Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 373 I, Ning Aoxue, Do What I Say!

Chapter 373 I, Ning Aoxue, Do What I Say!
Ning Aoxue didn't notice that Ye Yun's expression was a little impatient.

She held her head high and continued:

"I didn't quite understand what my subordinates said just now. Now, let me solemnly introduce myself."

"My name is Ning Aoxue. I am 21 years old. I have a master's degree from Columbia University. I am also a fashion designer. I have my own fashion company."

"My family is the largest Ning family in Haiya. It mainly deals in real estate, tourism and fresh aquatic products. Its assets are no less than 800 billion."

After a pause, she took two steps closer to Ye Yun.

The charming figure, aloof temperament, and fragrant body fragrance all exude infinite charm.

It seems that in this world, she is the only queen.

"I saw you by accident on the road just now, and I was attracted by you. I want you to be my boyfriend, no matter what your past is, it doesn't matter!"

"As long as you are with me, give me your heart and soul!"

As proud as Ning Aoxue, she has to admit that the man in front of her is really attractive.

His facial features are so exquisite that it is unimaginable, and his temperament is even more attractive. It seems that he will be deeply attracted by him just by looking at him.

As the daughter of the Ning family, she was known as the number one beauty in Haiya. From the first time she saw Ye Yun, she felt extremely excited.

Also, the warm interaction between him and this little girl made Ning Aoxue's heart skip a beat.

She wanted to bring this man home and enjoy his love.

Therefore, I was willing to take the initiative to come over and introduce myself to him in detail.

This, in her opinion, is already a very sincere move.

In this world, there is no man who will be so favored by her like the man in front of him.

However, the man who can be seen by her is definitely a lucky one.

He can enjoy the status and wealth of the Ning family, as well as a stunning beauty like her, she has enough self-confidence to make this man think about her.


"I'll say it one last time, I'm not interested in you."

After Ye Yun finished speaking, he looked at Yaya with a smile and arranged the shell necklace for her.

Just now the little girl danced and messed up some of the shells, Ye Yun was afraid that her skin would be scratched.

Seeing Ye Yun's dismissive expression, Ning Aoxue frowned, a slight blush appeared on her fair face.

Obviously, there is already some anger.

Seeing this, Zhang Quan on the side took half a step forward, and said with a hint of threat in his tone:

"Brother, our eldest lady has already talked about this, you don't want to..."

Before he finished speaking, a huge force hit him in the face, sending him flying several meters away.

When everyone reacted, Zhang Quan was already lying on the ground, with blood on the corner of his mouth, and his body seemed to be falling apart, unable to move.

"This... just do it if you say it!"

The driver who followed Zhang Quan was shocked.

He didn't expect that what Ye Yun said just now was not just to scare Zhang Quan, but a real warning.

Say one more word, and I will destroy you!
This... is too overbearing!
You know, he hit the Ning family, Haiya's first family!
On the territory of Haiya City, no one has ever dared to attack the Ning family like this. This kid is too crazy!

Even Ning Aoxue and the group of bodyguards she brought were stunned by Ye Yun's attack.

He made a move as soon as he said it, without a word of nonsense, it seemed that he didn't take the Ning family seriously at all!

"You are too much!"

"Do you know, you are offending our Ning family by doing this!"

"Do you think that just because you are a martial arts master, you are very powerful? Our Ning family also has many martial arts masters!"

Ning Aoxue's face was blood red, she simply took off her sunglasses, and looked at Ye Yun angrily with her red phoenix eyes.

She liked Ye Yun's domineering aura very much, and she liked him a little more in her heart.

However, he dared to take action against the Ning family, and even beat Zhang Quan so badly, which was clearly a refutation of the Ning family's face.

This made her feel a little angry again.

After all, the Ning family is the No. [-] family in Haiya City, and they have always been aloof.

Now, this rich young lady, not only took the initiative to show her favor, but also watched Ye Yun attack and hurt her subordinates.

