Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 418 Going to Fu Yi, Hidden Merit and Fame!

Chapter 418 Going to Fu Yi, Hidden Merit and Fame!
"Just now, did you feel the sharp sword energy?"

"Of course I felt it! It was more terrifying than a real sharp sword. For a moment, the hairs all over my body stood on end! I thought it was a real sword coming out, it was so terrifying!"

"Being able to break Joseph's painting with a sharp sword shows that this gentleman's skill is higher than Joseph's! There is still someone in China who can shock Joseph!"

The people who came back to God looked at Ye Yun with eyes full of admiration and awe.

There is still a hint of pride in everyone's heart.

Since ancient times, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, China has a splendid culture of more than 5000 years, and countless peerless heroes have been cultivated.

If you really want to get serious, you've never been afraid of anyone!
Seeing the haughty and arrogant Joseph and Anthony just now looked like mourning concubines, everyone felt refreshed.

Murong Ranran glanced at everyone proudly, and happily stepped forward to hug Ye Yun's arm and dangle it:
"Brother-in-law, you have given Huaxia a face, you are the idol of the Huaxia people!"

"Brother-in-law, tell me, if you draw a bomb, will it blow up here?"

While praising Ye Yun fiercely, Xiao Nizi suddenly had a whim, which scared everyone beside her into a cold sweat.

Ye Yun quickly pulled out his arm and pressed his hand on her forehead to calm her down. He smiled helplessly:
"Crazy girl, pay attention to your image."

However, it was only then that she realized that she was too excited, hugging her brother-in-law's arm like a baby, blushing quickly, biting her lip and dodging to the side.

Afterwards, Ye Yun took Ran Ran away.

Liu Anhui and Joseph wanted to ask Ye Yun to leave his contact information and ask him for advice in the future, but Ye Yun flatly refused.

In the end, she could only watch him drift away from Ranran with eyes of incomparable admiration.


In China and the world, there has been a legend of the god of painting ever since.


After the library opened in the afternoon, Ye Yun and Ranran continued to read in it and waited for Yaya.

However, he still stared at Ye Yun with a smile like in the morning, and Ye Yun didn't bother to talk to her anymore, anyway, as long as she didn't make any noise, it was fine.

The state of mind honed by the Supreme Killing God for more than 4 years, if you really want to settle down, it's like an ancient well with no waves, and no one can shake it.

After Yaya got out of school in the afternoon, the three of them had dinner together.

Since Yaya participated in this kind of activity for the first time, she was tired early, so Ye Yun took her back to the hotel to rest, but had to go back to the school dormitory alone.

Soon, it was the morning of the next day.

Ye Yun was reading in the library just like yesterday, but he was still by his side.

At about ten o'clock, the Zhonghai Institute of Physical Education suddenly became lively.

The three leaders, Jing Zelong, Zhuang Junhao, and Qu Yunhan, as well as twelve other Transformation Masters gathered together, frowning as they listened to the report of the spies who went to the Zhonghai Library to inquire about Ye Yun.

"President, that person is still sitting in the library reading a book, and there is only a beautiful little girl beside him."

Hearing this, Jing Zelong couldn't help but twitched his lips and said:
"It's only two hours before twelve o'clock, and this kid hasn't moved at all. What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd?"

Zhuang Junhao sneered and said:

"I think he is pretending to be calm! Some people, the more they pretend to be calm on the surface, the more flustered they are in their hearts."

"He must have known the name of our Fist of Martial Arts Association a long time ago. Up to now, there has been no reaction at all. There is only one possibility..."

"That is, he doesn't know how to face us, neither coming nor leaving now!"

Qu Yunhan nodded, with contempt in his eyes:
"I saw him with my own eyes yesterday. This person is extremely beautiful, but he is too feminine. He doesn't have the aura of a domineering person, let alone the demeanor of a peerless master."

"I guess, his cultivation level is only slightly lower than ours!"

Although Qu Yunhan is a female class, she is a rare female master in Zhonghai and even in the whole of China.

