Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 375 Who Can Compete?

Chapter 375 Who Can Compete?

Murong Yan's words were too shocking.

Like a blockbuster, it was thrown in the hall and exploded.

The implication is that no matter what conditions the Ning family offers, she will follow all the way until Ning Xia is overthrown. too capricious!
You know, the person standing here is not an ordinary person, but the representative of the Ning family, the largest family in Haiya City!
Behind him is the mountain of the Ning family.

How could a little girl have the confidence to challenge the Ning family like this?
Anyone who has some knowledge knows that once this remark is made, it means that they are completely on the opposite side of the Ning family.


"It's crazy! What is the background of this girl, dare to say such arrogant and unruly words?"

"Her words have sealed off all her escape paths! Where does she have the confidence to go against the Ning family for a brand like this?"

Everyone was surprised and shook their heads secretly.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake.

Annoyed the Ning family, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Fang Yi stared closely at Murong Yan, opened his mouth, and wanted to insult, but he couldn't say it.

He is just a young man of the Ning family. Just now, relying on the power of the Ning family, everyone dared not compete for the TT fantasy brand.

But now, a little girl appeared out of nowhere, so willful and resolute, and he was at a loss to compete with the Ning family.

After all, he was just a pawn of the Ning family. If he really met a big shot with a terrifying background, he really didn't have the guts to go to war with him.

So right now, he could only suppress the anger in his heart, and asked in a cold voice:
"Dare to ask this lady, what is your origin?"

"Since you have the guts to compete with us, why not tell us your name and let us open our eyes."

Murong Yan said lightly:
"We are from Murong's family in Jincheng."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was another commotion in the venue.

"It's not Zhonghai! It's a small second- and third-tier city in Jiangbei Province!"

"This time it's really a big game! A family from Jiangbei Province is clamoring on the territory of Haiya City. This is definitely a fire!"

Knowing Murong Yan's background, everyone shook their heads even more.

If it was a member of Zhong Hai, it might make the Ning family a little more afraid.

But now, a family from Jincheng, Jiangbei Province wants to make trouble in Haiya City, this...

"It's beyond your own power!"

Fang Yi, who was still a little apprehensive at first, raised his head and laughed wildly:
"Girl, you are so ignorant!"

"Since you are so young and ignorant, I don't want to bother with you anymore, so get out of here quickly!"

"Otherwise, when my boss comes, you will suffer!"

After all, the Ning family is the overlord of Haiya City.

Fang Yi also didn't want to be serious with a little girl in her teens or 20s. If word got out, wouldn't others laugh at the Ning family for bullying the younger and making it difficult for a little girl?
However, before his laughter stopped, another voice sounded:
"Since my wife said she wants to compete with you, she will definitely accompany you to the end!"

"If your Ning family wants this brand, show your true skills, otherwise, get the hell out of here!"

Ye Yun frowned and looked at Fang Yi.

He extremely disliked that others looked at Murong Yan with such domineering manner.

The corner of Fang Yi's mouth twitched, this little boy talked too wildly, he was determined to make trouble with the Ning family.

Right now, his boss hasn't come, so it's not good for him to directly tear himself apart with Ye Yun.

And with so many peers watching, no matter what, the Ning family must show the corresponding strength to convince the other party.

Otherwise, even if you get the brand in the end, it will give people the impression that you are invincible.

"Okay! Since you want to compete, I will help you!"

With this in mind, Fang Yi could only agree temporarily and follow the formal procedures.

He turned to look at Tony:
"We are going to bid 10 billion to buy the TT fantasy brand!"

Ye Yun looked at Murong Yan tenderly:
"Wife, it's your turn."

Murong Yan nodded and smiled:
"We pay 15 billion!"

Fang Yi's face trembled: "16 billion!"

Murong Yan continued: "20 billion!"


The audience was speechless.

Fang Yi's face was flushed, his eyes were tearing apart, and he wanted to eat people.

Before participating in this press conference, the upper limit of Ning Aoxue's offer was 17 billion.

Now, Murong Yan actually increased it to 20 billion in one go.

He has no choice but to wait for the boss Ning Aoxue to come forward!
However, Ning Aoxue, who had agreed to attend the press conference together, did not come for some reason.

Right now, he can only admit defeat in the bidding process.

"Stop following!"

Fang Yi gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help looking at Murong Yan with admiration.

This girl is really resolute and resolute. The aura she made when she made the quotation just now can completely kill a group of veterans in the shopping mall in an instant.

Even Tang Qing covered her mouth in surprise, she couldn't believe that Yan Yan, who was as old as her, could act so tough.

Fang Yi saw everyone's expressions, twitched his nose, and said:

"Although we lost in the bidding process, just now Tony also said that in addition to the price, if you want to buy the TT Fantasy brand, the buyer must also have strong clothing design capabilities."

