan, Yaya and Chu Wenyan, she nodded in agreement.

"Okay! Then please follow me to the company, and I will immediately arrange relevant personnel to sign a new contract with you!"

Bai Lihao looked excited.

Ever since he accidentally heard about Ye Yun's feat at Xiao Xuanzong's dinner party a few months ago, he has always kept this name in his heart.

He guessed at that time that this person would one day become a man of influence in the entire Jiangbei province.

Sure enough, after Xiao Xuanzong's death, Ye Yun's name gradually became famous.

Although he himself was extremely low-key, he did not make it known to everyone like Xiao Xuanzong.

However, anyone who has been paying attention to the situation in Jiangbei Province will definitely not miss this name.

Right now, several big families in Sucheng have been wiped out one after another, although there is no clue that these things are related to Ye Yun.

But Bai Lihao was willing to place his bet on Ye Yun, he felt that his judgment would be fine.

Therefore, he recognized Ye Yun at the first sight, and for his sake, he brutally murdered his own son.

Then, he showed his favor to Lan Xinrui, and for her sake, he did not hesitate to offend the current number one female.

Bai Lihao thinks that life is a gamble.

He wanted to put the treasure on Ye Yun, so he might not be able to become the king in the leaderless Sioux City in the future.

Ye Yun was not interested in paying attention to what Bei Lihao was hiding. Seeing Yaya, he was very interested in following Lan Xinrui and the others.

He took her and Chu Wenyan to Bei Lihao's company together.

Once there, everything went really fast.

Lan Xinrui was designated by Bei Lihao as the number one female, and signed a formal employment contract.

Lan Xinrui felt that she could do her best to play this role well, and with Lan Qingyan teaching her every day, she was also confident that she could perform well.

However, the remuneration offered by Belle was too high, and she didn't want to receive a salary that didn't match her reputation, so she asked Belle to ask for the lowest price.

Seeing that she insisted, Bai Lihao had no choice but to agree.

I sighed silently in my heart, this girl is so beautiful and has such a good character, it is really rare in the world!
"Sister, come on! I like you!"

Lan Qingyan and Lan Xinrui hug each other happily.

Seeing this, Yaya also leaned over: "Aunt Xinrui, when you play, I want to be the first to watch!"

"Okay, baby! Auntie must try her best to act the best!"

Lan Xinrui picked up Yaya and kissed her lovingly.

"Hehe, I'm really happy!"

"A small dragon transforms into a leading lady. This kind of sparrow flies up the branch and turns into a phoenix. It turns out that it really exists!"

Just as the girls were celebrating, a crisp voice sounded.

His tone was full of disdain, sarcasm and banter, as well as a hint of anger.

I see.

A beautiful woman in her 20s walked in, her ten-centimeter high-heeled shoes rattling.

The twisted waist and hips, the high head, full of pride.

Like a proud swan, despising the common people like that.

Following the girl were two well-built men who seemed to be her bodyguards.

Looking around, the eyes are full of warning.

"Liu Xiaoxiao, I have already terminated the contract with you and promised to pay you a breach of contract fee, what are you doing here?"

Belleru asked, frowning.

"What do you think I'm here for?"

Liu Xiaoxiao pointed at Lan Xinrui angrily and said:

"I, Liu Xiaoxiao, have acted in more than a dozen TV dramas, more than half of which are starring roles, and I can be regarded as a star."

"And you actually hired someone who has no qualifications to be the leading actor! This is an insult to me, I don't accept it!"

She stood up, pointed at Belle Haut with her bright red hand and said:

"I will now give you a chance to choose again, and drive her away immediately!"

"Otherwise, don't even think about starting your company!"

After a pause, a disdainful smile flashed in her eyes:

"Don't think that I, Liu Xiaoxiao, are just a little girl who can be bullied casually."

"Let me tell you, if you can't give me a satisfactory answer today, I will never end with you!"

"Don't think that your Bei family has some strength in Sioux City. You can do whatever you want. If you insist on forcing me to disclose my identity, I can guarantee that your company will be closed tonight at most!"

Your dear friend.

However, this demeanor really makes it impossible to associate her with a young beauty.

On the contrary, like a domineering shrew.

That arrogant expression and domineering words seemed to subvert the entire Bei family, and it was only a matter of raising a hand.

Bai Lihao was stunned by her scolding, and his heart beat secretly.

It's not that he was afraid of Liu Xiaoxiao, but that he couldn't figure out Liu Xiaoxiao's background at all.

I only know that she is an actress who has the potential to be promoted to the second tier, and her name is also a stage name.

As for her real name and what her family background is, nothing is known.

Right now, Liu Xiaoxiao has come here like this, bossing her around, and I think she has some reliance on it.

After so many years of struggling in the society, Bai Lihao knows that it is better to be careful when dealing with some unknown characters.

So he suppressed his anger and said with a half-smile:

"Miss Liu, this is just a purely commercial act, there is no need to talk about it in other aspects."

"Today's incident is because my son offended Mr. Ye, and I also want to give his friend a hand, as an apology."

"Besides, this Miss Lan has a good appearance and temperament, and she is indeed more suitable to be a heroine."

"So, please don't make trouble anymore, just accept it as soon as you see it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt his eyes go dark.

It was Liu Xiaoxiao who hit him hard on the forehead with her bag.

"Just accept it? Do you really think that I, Liu Xiaoxiao, is a beggar and beggar who can be dismissed casually?"

Liu Xiaoxiao looked angry, and glanced at Ye Yun and the others with disdain.

"Also, don't talk to me about Mr. Shit!"

"If I reveal my identity, I won't scare you to death!"

She could tell that the Mr. Ye that Bai Lihao said was the handsome guy standing beside him.

However, now she is not in the mood to guess why this handsome guy is so respected by Bai Lihao.

All her thoughts are now on the female number one.

It is a great shame and humiliation to be robbed of the position of the number one female by a little actor who has nothing.

If it gets out, how will he still be in the film and television industry in the future?
Don't you want to be laughed out of your teeth!


Belle Howe got up angrily:
"You crazy woman, do you want to do it? I'll let the security guards come in to play with you now!"

Clay Bodhisattva still has three points of fire.

Now being beaten by a girl like this in public, the anger in Bai Lihao's heart burst out all of a sudden.

"and many more."

Ye Yun looked at Liu Xiaoxiao with a faint smile on his face:
"How about asking you to reveal your identity first and let us see it?"

(End of this chapter)

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