She gives the impression that she is more charming and enchanting, but her demeanor has always been very popular, and her words are more weighty.

Hearing that she judged that Ye Yun's cultivation was inferior to others, the other twelve masters simultaneously smiled.

"This kid's cultivation base is not high, and his tone is not small. He dared to say that he would crush our Martial Arts Association. This is really a toad. He really doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

"To put it bluntly, he is from a small city. He thinks he has a little cultivation and doesn't look down on anyone, but he doesn't know that there are mountains beyond the mountains, and there are sky beyond the sky. There are many people who are better than him!"

Jing Zelong nodded slightly, a low-level character from a small place has attracted the attention of the entire Martial Arts Association, it is really flattering him!

He waved his hand uninterestedly and said:
"Wait until 12 o'clock, if he doesn't move anymore, send a few people to catch him!"


Two hours passed quickly.

Jing Zelong frowned, and said in a deep voice:
"Catch him here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure rushed in from outside the door, shouting:
"President, he's here! It's on the first floor!"

"And also said, tell you to get off... get off and meet him!"

The audience was sensational.

"This kid is really crazy! How dare you insult our Martial Arts Association like this, let me see if I'll take his skin off!"

"He wants to die, so let him be fulfilled! Everyone go down and see if he can last for a few seconds!"

Everyone was so angry that they wished they could go down immediately and tear Ye Yun into pieces.

Without saying a word, Jing Zelong left the desk with a livid face, and led them downstairs in a hurry.

When everyone came to the lobby on the first floor, hundreds of people had already gathered here.

Jiang Shaowen and Cheng Lei were also caught in the crowd, staring at the two lonely figures in the middle with a sneer.

only see...

The son is chic, and the jade tree faces the wind.

The beauty is peerless, and the moon is ashamed.

Ye Yun stood with his hands behind his back, quietly standing in the center of the crowd.

Ran Ran stood pretty and lively behind him, with a smile on her face and tactile eyes, never leaving him.

Jing Zelong, Zhuang Junhao and Qu Yunhan walked out of the crowd and stood facing Ye Yun.

Jing Zelong held his head high, looking down at Ye Yun.

Zhuang Junhao said with a smile on his face:
"I didn't expect you to be quite punctual. The president was just about to arrest you, but I didn't expect you to come by yourself!"

Ye Yun smiled faintly:
"I said that I want to flatten this place, why not come?"

After Ye Yun's words fell, it caused a commotion again.

"This person is so crazy that he dares to talk nonsense in front of the president and the others. He will die a miserable death later!"

The members of the Jingwu Martial Arts Association gathered more and more, and when they heard Ye Yun utter such crazy words, they all gritted their teeth angrily, wishing that Jing Zelong would cripple him with a slap in the face.

Jiang Shaowen burst into laughter at the side, he originally hoped that Ye Yun would be as crazy as possible, so that he could stir up disputes between him and the Martial Arts Association.

Now Ye Yun is publicly belittling the entire Martial Arts Association in front of Jing Zelong and the others. This is like lighting a lantern in the toilet, courting death!

"President, hurry up and abolish this kid, we must not let him go easily!"

Someone in the crowd hissed.

"Let me meet him first!"

Under the excitement of the crowd, a young man who was half-stepping into the realm came out, stared at Ye Yun with disdain and said:
"Little boy, dare to insult our Fist of Martial Arts Association like this, I'm afraid you don't know how to write death!"

"Something like you is not worthy of the president and the others, so let me teach you a lesson first!"


After the words fell, a powerful burst of true energy shot out.

He flew up and slapped Ye Yun's chest with his palm.


Then there was a sound, Ye Yun ignored his true energy, passed his right hand through his hands, grabbed his shoulder with a little force, and crushed his shoulder blades.

Then he threw the man to the ground like a dead dog.


Seeing this, the clamoring crowd quickly quieted down.

A few half-step Transformation Realm and peak internal energy members who were about to rush forward all took a step back, their eyes became very fearful.

(End of this chapter)

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