If this gets out, where will the Ning family's face be put in the future?

Ye Yun glanced at her lightly:
"If your Ning family wants to take revenge, I don't mind trampling on the Ning family."


As soon as he said this, even Ning Aoxue couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

It's crazy!
Stepping on Ning's house.

These four words, even those who are at the top in Zhong Hai, dare not say them casually.

Although Ning Aoxue's heartbeat was even stronger the moment he said these words.

But this man is too arrogant, too ignorant of the majesty of the Ning family!
"Miss, this kid is a master of martial arts, no one here can deal with him."

"Why don't you call the Patriarch and ask him to send some masters?"

Seeing that they were not Ye Yun's opponent, one of the bodyguards stepped forward and said.

Ning Aoxue shook her head and said:

"Don't disturb Dad at this time, I will solve it."

She glanced at Ye Yun angrily:
"No matter who you are, I promise you will come to me obediently!"

"I, Ning Aoxue, will do what I say!"

After speaking, she led a group of bodyguards to the car.

The Ning family is so big, as the only daughter of the family, I have already given you face, but it's a pity you don't want it!

That being the case, I will wait for you to obediently come to me, give in to me, and ask for my forgiveness.

If I, Ning Aoxue, have no backbone, am I willing to do anything for a man like you?
Ning Aoxue held her head high. After getting into the car, she immediately dialed a phone number:
"Hey, find someone for me."


Seeing Ning Aoxue's high-spirited look, Yaya asked curiously:

"Papa, that auntie, why did she treat you like this?"

Ye Yun said with a smile:

"Because she thinks she's great."

Yaya shook her head and said:
"I hate this auntie! She wants to force Papa to eat her, I hate her!"

Ye Yun touched Yaya's head and said softly:

"Papa only likes Ma Ma, no one can force Papa."

He got up and hugged Yaya:
"Ma Ma's meeting is almost over, let's go to the hotel to find her!"

The two soon arrived at the entrance of the Haitian Palace Hotel, and it happened that Tang Qing also rushed over.

"Hi, Ye Yunzao!"

Tang Qing waved her small hand in greeting.

"You are early too!"

Ye Yun nodded in greeting.

Tang Qing took Yaya from Ye Yun's arms, saw the shell necklace on her neck, and asked in surprise:
"What a beautiful shell necklace, where did you buy it?"

Yaya pointed at Ye Yun and said with a smile:

"Papa did it."

Tang Qing looked at Ye Yun with a surprised expression:

"I didn't expect you to be so talented!"

Ever since I saw Ye Yun gather a group of great white sharks and take Murong Yan and Yaya for a ride yesterday, whenever Tang Qing saw Ye Yun, her eyes shone with astonishment.

Ye Yun smiled and didn't say much.

Murong Yan came out of the hotel at this time, she also saw the shell necklace on Yaya's neck at a glance, and immediately looked at Ye Yun with a smile:
"Ye Yun, did you make this? It's really beautiful!"

Even though she is already as beautiful as a fairy, she still has no resistance to these beautiful things.

Ye Yun nodded and smiled, then took out a pink shell from his pocket and handed it to Murong Yan:
"This is for you, see if you like it?"

Murong Yan took it over and took a look, the shell was extremely beautiful in shape, and the word "Yan" was actually engraved on it.

Obviously, this was engraved by Ye Yun as a gift specially for her.

"I like it! Ye Yun, thank you!"

Murong Yan held the shell with both hands, with a happy smile on her face.

"Oh, the dog food was thrown out so early in the morning, I can't take it anymore!"

Tang Qing pulled Murong Yan with a smile: "Let's go to the press conference first, and show your affection later!"

Murong Yan's pretty face flushed, and she said coquettishly:
"I just accepted Ye Yun's gift, so I didn't show affection."

Ye Yun nodded in agreement:

"That's right, it's just a routine operation."

Murong Yan smiled shyly, and gave him a light punch with a small fist:

(End of this chapter)

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