He looked straight at Murong Yan and said:

"Let's bet against each other once. For the same style, whoever designs it beautifully will belong to the TT fantasy. Do you dare?"

After hearing this, Murong Yan's expression froze slightly.

She turned her head and whispered to Ye Yun:
"Too bad, I didn't expect them to have a live competition to design clothes. I didn't bring the designer."

Ye Yun patted her little hand and said with a smile:

"It's okay, I can come."

Murong Yan was surprised and said:

"You can even design clothes?"

Ye Yun smiled confidently:
"Even if I close my eyes, no one on earth can design better than me!"

In the Promise of Gods, there are some genius gods in costume design.

All of them have lived for more than 10 years, and they have long interpreted the design of clothing to an absolutely perfect state.

A pervert like Ye Yun can master all their skills and improve them just by looking at them.

Looking at the world now, who can compete?
Murong Yan snorted!A laugh came out:
"You, you are not ambiguous at all when you talk big! But, I like to hear it, and I believe you!"

Tang Qing listened to their conversation, and opened her mouth involuntarily, with a speechless expression on her face.

These two couples are really full of dog food in every sentence, and the people who eat it are almost stuffed to death!
Murong Yan then looked at Fang Yi:

"Yes! Let my husband compare with you."

Fang Yi glanced at Ye Yun contemptuously, and said with a sneer:
"You said it yourself!"

He saw that Ye Yun was hugging his daughter all the time, and he was a full-time dad at all. If he wanted to compete with him in designing clothes, he was courting death!
He clapped his hands and said loudly:
"James, it's your turn to play!"

After the words fell, a blond man walked onto the stage.

When he stood facing the crowd, the audience exclaimed:

"My God! Isn't this the talented designer O'Shea James who has won three CFDA Gold Awards in a row?"

"That's right, it's him! The CFDA awards ceremony is known as the Oscars of the fashion industry. Currently, he is the only one who has won this award for three consecutive years."

O'Shea James is a legendary figure in the global clothing industry.

He didn't go to any design college at all, let alone received any systematic design training, and only relied on his talent to become famous in the fashion design industry.

Passed all the way, and won the bonus of CFDA in the United States for three consecutive years.

You must know that this award is as famous as the Oscar, representing the highest level of costume design.

I don’t know how many clothing companies have racked their brains to recruit him to their own companies, but in the end they failed.

Unexpectedly, this super talented designer appeared in Liz's fashion conference.

And it seems that he is still a member of Mobil Fashion Company.

"James has come forward, the girls from the Murong family have absolutely no chance of winning this time!"

When a super genius in the clothing design world arrives, he represents absolute hope.

Compared with him, a man sitting next to his wife and holding a child seemed to have no chance of winning at all.

Tony stepped forward, glanced at everyone, and said:

"Then, let's start the competition. Each of you designs a summer dress for women. Whoever looks better will belong to the TT fantasy brand."

James smiled and nodded, his expression full of confidence.

He took a roll of fabric from the staff, put it on the table and started cutting it. After just a moment of planting, he made a women's top.

"As expected of a genius designer! To make such beautiful clothes at such a fast speed is really brilliant!"

"This level of design is absolutely top-notch! I'm really greedy. If my company can get the help of James, the market value in one year's time will definitely exceed 30 billion!"

The clothes designed by James are novel and unique, with extremely graceful lines, and they are full of beauty just by holding them in your hands.

No one doubts that this dress would look stunning on a model.


So far, Ye Yun has not made any movement.

"That baby dad, wouldn't see James being so awesome, wouldn't he dare to compete?"

Everyone looked at Ye Yun suspiciously.

Fang Yi even sneered, his eyes full of contempt:

"Sir, aren't you going to compete with James? Why don't you do it now?"

"I think you should just admit defeat! I think you are more talented in raising children, hehehe!"

Amidst his ridicule and everyone's questioning eyes, Ye Yun got up slowly, came to James, and asked:
"Do you think your dress is perfect?"

James raised his head and said:
"Of course! My level is internationally recognized!"

Ye Yun smiled faintly, took the clothes in his hand, cut them casually with scissors, and threw the clothes into James' hands.

"Now look again, is it still necessary to compete with me?"

James spread out his clothes for a look, his eyes trembled, and he exclaimed in surprise:
"God, how did you do this?!"

He found that these few strokes by Ye Yun had raised the quality of his clothes to a whole new level.

He couldn't describe this state, he could only say it was very, very perfect, it was far beyond his imagination!
He can say with certainty that even if he practiced for another 100 years, he would not be able to reach such a state.

Facing such an existence, there is no need to compete at all!

"Compared with you, sir, I am simply a schoolboy."

"Your realm is beyond my imagination, I admit defeat!"

James bowed respectfully to Ye Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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