Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 393 Ten Thousand Flowers Club!

Chapter 393 Ten Thousand Flowers Club!
After solving Zhang Rui's matter, Ye Yun took Yaya back to the company.

At this time, Murong Yan had already had a good meeting, and seeing Ye Yun and Yaya waiting for her, Murong Yan felt very sweet in her heart, and felt that no matter how hard it was, it was worth it.

Ye Yun then took out the food, and after Murong Yan finished eating, he packed up and went home together.

When the three returned to Murong Villa, Chu Wenyan also came back.

She happily stepped forward, hugged Yaya, kissed her and said:
"Yaya, Aunt Yan is not here these two days, do you miss me?"

Yaya shook her head and said:

"No! Why would you want to?"

Seeing her seriousness, Chu Wenyan couldn't help being disappointed and said:
"It's over, it seems that Yaya doesn't like Aunt Yan. I haven't seen you for two days, and she doesn't miss me at all!"

Yaya suddenly laughed, pinched Chu Wenyan's nose, blinked and said:
"Aunt Yan has been fooled!"

"I don't miss you, but I can miss you!"

Chu Wenyan hugged Yaya and turned around twice, the white skirt fluttered slightly, turning into a beautiful circle:
"Little girl, you are getting worse and worse, you even tease Aunt Yan from time to time!"

Ye Yun and Murong Yan stood aside, watching the two children, one big and one small playing together, feeling very warm.

Chu Wenyan then put down Yaya and said to Ye Yun:
"Big cousin, there will be a grand Ten Thousand Flowers Festival in Xinjiang City tomorrow, I got some tickets from my father, shall we take Yaya to see it together?"

"I go!"

Before Ye Yun could respond, Yaya quickly raised her hand.

"But Aunt Yan, what kind of horse is the Wanhuahui?"

Chu Wenyan smiled and said:
"The so-called Wanhua Fair is to gather all the beautiful flowers in the world and exhibit them for everyone to see."

"This kind of event is held every three years in China. There are beautiful flowers from all over the world. It's as beautiful as a flower paradise."

Yaya nodded, then showed a very excited look, clapped her hands and said:

"Then I must go and see!"

Girls have always had no resistance to beautiful things, especially beautiful flowers, and they are incomparably in love.

Since Yaya is going, Ye Yun certainly has no objection.

Early the next morning, Ye Yun took Yaya and set off in Chu Wenyan's car.

Since Yao Fangling, Chu Wenyan's good friend from Jincheng University of Foreign Studies, was also going, Chu Wenyan came to the school first, picked them up in the car, and drove all the way to Xinjiang City.

"Ask Yan, is Xinjiang City a city under the jurisdiction of Linyun City?"

On the way, Yao Fangling asked curiously.

Her hometown is Tingzhou City in Jiangnan Province, and she is not very familiar with some cities in Jiangbei Province.

Yesterday, I heard from Chu Wenyan that Xinjiang City held the Ten Thousand Flowers Festival, so I simply learned about it on the Internet, but I still don't know much about Xinjiang City.

Chu Wenyan nodded and said:

"Yes, Xinjiang City originally belonged to a fourth-tier city. It was very small. It was only a small prefecture-level city at first."

"Later, Linyun City developed greatly, so I merged it with myself. Now Xinjiang City is attached to Linyun City, which is roughly equivalent to a division of a second-tier city."

Yao Fangling snorted, and then asked a few more questions.

A group of people chatted and laughed, and unknowingly passed for more than an hour, and soon got off the expressway and came to the urban area of ​​Xinjiang.

The Wanhua Festival was held in the largest ecological park in Xinjiang City, and Chu Wenyan drove directly to the gate of the park.

Suddenly, a Land Rover Range Rover with the Xinjiang 99999 license plate slanted in from the front of Chu Wenyan's BMW X5.

Chu Wenyan was so frightened that he stepped on the brakes quickly, his little heart skipped a beat.

