Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 404 Xing Tianshield!

Chapter 404 Xing Tianshield!
I am God!

How do you destroy it!

Ye Yun's words were like thunder from nine heavens, and they exploded, shocking the audience.

This sentence was really extremely domineering, and everyone's heart trembled when they said it.

Although, many people believe that Ye Yun is not Shui Jianyu's opponent.

However, after he said this, they actually had a slight illusion, and instead thought that Ye Yun would be the final winner.

"This Ye Yun, who knows that Shui Jianyu is possessed by the Nine Dragons and possesses extraordinary strength, can still say such crazy words. Does he really have any support?"

Many people are thinking secretly in their hearts.


"This person has always been crazy. He said that just to give himself courage!"

"Either he wants to save face for the Murong family, and he doesn't want to die too uselessly, so it is reasonable to say a few harsh words."

Soon, everyone shook their heads, thinking that Ye Yun was probably bluffing.

After all, the gap in strength cannot be made up by talking.

A master of transformation, singled out an existence with the power of an ancient dragon, who is stronger and who is weaker, does not need to think too much.

Even Shui Jianyu sneered at Ye Yun's words and said with a sneer:

"Ye Yun, I didn't expect you to come here and say such crazy things."

"It seems that you are indeed a very good man. You are willing to sacrifice yourself for your wife and the Murong family."

He then sighed softly and said:
"But it's a pity, you killed my in-law's son and hurt my future daughter-in-law so badly. Shui Jianyu must avenge this hatred!"

"Besides, looking at the entire Jiangbei Province, you have offended many people. Today we will count the old and new grudges together!"

After speaking, his whole body was full of anger.

A golden light emerged, and a huge pattern appeared behind the body.

Everyone can clearly see that in the pattern, nine giant dragons emit bright golden light, and the momentum is extremely huge.

"As expected of being possessed by the Nine Dragons, the Dharma appearance alone is so terrifying. If you hit it with all your strength, I really can't imagine it!"

Everyone's eyes trembled, and their hearts trembled with fright at Shui Jianyu's powerful aura.

Luo Xuewei's brows tightened, and she hurriedly ran to Ye Yun's side, leaned her body sideways, leaned close to his ear and said:

"Ye Yun, Han Jinlong and I brought [-] masters above the half-step transformation level to ambush here."

"Wait, if the situation is not good, you take the opportunity to leave first, go back and take Yanyan and the others, as far as you can go, I will help you stop Shui Jianyu and the others here!"

When she spoke, her breath was like orchids, and the sweet breath in her mouth was like the fragrance of flowers in spring, refreshing.

The hair on the sideburns swayed slightly in the wind, caressing past Ye Yun's nose, like a girl's gentle and affectionate hands, gently stroking the lover's cheek.

The affectionate sparkle in the dark eyes seemed to be telling Ye Yun:

"As long as you can be happy, I am willing to die for you!"

Ye Yun stepped aside a little bit, gave her a gentle look, shook his head and said with a smile:

"No, I won't let anyone get hurt because of me."

Before coming, Murong Yan, Chu Wenyan and Murong Hui wanted to come with him, but he resolutely refused.

He knew that Shui Jianyu put a lot of pressure on everyone this time, and he didn't want Murong Yan and the others to worry about it.

It was even more impossible for Luo Xuewei to risk her life to help her escape.

Although it was not necessary, Ye Yun was still slightly moved when thinking of Luo Xuewei's belief that she must die:

"However, thank you."

Luo Xuewei blushed when he saw her, and said softly:
"I said earlier that the Luo family is also yours, so you don't need to thank you."

Suddenly remembering that she was in a hurry just now, she ran up to talk so much with Ye Yun, and there were so many people watching, she couldn't help but lowered her head in embarrassment, bit her cherry lips and stepped aside.

After taking a few deep breaths, he raised his head and gave Ye Yun an encouraging smile.

Ye Yun nodded slightly at her, then looked at Shui Jianyu, and said coldly:

"Speaking to this point, I will give you a death today!"

After hearing this, Shui Jianyu laughed wildly, and the image of Nine Dragons behind him expanded ten times in an instant.

Powerful zhenqi surged out like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

"Ye Yun, you are truly ignorant and fearless!"

"Since you are anxious to die, then I will help you!"

True Qi exploded, sweeping across the entire Tianfeng Mountain like a hurricane of magnitude ten.

Most of the people in the yard were blown to the ground by the air current, unable to get up.

"Hiss! As expected of being possessed by the Nine Dragons, this is the most powerful true energy I have ever seen! If it is released completely, it may destroy the entire earth!"

Shui Jianyu's coercion is too strong, and many people are frightened before he makes a move.

Luo Xuewei, Wang Gan, Xia Jin and the others all had trembling eyes and clenched their hands tightly, worried for Ye Yun.

"Come on!"

With a roar, Shui Jianyu soared into the sky.

The right hand turned into a golden light, and made a dragon cry in mid-air, slapping Ye Yun's heart pitifully.

Just as he approached Ye Yun, a square of red light appeared in front of Ye Yun, blocking him abruptly.


Everyone looked intently.

I saw Ye Yun holding a red shield in his hand.

A bright red light shone on the surface of the shield, and a thick airflow completely blocked Shui Jianyu.

The powerful blow just now couldn't hurt Ye Yun's body at all.

"What is this stuff?"

Shui Jianyu took two steps back, frowning involuntarily.

"Could it be... this is an ancient artifact... Xing Tianshield?"

In the crowd, someone suddenly shouted.

With this shout, the crowd immediately boiled.

"It's really Xing Tianshield! Unexpectedly, this legendary artifact is in Ye Yun's hands!"

"Legends say that Xing Tian's shield was tempered by Xing Tian with his own leg bones. It is extremely hard. When the Yellow Emperor attacked Emperor Yan, he used all kinds of divine soldiers, but none of them could split the Xing Tian shield."

"Unexpectedly, this artifact is in Ye Yun's hands. No wonder he is so confident that he dares to come to Tianfeng Mountain alone!"

in the eyes of the public.

Shui Jianyu is possessed by a nine dragon, and this nine dragon is the incarnation of Hou Yi's nine sun-shooting arrows.

Ye Yun has the Xingtian Shield, which is the supreme defensive artifact in Chinese legend.

One attack and one defense are top-notch existences.

Now that the two sides are serious, it is really hard to say who will win.

"So this is your reliance, Ye Yun, it seems that I still underestimated you!"

Shui Jianyu sneered again and again.

"You can get all the Xing Tianshields, you are really capable. However, don't think that with this turtle shell, you can sit back and relax!"

"It was just a test just now, the following is the real kung fu, I want to see, your tortoise shell can stop me a few shots!"

Shui Jianyu snorted angrily, and the light all over his body exploded again.

hold head high! !

A roar.

Nine streaks of golden light burst out from his body and went straight to the sky.

The powerful air current, like the sea being overturned, rushed towards everyone with a huff.

Seeing this, Ye Yun couldn't help grinning.

The reason why he didn't kill Shui Jianyu directly was to wait for him to completely release the nine dragons.

Now, the time has come!
(End of this chapter)

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