Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 413 Angry at the crown, for the confidante!

Chapter 413 Angry at the crown, for the beauty!
"Papa, is this what that ghost really looks like?"

Yaya looked at the King of Wheels curiously, feeling that his appearance was very funny.

Moreover, even Yan Luo Wang and the bull's head and horse face look so cute.

Ye Yun nodded and smiled, "Yes."

"They're so cute!"

Yaya pointed at the Reincarnation King, as well as King Yama and the others.

Yan Luowang and Niutouma looked at each other, shook their heads and laughed.

Even the revolving king couldn't help showing a smile.

They have lived for tens of thousands of years, and this is the first time they have been praised for their cuteness.

Yaya stretched out her hand towards King Yama and said with a smile:

"You are Papa's friend, let's be friends too!"

How could King Yan Luo dare to be friends with Yaya, his body trembled immediately, and he was about to fall to the ground.

However, seeing the look in Ye Yun's hand, he had no choice but to shake hands with Yaya tremblingly, nodded and said:

"Okay, we'll be friends from now on!"

Turning around, he looked sternly at the king of wheels:

"You left the underworld privately, harming the world, and your crime is heinous, absolutely unforgivable!"

"From now on, I will cut off your official position in the Ten Temples of Yama, and you will be imprisoned in the Infernal Purgatory to be punished by frying and skinning a billion times!"

As soon as the wheel king heard it, his body immediately collapsed on the ground, as if he was mourning his concubine.

Liu Zhengying stepped forward at this time, looking at the reincarnation king with trepidation:

"I want to ask you, how did you know me?"

The reincarnation king looked at him with hatred and said:

"Ten years ago, you once killed a ghost king named You Luo, she is my beloved."

"In order to avenge her, I worked hard and planned for a full ten years before I came to the world from the underworld. Then I found out about you. How could I not know you?"

Hearing this, King Yan Luo frowned. He didn't expect that King Reincarnation came to the mortal world privately for a female ghost.

It is true that she became a confidante in anger.

However, if word spreads that one of the majestic Yamas, one of the Ten Halls, actually caused troubles in the world because of a female ghost, then you will lose your lord in the Three Realms!
"You bastard! I've decided to double your punishment!"

The more Yama thought about it, the angrier he became, and he wished he could take the reincarnation king back to punish him immediately.

Liu Zhengying nodded and said:

"I see!"

The reincarnation king smiled bitterly and said:

"I would rather spend more than half of my mana to come to the world. I wanted to attach to the human body to accumulate Yin Qi, and when my mana recovers, I will kill you!"

"I never thought that I would meet someone who can summon King Yama!"

He said, looking at Ye Yun in awe.

With his status as Yama of the Ten Temples, he doesn't know what kind of status this mortal is, so that King Yama will be so respectful.

When he said this, the eyes of He Wenrui, Liu Zhengying and others fell on Ye Yun again.

They originally thought that Ye Yun was just a martial arts master, who was admired by He Jingyao because of his handsome looks.

Unexpectedly, it was him who summoned King Yama at the last moment to solve this big trouble.

Right now, no matter how stupid a person is, he can guess that Ye Yun is definitely not an unknown person.

Liu Zhengying and Fu Shenghong Zhuo Youfan bowed to Ye Yun at the same time, saying:
"Senior, please forgive me for not being able to see Mount Tai. What I said before insulted my senior status!"

"Please tell me, senior, who is the master?"

He Jingyao wiped away her tears and said with a smile:
"He is the husband of Patriarch Murong of Jincheng, Ye Yun!"

She held Murong Yan's arm and said:

"Look, this is the head of the Murong family, don't you all know him?"

Liu Zhengying and the others were embarrassed for a while.

Ye Yun and the Murong family have been very popular in Jiangbei Province recently.

Especially Ye Yun, since he knelt down to Xiao Xuanzong at a glance, he has become famous in the martial arts circle in Jiangbei Province.

Anyone who has something to do with martial arts and has some knowledge has heard of his name.

Liu Zhengying and the others were no exception, but they had never met Ye Yun and Murong Yan.

Although there are some differences between martial arts and psychics, but to be more realistic, martial arts is obviously better than psychics.

With Ye Yun's cultivation, he can naturally be regarded as their senior.

Thinking of how aggressive he was in front of Ye Yun just now, the faces of the three of them were burning hot.