"Driving so fast and jumping in line, you must be sick!"

Chu Wenyan and Liu frowned, and muttered angrily.

I see.

There were three girls sitting in that Land Rover Range Rover, and the driver was a pretty woman around 20 years old, who gave Chu Wenyan a squinting look.

Then he drove in and swaggered in.


Seeing the girl's arrogant expression, Chu Wenyan shook his head involuntarily.

After parking the car, Ye Yun and the others entered the exhibition area of ​​the Wanhua Fair.

As soon as they stepped into the exhibition area, a group of girls couldn't help exclaiming.

The flowers of various colors all over the sky are so beautiful that they are so beautiful that they are too dizzying to see, as if you are in a sea of ​​flowers.

The fragrance of flowers is strong, and all kinds of strange aromas fill people's nostrils instantly, making people intoxicated.

This scene is really full of flowers, heaven and earth.

Yaya and Chu Wenyan walked and danced among the flowers hand in hand, it was really beautiful.

Ye Yun saw many flowers scattered on the ground beside him, so he picked them up and made a wreath, which he put on Yaya's head.

"Wow, so beautiful!"

Chu Wenyan, Yao Fangling and the others were instantly moved.

Yaya was already extremely beautiful, but now she was wearing the wreath carefully woven by Ye Yun on her head, she was full of immortality, and the girls loved it very much.

"Big cousin, how come you can do everything? This is the most beautiful garland I have ever seen, so artistic!"

Chu Wenyan looked at Ye Yun with admiration.

Yaya smiled and said:

"Aunt Yan, such porridge, let Papa make one for you too!"

Ye Yun smiled and nodded, and also made one for Chu Wenyan.

When Chu Wenyan put it on, a burst of fairy energy shot up into the sky in an instant, like a fairy descending from the mortal world, it was amazing.

Today she is wearing a long white dress with a big bow on her chest, her calves are as clean as jade, and she is wearing white slip-on high heels.

Pink cheeks, a beautiful face, and a colorful garland on the top of the head, the whole person is picturesque.

After standing with Yaya, the whole world was even more amazed.

"Wow, you are too beautiful!"

Yao Fangling and the others all opened their mouths wide with envious expressions on their faces.


Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind.

Three tall, beautiful girls stood in front of Chu Wenyan and Yaya, and stopped.

"Put on a garland and think you're really a fairy? How childish!"

The girl in front smiled coldly.

The words are full of disdain.

She is slender and has an extremely beautiful figure. According to visual inspection, her figure is no less than 1.7 meters, which makes her full of arrogance.

She has a well-groomed princess hairstyle and a diamond-encrusted princess hairpin on top of her head, shining brightly in the sun.

On the beautiful melon-seeded face, the facial features are exquisite, and under the high bridge of the nose is a pair of pink lips, delicate and charming.

Today she was wearing a white long dress similar to Chu Wenyan's. The sleeves were designed to reveal two small arms carved in jade like lotus roots.

The whole person looks like Chu Wenyan's aura.

It's just that the arrogance on his face is too strong, giving people a feeling of not getting close.

Although the two girls standing beside her were extremely beautiful, they were still far behind her.

"That's right! Scratching your head, how annoying!"

The other two girls gave Chu Wenyan an uncomfortable look, and then followed the girl.

Chu Wenyan frowned and said:

"Isn't this girl in a white dress the one who jumped in line just now?"

Yao Fangling nodded and said:

"That's right, it looks like she is, but I don't know why she has trouble with you. I see hostility in her eyes."

Chu Wenyan waved his hand indifferently and said:
"Forget it, who knows what kind of nerve she committed, we're still playing with ourselves."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yao Fangling pointed in the direction of the three girls and said:

"Look, there seems to be some kind of conference being held there, it's so lively, let's go and see it too!"

Everyone looked in the direction of her finger, and they saw a crowd of people in the distance, very lively.

Chu Wenyan also likes to be lively, so he nodded immediately and said:

"Okay, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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