Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 382 As long as it is helpful to my wife, I will not refuse!

Chapter 382 As long as it is helpful to my wife, I will not refuse!


Not long to live!

These four words, like ice knives, pierced into the hearts of Tang Shixing and the three brothers, making them tremble involuntarily.

A good calligraphy and painting was actually called a murderous thing by Ye Yun.

Moreover, the three brothers are now terminally ill and dying.


"Sorry, Mr. Ye, this joke is too big! I'm afraid I can't bear it!"

Tang Qing had clearly told Tang Shixing about Ye Yun's ability last night.

Of course, Tang Shixing was also well aware of Lu Yunhe's abilities.

He didn't believe that this painting by Lu Yunhe could be a murderous thing.

Even if he saw that Ye Yun wasn't joking, he still didn't want to believe it.

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Ye Yun didn't want to say more, so he turned his head and peeled a prawn for Yaya.

On the contrary, Tang Qing believed in Ye Yun deeply, she quickly said to Tang Shixing:
"Dad, Ye Yun is not an ordinary person, you must believe his words!"

She turned her face away, looked at Murong Yan pitifully and said:

"Yanyan, help me beg Ye Yun to save my father and the others!"

She knew that for a person like Ye Yun, it would be useless to speak up by himself, she had to ask Murong Yan to come forward.

Murong Yan nodded and said softly:
"Ye Yun, since you know their problems, you can help them once."

Ye Yun smiled gently at her:
"Since my wife has spoken, I will do my best."

After speaking, he pointed at Tang Shixing with his hand, and then pointed his fingertip upwards.


Tang Shixing's face suddenly changed.

He felt his heart was burning hot, and at the same time there was a very severe pain.

Followed by.


He bent down and spat out a black thing the size of a palm.

Looking closely, this thing looks like a horseshoe, with streaks of black smoke on its surface, which is extremely weird.

"What is this?"

Tang Shixing's pupils shrank, and he almost lost his breath in fright.

Ye Yun didn't speak, but moved his fingers at Tang Zhenhao and Tang Dehuan, and also made them spit out a black horseshoe-shaped thing.


Three times in a row.

Tang Shixing's three brothers knelt on the ground one after another, their bodies trembling.

"Mr. Ye, we were too self-righteous before and didn't believe your words, please forgive me!"

There was cold sweat on the foreheads of the three of them, and half of them came out of fright.

Also, I was afraid for a while, if Tang Qing hadn't pleaded for mercy just now, I'm afraid I didn't know how I died!

Tang Qing looked at Ye Yun in horror:

"My father and the others spit it out, what exactly is it?"

Ye Yun said lightly:
"This is a kind of heart-biting Gu art called painting Gu. This Gu art has a long history and can be traced back to the ancient Wuxian Kingdom. It is different from common Gu art in that it does not need to rely on Gu insects, but through a Just a picture, you can plant a Gu in the human body."

"Besides, this kind of Gu technique is very hidden and evil. The things painted can be directly turned into Gu, making it even more difficult for people to detect. For example, in this painting of a horse, the Gu in it has already invaded the hearts of the three of them. In time, it will be able to Make their heart a complete horseshoe."

"At that time, they will die in their hearts and bodies, and they will not even be as good as the living dead."

His words once again caused Tang Shixing and the others to panic.

The faces of the three of them turned pale from fright, and their bodies shivered.

"It's too vicious to die, isn't it?"

"Our three brothers have no enmity with Lu Yunhe in recent days, and we have no grievances in the past. Why did he want to treat us so cruelly?"

Fear is fear, and the three brothers Tang Shixing were very angry.

The painting that cost [-] million to bring back turned out to be a huge weapon. This Lu Yunhe is really vicious!

"Damn it, I'm tearing up this painting now, this kind of monster can't stay for a second!"

Tang Zhenhao was about to stand up and tear up the painting.

Tang Shixing quickly grabbed him and said:

"Not urgent!"

"I'll invite Lu Yunhe over here now, and confront him face to face!"

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, since Lu Yunhe is determined to put himself to death, then we should completely tear ourselves apart with him and strike first!

Painting, of course, must be kept first.

Tang Shixing then called Lu Yunhe with a very respectful tone and complimented him well.

He also said that a family banquet had already been set up, so he must show his face.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Shixing knelt down to Ye Yun again, cupped his hands and said:
"Mr. Ye, you are a god in the sky, I ask you to help me uphold justice!"

"I am willing to provide ten years of service to Murong Group for free as a thank you!"

The cooperation between Haiqing Tourism Group and Murong Group is mainly to provide Murong Group with various travel services, as well as various overseas purchasing matters.

At present, Tang Shixing's Haiqing Group is offering Murong Group a cooperation fee of 1 million a year.

If it is free for ten years, it is 10 billion, which is enough to show Tang Shixing's sincerity.

Ye Yun nodded:


As long as it can help his wife, he will not refuse.

Furthermore, for Tang Shixing and the others, it was a big problem, but for him, it was just a matter of effort.

Since Tang Shixing proposed it on his own initiative, he agreed.

Seeing Ye Yun nodding his head, Tang Shixing immediately had a confident look on his face like a backbone:

"Hmph! When that Lu Yunhe comes, I want to see what kind of waves he can make!"

"With Mr. Ye here, I will definitely make him submit today!"

Ever since he saw that Ye Yun dispelled Lu Yunhe's Gu technique with one finger, Tang Shixing concluded that Ye Yun's ability was far superior to Lu Yunhe's.

Now with Ye Yun as his backer, no matter who he is, Lu Yunhe is still Master Lu, if he has revenge, he will complain!

Under the leadership of the butler, three men walked in.

The current one looks to be seven or eighty years old, with white hair and beard fluttering.

Dressed in a white robe, with fairy trace duckweed, he has the demeanor of an outsider.

This person is Lu Yunhe who is known as Haiya Fengshui No. 1.

Seeing Lu Yunhe coming, anger flashed in the eyes of the three Tang Shixing brothers.

Tang Shixing cupped his hands with a smile on his face, and said:
"Master Lu, I have waited for you!"

"I have a treasure here, and I have been waiting for you to come to palm my eyes!"

Lu Yunhe put his hands behind his back, smiled proudly and said:

"Patriarch Tang, you and I are friends, if you need help, just ask, you don't have to be so polite."

"Hehe, you are right, we are indeed friends!"

Tang Shixing gritted his teeth.

I was almost killed by you, and I even said the word friend, it really is an old fox!
It's a pity, Mr. Ye is here today, let's see if you can hide your fox tail!

Lu Yunhe nodded and said:
"What kind of treasure is it, first take it out and let me see."

Tang Shixing sneered, and took the picture of the horse and spread it out in front of Lu Yunhe:

"that's it!"

(End of this chapter)

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