Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 387 My people, whoever touches them will die!

Chapter 387 My people, whoever touches them will die!

Yao Ji held her hands on her chest, looking at the towering snow-capped mountains, the group of men in front of her couldn't help swallowing.

She winked like silk, giggled and said:

"Now, who else wants to challenge my master?"

"I, Demon Blood Fairy, deal with him together!"


Feng Bing frowned again when he heard this.

This Demon Blood Demon Fairy is really a female devil.

Although she looks enchanting and charming, she is sexy and hot, but when she does things, she is unambiguous, decisive and resolute, and she is more courageous than a man.

No wonder, she can become the leader of the God Cow Gang and lead so many people to become the king in Indira.

Capable, cunning, and ruthless, this kind of woman is the scariest!

Thinking of this, Feng Bing couldn't help but glance at Ye Yun again.

This man who is holding a child and looks doting on his face is really hiding his secrets.

Definitely a diving dragon!

"Damn it, it's really a dilemma now! If I do it again, I'm afraid my life will be lost!"

"If you take people away now, and the leader and the others find out after you go back, you may have to peel off your skin if you don't die!"

Feng Bing regained his composure, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

There are wolves in front and tigers in back, and I can't afford to offend any of them. This time I came here, but I really pushed myself into the fire pit!
"Magic Blood Demon Girl, how about letting me meet you?"

Just as Feng Bing looked bitter, a deep voice suddenly came from outside the door.

The tone of this voice is very flat, but it is quite powerful, like the sound of bells and drums, shaking everyone's eardrums slightly.

Then, there was a roar in the head of anyone with a low cultivation base.

Several people knelt on the ground covering their ears because they couldn't bear it.

I see.

A big Indian man over 1.9 meters tall, wearing a gray vest, trousers, and black boots, walked in with a fast pace.

His whole body is muscular, like cast iron.

Just the two big arms exposed, every muscle on them is far beyond the limit of ordinary people, it looks very scary.

With that burly and sturdy figure, it is not difficult to imagine that the 639 muscles in his body have been developed to an indescribable level.

Behind this big man, followed by two men in their 40s.

One of them was wearing Tsing Yi, and he walked with the temperament of a superior, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he had a feeling of contempt for the common people.

The person next to him was dressed in a gray and white robe, with a bone-like fairy style, a bit of the demeanor of an exiled immortal.

Behind them was a group of people dressed similarly to Feng Bing and others, most of them were Indian men.

When Feng Bing saw the three people in front of him, he couldn't help but tremble. He hurried forward and bowed respectfully to the man in Tsing Yi:
"Master, why are you here in person?"

This person is precisely the leader of the Mammoth Alliance, Qiao Qingyu.

The big man in front of him is his right protector, master of horizontal refining and master of art, Singer.

The gray and white robe is his left protector, Wu Yang, a congenital early master.

These three people are the existence of the entire Mammoth Alliance standing at the top of the pyramid. Feng Bing did not expect that they would gather in this small bar today.

Qiao Qingyu smiled faintly:
"Isn't it just a matter of saying that a friend comes from afar?"

"Today, our Huaxia experts are here, and I, Joe, will come to pay a visit from now on."

The tone was flattering, as if seeing an old friend.

However, when the words fell, a cold wind blew up on the flat ground, scaring everyone's hearts to tremble.

Qiao Qingyu is the founder of the Mammoth Alliance. His cultivation level is so unpredictable that no one has been able to figure out what level he is in.

However, based on his understatement, there are few people in this world who can match him.

Qiao Qingyu had already walked into the bar at this time, looking at Ye Yun in the distance calmly.

Ye Wenyuan and Tian Yuxin learned that standing in front of them was Qiao Qingyu, the leader of the prestigious Mammoth Alliance, and his two guardians.

The two couldn't help but turn pale for a while, and even found it difficult to breathe.

"I really come here for whatever I'm afraid of! Unexpectedly, the three most terrifying members of the Mammoth Alliance appeared at the same time, and this is really a big trouble!"

The eyes of the two looked at Ye Yun worriedly.

Seeing Ye Yun's still calm expression, the two blushed with anxiety, Ye Wenyuan hurried to Ye Yun's side, and said in a low voice:

"Xiao Yun, these three people are the strongest figures in the Mammoth Alliance. Except for the leader, the other two are recognized as masters in India, and they are all ranked in the top ten!"

"They are coming aggressively this time, you have to come up with a perfect plan!"

Ye Wenyuan knew very well that it was no longer an ordinary fight with crowds, but a fight between a group of gods.

As a tiny existence like him, he couldn't help at all. I just hope that Ye Yun can find a way to protect himself.

Ye Yun glanced at him lightly, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I care about myself."

Seeing his indifferent look, Ye Wenyuan couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

What time is it, you kid can still laugh?

Singer was face to face with Yao Ji at this moment, he turned around and cupped his fists at Qiao Qingyu and said:
"Leader, this little girl, let me deal with it!"

Qiao Qingyu nodded slightly with his hands behind his back.

Enchantress smiled disdainfully:
"Singer, do you dare to call me a little girl, do you know that my mother is older than your grandpa's grandpa?"

Singer sneered:
"You monster, you really know how to seduce people with your words, but it's a pity that I don't like this!"

"Look at the fist!"

Hit as soon as you say, without any hesitation.


The fist was like lightning, breaking a wave of air in the air, heading straight for the heart of the enchantress.

Yao Ji's face changed, she knew that Singer was a master of horizontal refining, and a double master of magic arts.

However, it wasn't until Singer punched this punch that she realized that she didn't know enough about Singer!
Because she found that she couldn't move her body even with all the power in her body.

"Oops! This guy trapped me without anyone noticing!"

The demon concubine's heart was in turmoil.

She didn't expect that Singer, who looked stupid on the mountain, was a top fighter when fighting.

Use spells to trap her body, and use brute force to break through her defenses.

It is worthy of being a double master of magic and body training, it is really terrifying!

Sensing that the strong fist wind had already touched her fine hair, Yao Ji couldn't help but break out in cold sweat, and secretly shouted in her heart:
"It's over, with this punch, if you don't die, you have to lose half your life!"

Just when she was extremely nervous, the fist wind dissipated suddenly.

A white palm grasped Singer's fist.

"Huh? Kid, you actually..."

Before Singer finished speaking, he was slapped down by Ye Yun.

This huge behemoth knocked the ground out of a circular pit with a radius of two meters.

After that, never move again.

In the air, the sound of his breathing has been completely lost.

Ye Yun looked at Qiao Qingyu and the others indifferently, and said:
"My people, whoever touches them will die!"

(End of this chapter)

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