Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 346 Wife is for pampering!

Chapter 346 Wife is for pampering!

"Ye Yun, how about this body?"

"Mature and sexy, very flavorful, beautiful!"

"What about this body?"

"Graceful, full of fairy spirit, still beautiful!"

"Uh, isn't there something inappropriate?"

"No! No matter how you look at it, it's beautiful!"

"Your mouth is like honey in the morning, it's too sweet!"

"Hehe, do you like it or not?"

"Secret! Hehe!"

A cosmetics company under the Murong Group is developing new styles recently, and Murong Yan plans to go to Zhonghai in person to contact the cosmetics company there.

And Yaya, after hearing that she was going to Zhong Hai, wanted to follow her too.

The last time I saw the flag-raising ceremony at Tiananmen Square, the little girl kept thinking about it in her heart.

As for Ye Yun, of course he will go wherever his daughter goes.

The family of three packed their bags and dressed up in the morning, preparing to go to Zhonghai for a visit.

In the dressing room, Murong Yan changed more than a dozen sets of clothes and was not very satisfied.

Ye Yun just sat there with a smile all the time, patiently showing her one by one.

In the end, Murong Yan chose a small silver gray suit and a pair of purple pointed high heels on her feet.

A beautiful face, a tall and perfect figure, a sexy and professional suit, and bare insteps like jade shoots.

Let this woman who is just in her early 20s have a powerful aura all over her body, which is extremely attractive.

Seeing that Ma Ma was so beautifully dressed, Yaya picked out two princess dresses in the cupboard for a while, one white and one pink.

Then he came to Ye Yun and said in a whining voice:

"Papa, this time, I also want to be the most beautiful girl paper!"

"Can you braid my hair?"

Ye Yun's braids are so exquisite that Yaya likes them very much.

"it is good!"

Ye Yun lovingly hugged her on his lap and sat down, carefully braiding her hair.

Murong Yan asked curiously:

"Ye Yun, you are so skillful, do you know how to do other hairstyles?"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:

"Yes, currently I know 690 and six."


Murong Yan was speechless: "Are there so many hairstyles in this world?"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:

"Yes, how about I help you do it in the future. Make sure there is a new pattern every day, without repetition."

When Murong Yan thought of Ye Yun combing her hair, she couldn't help feeling warm in her heart, she nodded and said:

"Okay, that's it!"

She stroked her hair:
"Then you can help me make a nice one later!"

"no problem!"

Ye Yun nodded.

When the window manages the temples, the decals on the mirror are yellow.

At that time, the beloved stood behind, combing his hair seriously.

Murong Yan's heart was full of emotion.

"Ye Yun, I have a new evaluation of you."

Murong Yan looked at Ye Yun in the mirror, her eyes sparkled.

"What evaluation?"

Ye Yun asked with a smile.

Murong Yan showed a gentle smile:

"The number one hairstylist in the universe."

Ye Yun laughed loudly and said:
"To be more precise, it is the number one hairstylist in the universe exclusively for Murong Yan and Yaya!"


Murong Yan nodded and smiled lightly, like a flower blooming in the sun, especially touching.

After packing everything up, the three of them embarked on a journey to Zhonghai.

The journey was smooth, and we arrived at Zhonghai International Airport before lunch.

"Sister! Brother-in-law! Yaya!"

Murong Ranran, Liu Peiling, Guan Tong, and Amanda had already been waiting outside the airport lobby.

Seeing Ye Yun and the others appear, the eyes of the four were filled with joy.

Ran ran all the way over, the cute little watermelon on her chest kept jumping out of the perfect curve, the little girl didn't care, and came to Ye Yun and the others with a smile.

However, the three of them, Liu Peiling, were all shocked by Murongyan's beautiful face and powerful aura.

"Wow, Sister Yanyan is so beautiful!"

"Sister Yanyan, how can you be so beautiful!"

Girls also like to see beautiful girls.

