Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 397 What a Greedy Cat!

Chapter 397 What a Greedy Cat!

Of course, many people think that the reason why Shui Xinjie left without saying a word.

It may be because I know Ye Yun, we are all acquaintances, there is no need to make an unpleasant scene in public.

It's as if the two old friends had a misunderstanding, and if they met each other face to face, the matter would be settled.

It's normal, and not uncommon.

After Shui Xinjie and the others left, everyone didn't think too much about his relationship with Ye Yun.

On the stage, Ye Yun was extremely handsome, and Chu Wenyan was extremely beautiful.

They stood there, star-studded, attracting the attention of the audience.

The host stepped forward, smiled at Ye Yun with a compliment, turned to Chu Wenyan and said:

"Miss Chu, now you are the oiran of this Baihua Fairy."

Turning around, he raised the microphone and said loudly:
"Next, please invite the organizer of this conference, Chairman Liu Zhaoming of Huaxia New Vision Culture Media Group, to present an award to Ms. Chu!"

The prize for the champion is 100 million cash and a certificate of honor from Fairy Baihua.

Chu Wenyan received the certificate of honor and said to Liu Mingming:
"Help me donate this money to the China Red Cross Society."

After speaking, he followed Ye Yun and walked off the stage with a smile.

Next, several people walked around the exhibition area again. Seeing that it was almost noon, Chu Wenyan proposed to go to the downtown area of ​​Xinjiang for dinner.

She had heard her father mention before that there is a top seafood restaurant in Jiangbei Province in Xinjiang, where the seafood is all the freshest and tastes great, and it is very popular.

Her proposal was immediately approved by Yaya and Yao Fangling, and Ye Yun naturally had no objections.

Then several people got into the car, and Chu Wenyan drove the car to the downtown area of ​​Xinjiang.


"Xinjie, what's the matter with you? Why did you leave without saying a word?"

Li Mandong sat in Shui Xinjie's car and looked at him suspiciously.

At the beginning, she thought that Shui Xinjie would help her teach that smelly girl a lesson when she came forward.

Never thought that a handsome man who appeared out of nowhere would make Shui Xinjie leave without saying a word. really ridiculous!
Shui Xinjie glanced at her and said calmly:
"That person is not easy to mess with. One more thing is worse than one less thing. It's better to leave there early."

Li Mandong couldn't help but sneered, put his hands on his chest and said with a sneer:
"One more thing is worse than one less thing? I really can't imagine that this sentence came from your mouth, Young Master Shui!"

"Your Shui family is recognized as the number one family in Linyun City, and that little girl is from Jincheng. Don't tell me you, a local dragon, are afraid of someone from outside?"

Riemann Dongyue said more and more angry, reaching out to hold his violently heaving chest:

"There is a saying that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, but your Shui family is a real local dragon!"

"Today, in front of so many people, you watched your girlfriend being humiliated without any emotion at all. Don't you feel ashamed and flustered?"

Shui Xinjie was a little annoyed by what she said, so he glared at her and said:

"There are some things you don't understand, just shut up!"

He was also on fire.

On his own territory, he still has to swallow his anger against Ye Yun.

If it takes time, will the Murong family and Ye Yun be riding on top of the Shui family?

Since Xiao Xuanzong's dinner, the Shui family has been swallowing their anger and watching the Murong family and Ye Yun making waves in Jiangbei Province.

It's really frustrating!
Today's breath is hard to swallow.

But, he can't tell Li Mandong that Ye Yun is from the Murong family, and then say that he dare not touch him, right?
If this word is spread, the Shui family will be in Linyun City in the future, and I will lose my lord!

Right now, just fooling around like this, no one else can guess anything.

At least, it can save the Shui family's face.

"You told me to shut up? Then do you dare to tell me why you left there in a hurry today?"

"Why don't you show the aura of the young master of the Shui family?"

"Could it be that your Shui family has become a family that others can ride on their heads and dominate?"

Seeing that Shui Xinjie scolded him, Li Mandong couldn't help saying angrily.

"That's enough! You stupid woman, you caused the problem, you can solve it yourself if you have the ability!"

Shui Xinjie was hit by what she said, and immediately burned with anger.

"Get out of here! Don't bother me in the future!"

Shui Xinjie opened the door and forced Li Mandong to get out of the car.

Seeing Shui Xinjie mercilessly driving the car away, Li Mandong stomped his feet angrily.

"Damn it, bastard!"

"I don't believe that that stinky girl can't be cured! You all wait for me!"

"It's not for nothing that my Li family is in Xinjiang City. As long as you are still in Xinjiang City, I want you to look good!"

Li Mandong immediately took out his mobile phone, made a call, and burst into tears:

"Brother, I was bullied!"

"I want you to catch those bastards and let them never forget this lesson for the rest of their lives!"


Xinjiang Fairy Taste Seafood Restaurant.

"Wow, take a look, Papa! There are so many cute little stars!"

"Honey, that's called a starfish, and it's a very delicious seafood."

"Ah? So cute, do we want to order them again?"

"Yes, they are also a kind of food. We humans can only grow up if we eat more food, right?"

"Yeah, then I'd better do it a little bit more!"

"Hehe, you are such a greedy little cat!"

Ye Yun hugged Yaya and walked around in front of the glass tank in the seafood restaurant. The little girl looked at the seafood curiously.

She thought they were all cute, but Ye Yun told her that these could be made into delicacies, so the little girl decided to eat more to grow her body.

Chu Wenyan, Yao Fangling and the others followed Ye Yun and Yaya around before they came to the private room upstairs.

When the food was about to be served, Yaya wanted to go to the toilet, so Ye Yun led her to find the toilet.

Chu Wenyan and the other four girls were sitting there playing with their mobile phones, waiting for the food to be served.


Suddenly, the door opened.

A handsome man in a black suit, accompanied by a cold-faced short-haired woman, and five burly men walked in.

The man in the suit fixed his eyes on Chu Wenyan's face, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Immediately, his eyes turned cold, and he asked in a deep voice:
"You are Chu Wenyan?"

Sensing that the visitor was not kind, Chu Wenyan asked vigilantly:

"who are you?"

The man in the suit snorted coldly and said:

"If you don't answer, I know it's you!"

"Take them all away!"

With a wave of his hand, the five big men rushed forward aggressively.

Yao Fangling saw a fruit knife beside her, quickly grabbed it and held it in her hand, saying:

"Don't come here, or don't blame me for being rude!"

The short-haired woman standing behind the man in the suit sneered:

She raised her hand, and a strange flame burned the fruit knife into gas.

"Whoever dares to move again will burn her to ashes."

(End of this chapter)

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