Hastily bowed respectfully to Ye Yun, and walked away dejectedly.

However, He Wenrui was on the sidelines, too frightened to vent his breath.

Ye Yun could make King Yan Luo appear in front of him by raising his hand. He could hardly even dream of such an ability.

Seeing that the matter was resolved and Yaya also saw four "cute" ghosts, Ye Yun took her and Murong Yan away.

As soon as she left the gate of He's house, Murong Yan couldn't wait to ask:

"Ye Yun, that King Yama treats you so respectfully, you can't be his superior, right?"

Xiao Nizi thought about it, since ancient times, King Yama has been the ruler of the underworld, and I haven't heard of anyone above him.

Ye Yun shook his head and said:

"I narrowly escaped death once three years ago. When I met him, he always thought that I looked a lot like a senior from the underworld, so he always respected me."

Murong Yan nodded and smiled:
"I see, but you are not a ghost!"

Ye Yun smiled softly at her:
"Yes, I am a human, but he is a ghost. Humans and ghosts have different paths. It is all his mistake."

After talking, they came to the parking place.

Luo Xuewei glanced at them with some reluctance, and said with a smile:

"Are you going back?"

Murong Yan nodded and said:

"Well, I'll play with you later."

Yaya waved her little hand and said:

"Aunt Xuewei, let's say goodbye first!"

Luo Xuewei kissed her lovingly, shook her little hand, and said goodbye to her.

On the way back, Murong Yan drove past the famous Xianque Bridge in Jiangcheng.

Below the bridge is the Qinhuai River that stretches all the way to Jincheng. At this time, both sides of the river are covered with red lanterns.

The moonlight is bright, the green willows are swaying, and the red light is shining, which is too beautiful to behold.

Seeing the beautiful scenery at night, Murong Yan couldn't help admiring:
"I didn't expect the night here to be so beautiful!"

"Look at the many small boats floating gently on the river, it's really romantic!"

Ye Yun said with a smile: "Honey, it's still early anyway, so let's go boating if you like!"

With a hint of excitement in her eyes, Murong Yan turned her head to look at Ye Yun:
"Is it really possible?"

Ye Yun nodded and said:
"Of course! I'll take you boating!"

He asked Murong Yan to park the car in the dedicated parking space, then took her and Yaya to the river and rented a small boat.

Ye Yun boarded the boat with Yaya in his arms, and then led Murong Yan up.

Yaya sat on the bow, looking excitedly at the scenery on both sides of the river, while Ye Yun sat at the stern, paddling the boat.

Seeing Murong Yan looking at him with a gentle smile on his face, Ye Yun asked:
"Honey, can you row a boat?"

Murong Yan shook her head: "No, this should be very difficult, right?"

Ye Yun said with a smile: "If you know how to do it, it won't be hard at all."

He waved to Murong Yan: "You come to my place, I will teach you!"

Murong Yan happily moved over and sat in his arms.

Ye Yun hugged Murong Yan from behind, and through his breath, he could smell the fragrant fragrance of her black hair, as well as the faint, wonderful floral sweetness emanating from her body.

In front of her chest is her weak and boneless back, they are tightly pressed together, and they can even feel each other's heartbeat.

Ye Yun straightened his arms, gently held her brocade-like soft hands, and said softly:

"Honey, apply a little force in the direction of my hand, and the boat will move."

Murong Yan felt his strong heartbeat, the breath that intoxicated her, warmed her heart, it was all sweet.

"Ye Yun, why don't we row back."

She wanted to just snuggle up in Ye Yun's arms, the longer the better.

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:

"Okay! Let's go now!"

Yaya clapped her hands happily and said with a smile:

"Oh~ let's go home by boat!"

When the oars are rowing, the sky is full of stars, and the night is infinitely beautiful.

Ye Yun said: "Honey, you sing so well, please sing me another one."

Murong Yan snuggled into his arms, feeling her body was soft, almost melting like sugar, she whispered softly:

"it is good."

The melodious singing on the water, Murong Yan's sweet and clear voice, like an angel's ethereal singing, intoxicated the whole city.

The most romantic thing i can think of
just grow old with you

Collecting bits and pieces of laughter along the way

Let's sit in a rocking chair and talk slowly


 Thanks for the hard 100 reward~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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