Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 416 If anyone dares to commit a crime, I will punish him!

Chapter 416 If anyone dares to commit a crime, I will punish him!
China Overseas Sports Academy.

Located in the very center, the top floor of the tallest gymnasium building is the office area for the president and vice presidents of the Jing Wu Dao Association.

At this time, in the president's office, Cheng Lei was tearfully telling about the scene of being violently beaten by Ye Yun an hour ago.

There were three people in front of him.

Sitting at the desk was a man about 30 years old. He had a thin face, handsome features, a ponytail, bright eyes, and extraordinary momentum.

Sitting on the left of him was a man of about the same age, with a naive expression on his face, which looked gentler.

But the aura unintentionally revealed on his body also made Cheng Lei's eyes full of awe.

The other is a beautiful woman aged 25 or [-], wearing a long light blue dress, holding a small round palace fan in her slender hands.

The rosy lips were slightly curled up, showing a hint of charm, but the eyes were extremely cold, full of arrogance.

These three people are the highest leaders of the Jingwu Daohui.

Chairman Jing Zelong, Vice-chairmen Zhuang Junhao and Qu Yunhan.

Hearing that Cheng Lei was abolished by a foreigner just now, Jing Zelong immediately summoned Zhuang Junhao and Qu Yunhan to interrogate the matter together.

"President, that little boy's cultivation is very deep, and his attacks are very brutal!"

"And he was so crazy that if our Martial Arts Association wants to take revenge, we will smash this place!"

Cheng Lei looked at Jing Zelong with a icy expression in horror.

If it wasn't for the 1000 million, he wouldn't dare to say this in front of Jing Zelong.

You must know that this person has a very violent temper and a high level of cultivation. He is the most powerful existence in the entire Martial Arts Association, except for two legendary figures.

Jing Zelong's face instantly turned livid, his eyes narrowed, and an astonishing murderous intent made Cheng Lei's hairs stand up all over his body.

"Since he said so, I will fulfill him!"

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Jing Zelong's mouth.

"Did he think that our Jingwu Martial Arts Association is really just a mere college martial arts organization?"

"Don't say he is a person from other places, even some high-ranking officials in Zhong Hai dare not say such things to us!"

"I, Jing Zelong, have never rubbed sand in my eyes, let alone anyone who dares to act wildly on the head of the Martial Arts Association!"

"Whoever dares to commit a crime, I will punish him!"

He stood up, put his hands behind his back and said:
"Find that kid and ask him to kowtow here before noon tomorrow!"

"Otherwise, he will be abolished!"

Qu Yunhan shook the fan in his hand a few times, and asked with a smile:
"President, don't you need to test that kid first?"

Jing Zelong smiled disdainfully, and replied:

"Testing is not necessary, otherwise it would be too flattering to him!"

"In our Jingwu Martial Arts Association, there are a large group of masters who transform the realm, and he is a yellow-haired boy. No matter how powerful he is, the realm of the masters will be as high as the sky!"

"Are we still afraid that he will fail?"

Qu Yunhan nodded and said:

"That's true. Think about us, which one is not a genius."

"Even if he is as talented as us, he is still a few years younger after all. There is no reason for him to be better than us."

Zhuang Junhao also nodded in agreement, with a cruel look on his simple face and said:
"It's been a long time in peace, and I always want to find some excitement."

"If this kid can really kill him, I'm really looking forward to fighting him!"

Jing Zelong smiled slightly:
"If he really dares to come here, I will respect him as a man. I'm afraid the final result will be very disappointing, ha ha!"


Ye Yun soon met someone from the Jingwu Martial Arts Association, and it was Qu Yunhan who came to deliver the message.

Hearing that Jing Zelong ordered him to come to the Jingwu Daohui to apologize for his crimes before noon tomorrow, Ye Yun just left a word, telling them to wait until they are trampled down.

Seeing Ye Yun's understatement, Qu Yunhan was surprised at first, and then showed a deep look of disdain.

This man's brows are full of arrogance, obviously because he is handsome and too conceited.

Unfortunately, you will never know what you are facing.

After observing Ye Yun carefully, Qu Yunhan found that he didn't have that domineering aura, so he couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

Men are handsome and can be conceited.

But it would be a pompous fool to fail to recognize the situation.

No matter how handsome a stupid man is, he can't catch her, Qu Yunhan's eyes!

Seeing Ye Yun's back turning around, Qu Yun smiled coldly and led the people away.

Since Yaya had already entered the classroom, and the library hadn't opened during lunch break, Ye Yun wandered around in the square outside.

Murong Ranran followed behind him like a little follower.

"Of course, why don't you go to class?"

Seeing that beautiful shadow following him without missing a step, Ye Yun asked.

Ran Ran smiled triumphantly:

"I study well, it doesn't matter if I miss class!"

"And Pei Ling and Guan Tong Amanda are not here, I am so boring by myself!"

She took half a step forward, turned her head to look straight at Ye Yun and asked:

"Brother-in-law, don't you like me following you?"

Ye Yun nodded: "Well, I feel so boring."

"Then I will follow you!"

Ran ran pouted and said stubbornly.

"I've been alone in Zhonghai for so long, it's rare to see your relatives, why don't you let them stay with you for a while, you say you're not made of wood?"

Ye Yun ignored her and walked forward on his own.

Ran Ran smiled and followed beside him, chirping like a little sparrow:
"Wood! Wood! Wood! . . . "

Ye Yun was speechless. Is this little girl 21 years old or 11 years old?
Why are you acting like a kid all day long?
Helpless, he had no choice but to follow her.

The two walked tens of meters, and saw a Chinese painter in front of him, who was holding an outdoor art exhibition.

"It is indeed our top Chinese painting master in China. The plants, trees, people and birds are all lifelike, and they are of the top level at first glance!"

"It is said that Master Liu has several paintings that have been collected in the Louvre Museum in Paris. I didn't expect to see his paintings here. I am so lucky!"

"What is luck? Master Liu's nickname is Liu Sanqian. One painting is done and it amazes the world. Did you get your nickname randomly?"

There was an exclamation from the crowd.

However, the owner of this exhibition, the most famous Chinese painting master in China, is known as Liu Anhui of Liu Sanqian.

Sitting there wantonly swiping his brush, fully devoting himself to the creation of traditional Chinese painting.

Ye Yun had nothing to do, so he casually admired his paintings to pass the time.

At the same time, I learned that Liu Anhui held this art exhibition mainly to raise funds for poor children in mountainous areas.

Seeing Ye Yun appreciating the traditional Chinese painting carefully, Ran Ran stayed by his side, blinking her big eyes and looking at him.

Anyway, she is not afraid of her brother-in-law being fierce, so she doesn't look at it for nothing!

"Knowing Huaxia's traditional Chinese painting, why can't it enter the highest palace of world art?"

"Because their level is too low, and the materials used are extremely poor, without the noble texture of oil painting."

"So these paintings can only be appreciated by some low-level people!"

Suddenly, a very discordant mocking sound came from the crowd.

Everyone looked back and saw a blond old man with a man in a suit looking at Liu Sanqian's painting with a disdainful smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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