Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 406 We will live forever together!

Chapter 406 We will live forever together!
Wang Gan smiled and said nothing.

A man like Ye Yun, even if he stands there motionless, can still make countless girls fall in love with him like moths to a flame.

Strong, handsome, gentle, dedicated.

He has all the characteristics of a perfect man.

What girl could resist his charms?

Even if she knew that he was a married man, she would still be so desperately infatuated with him.

This powerful charm made Wang Qian, who is also a man, very envious.

Seeing that the matter had been resolved, he brought Xia Jin to Ye Yun, greeted him respectfully, and then returned to the headquarters to start dealing with the aftermath of the war.

Ye Yun had already killed Shui Jianyu, and he didn't have the intention to stay any longer, and then he left amidst expressions of awe or doubt.

Luo Xuewei caught up with him, smiled shyly, and asked:

"Ye Yun, are you free the night after tomorrow?"

Ye Yun stopped and looked at her lightly:
"Is something wrong?"

Luo Xuewei nodded, two blushes floated on her snow-white cheeks:

"The day after tomorrow is my birthday, I want to ask, do you have time to come over?"

Ye Yun smiled lightly and said:

"Call Yanyan, she knows that you celebrated your birthday recently, and she said a few days ago that she would give you a gift."

Luo Xuewei showed a joyful expression, she didn't expect Murongyan to remember her birthday.

She immediately thought that the last time Murong Yan celebrated her birthday, she also asked her own birthday date.

It was just a casual remark at the time, but she never thought that she would keep it in her heart.

"Yan Yan really has a heart!"

Luo Xuewei then called Murong Yan and invited her to come to Jiangcheng with Ye Yunya the day after tomorrow.

Murong Yan promised her to go, Luo Xuewei happily hung up the phone, waved her hands to say goodbye to Ye Yun, and led Han Jinlong and his group back to Jiangcheng.

When Ye Yun returned to Murong Villa, Murong Yan, Yaya, Chu Wenyan, and Murong Hui were all sitting in the living room.

Although Luo Xuewei had told them that Ye Yun had won just now, there was still some worry in the expressions of the few people.

They thought that Shui Jianyu was so strong, even if Ye Yun won, he would probably suffer a lot of injuries.

However, when Ye Yun walked in the door, they were surprised to find that he didn't look like a single hair was damaged.

Murong Yan was worried, she came to Ye Yun's side, walked around him, looked at him carefully, and then gently patted her chest with her small hand.

"If there's nothing wrong with it, then I'm relieved."

Ye Yun stretched out his hand to gently touch her little head, and smiled softly:
"Girl, your man will never get hurt, so don't worry."

Feeling the warmth of Ye Yun's palm and that affectionate gaze, Murong Yan found that her heart was about to be melted by him.

Thinking of Chu Wenyan and the others watching from behind, her pretty face flushed slightly, and she coughed lightly and said:

"Okay, I get it, my man is not afraid of planetary explosions, how could he be hurt by Shui Jianyu?"

As she spoke, she raised her head slightly.

There was a hint of pride in his expression.

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:

"You're so cute, you're right!"

Seeing his mature and prudent appearance, Murong Yan couldn't help rolling her cute eyes:

"Like an old man!"

Ye Yun laughed loudly and said:
"That's right, I'm an old cow eating tender grass!"

Murong Yan thumped him lightly, then spat softly:
"Hey, how can anyone say that about themselves?"

"You are not allowed to say that you are old! Otherwise, I feel old too!"

Ye Yun nodded, looked at her seriously and said:

"Don't worry, maybe one day, we will live forever together."

"We will go on like this, watching the tide rise and fall, watching the sun and the moon reverse, watching the stars transform, watching the universe eternity, and being together forever and ever!"

Murong Yan didn't expect him to make such an affectionate confession suddenly, she was surprised but also extremely moved.

In a pair of beautiful eyes, tears could not help but glisten, nodded and smiled:

"1 years is too long, seize the day and night, as long as you are by my side, I will be satisfied forever!"

As he spoke, he hugged Ye Yun tightly.

Behind him, Chu Wenyan's eye circles turned red, the dog food sprinkled by the big cousin today seems to be very delicious!

Murong Hui shook his head and smiled. If he had known Ye Yun and Murong Yan loved each other so much, he shouldn't have treated Yan Yan like that.

Thinking of this, he felt extremely remorseful and guilty, sighed heavily, and walked out of the living room.


Time passed quickly, and it was already two days later.

Today Murong Yan got off work early and carefully prepared a gift for Luo Xuewei.

In the dressing room on the second floor, Ye Yun was styling Murong Yan's hairstyle.

Since Murong Yan is already extremely beautiful, even if she loosens her hair casually, no one in this world can match her beauty.

But Ye Yun felt that it was not enough, his woman must be the most beautiful in the whole universe.

So every time he does Murong Yan's hair, he is very careful.

That incomparably focused expression made Murong Yan feel warm in her heart.

"Ye Yun, I have prepared a dress designed by TT Fantasy for Xuewei, do you think it is okay?"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:

"As long as you feel good, that's fine!"

By the way, the hairstyle has been done.

At this time, Murong Yan looked not only glamorous, but also full of immortality.

Every strand of her hair seemed to have a seductive light, so Ye Yun couldn't move his eyes away.


Ye Yun nodded in satisfaction.

Murong Yan also liked this look very much, and happily kissed Ye Yun on the face:
"Ye Yun, you are really talented!"

After finishing speaking, he jumped downstairs to find Yaya.

Feeling the icy coolness on his cheeks, and the sweet smell mixed with the fruit flavor, Ye Yun couldn't help smiling.

This little girl has that very comfortable fragrance all over her body.

The trace of moist saliva between the lips and teeth is like sweet nectar, making people intoxicated.

In the evening, the three members of Ye Yun's family, Xiao Huang and Chen Yajing, had already arrived on the rooftop of the Huasheng Building in the center of Jiangcheng City.

This office building is the tallest building in Jiangcheng. It was originally the property of the Han family. Since the Han family was merged by the Luo family, it became the property under the name of the Luo family.

Although it is a rooftop, the decoration is not inferior to that of a five-star hotel.

At this time, the place has been decorated with lights and festoons, full of festive atmosphere.

Luo Xuewei, He Jingyao, Liu Yina and Dong Manli were already waiting in the luxurious resting area on the rooftop.

Since Luo Xuewei did not plan to hold this birthday party with great fanfare, only He Jingyao and the others were invited, as well as Ye Yun and Chen Yajing.

After Ye Yun and the others were all present, the birthday party officially began.

Chu Chu Chu!
While everyone was enjoying the delicious cake, suddenly a helicopter appeared over the rooftop.

I saw it slowly land on the center of the roof, and then, a group of people came out from inside.

(End of this chapter)

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