Murong Yan has a completely different temperament from Ranran. Her youthful appearance and mature and sexy temperament are very attractive.

"President Murong, I am Xu Jie, the secretary of President Dongfang, and I am here to welcome you!"

Just after Murong Yan and Liu Peiling got acquainted with each other, Xu Jie, the secretary of Dongfang Wenhao, the chairman of the China Overseas Chamber of Commerce, brought someone over.

Murong Yan's visit to China Overseas to discuss the business of cosmetics is mainly through the China Overseas Chamber of Commerce.

After all, there are too many giant dragons entrenched in the land of Zhong Hai.

They have a strict hierarchy, have high self-esteem, and have complicated rules.

Compared with them, the Murong family is much smaller.

The only way to get in touch with the senior management of the international cosmetics company here is through the transfer station of the China Overseas Chamber of Commerce.

Murong Yan nodded towards Xu Jie:

"Hello there!"

Then he turned to Ye Yunran and said:
"I'm going to the China Overseas Chamber of Commerce first, you guys play first."

"I guess I won't have time until evening."

Ye Yun nodded:

"Okay, remember to eat at noon."


Murong Yan smiled softly at him, greeted Ranran and the others, and got into Xu Jie's business car.

"Wife-loving madman."

Liu Peiling and the others, seeing Ye Yun caring so much about Murong Yan, couldn't help laughing in a low voice.

Ye Yun smiled indifferently, his wife is just for pampering, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Ran picked up Yaya, looked at the time and said:
"Brother-in-law, let's go eat first."

"There is a grand balloon party at Badaling Great Wall in the afternoon, shall we climb the Great Wall to see the balloons?"

Ye Yun nodded:

"Okay, as long as you like it."

The group quickly ate a good meal and came to the Badaling Great Wall Scenic Area.

Due to the balloon party held in the scenic spot, it is very popular.

There are people from all over the world, and the Great Wall is crowded with people, which is very lively.

"Wow, the Great Wall is really long! No wonder it is said on TV that it is our Chinese dragon!"

Yaya climbed the Great Wall for the first time and clapped her hands excitedly.

"Papa, do you know who made it? That person is so capable!"

Ye Yun nodded:

"The Great Wall was built more than 2000 years ago by the king of Yan during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, and it was specially used to resist the invasion of the nomadic tribe alliance in the north of the Great Wall."

"Oh! It turned out to be Jiang Zi!"

Yaya will firmly remember this knowledge.

Ran Ran looked at Ye Yun with a smile:

"Brother-in-law, you know so much, why don't we apply for a professor at Zhonghai University."

"A talented person like you should stand on a higher stage."

Ye Yun smiled slightly:
"I used to stand on the highest place in the universe, and I'm tired of it. Now it's fine."

"Hee hee, brother-in-law, your ability to pretend is also the strongest in the universe!"

Ran Ran's eyes turned into crescent moons when she smiled.

While talking, a group of people came to the highest beacon tower, from here, you can overlook the entire northern land.

Next to Ye Yun and the others, there were a few white-skinned tall foreigners, after taking a few photos.

One of them took out a small knife, squatted down, and prepared to carve on the wall.

"I want to engrave my name on it and tell the Chinese people that I have been to this Great Wall!"

Just when he put his knife on the wall, Yaya, who had been looking around, discovered his behavior.

"Papa, look! That sorghum is going to carve down the wall! Stop him!"

The little girl saw the slogan of civilized tourism on TV every day, and she was very disgusted with it.

"it is good."

Ye Yun turned his head and glanced at the foreigner lightly.

Suddenly the foreigner's hand was empty, and the knife disappeared!

"I buy it! Why did my knife disappear?"

"My God! Did you see a ghost?"

The foreigner immediately dragged his companion away.

"The Great Wall is really not simple! I guess there must be gods blessing here!"

"When we go back, we must tell Jack and the others not to scribble when we come to the Great Wall!"

(End of this chapter)

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