Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 422 Create Your Own Career Like My Sister!

Chapter 422 Create Your Own Career Like My Sister!
Red, Green and Blue's trip to Zhonghai this time will last for four days.

On the morning of the third day, Ye Yun sent Yaya to the Zhonghai Library as usual, and then waited on the first floor to read.

Murong Ranran, the little follower, has been by his side. Since Liu Peiling and Guan Tong both followed Amanda on leave to go to Africa last week, they are even more boring.

It's rare for Ye Yun and Yaya to come here, she wished she could follow Ye Yun 24 hours a day.

"Brother-in-law, I just received a call from a model agency asking me to wait there to shoot a print advertisement, will you come with me?"

Ran Ran held her chin, looked at Ye Yun and asked.

Ye Yun put down the book, glanced at her lightly and asked:
"Don't you go to school here? How do you go to work for a brokerage company?"

Ran ran showed a smug expression and said with a smile:

"The last time I got the spokesperson of the school, the school asked this company to shoot a promotional video for me, and their boss fell in love with me and asked me to be their part-time model."

"I think I'm too old, I can't keep asking my family for money, and I have to do my own business like my sister, so I agreed to them."

Ye Yun nodded:

"It's good to be self-reliant, so go ahead."

Ran shook her head:

"Come with me, it's fun there!"

"How boring is it to sit here and read all the time?"

Ye Yun shook his head and said:
"Not interested in."


Ran Ran pouted her mouth unhappily, and said dissatisfiedly:
"You are so fierce to me, I want to tell my sister that you bullied me!"

"Sister said that she would treat me well for the rest of her life. If you don't accompany me, if there are villains who want to bully me, I will be sad if I know it!"

Seeing this crazy girl talking nonsense, Ye Yun was angry and funny, so he put down the book and said:
"Okay, I'll accompany you for a walk, just come back before get out of class ends."

Ran Ran immediately stood up with a smile on her face, with a smug look on her face:

"That's right!"

The two soon drove to Zhonghaixing Silk Road Model Agency.

According to Ranran, Star Silk Road is the earliest, largest and most powerful model agency in China.

Their boss, Zhong Qing, is a very powerful young woman.

He has a very high status in China's entertainment industry, and he is also known as the top three in the entertainment industry along with Tang Jianguo, the boss of Diaoyu TV, and Wang Zhilin, the owner of Baida Pictures.

Half a year ago, it was because of Zhong Qing's personal invitation that Ran Ran agreed to work as a part-time model on Xingsi Road.

After getting in touch with her a few times, Ran Ran became good friends with this older sister who was a few years older than her.

But today, I came here to help Xingsilu shoot a set of print commercials.

Zhongqing treated her very well, basically reaching the standard of a first-line model.

Between the words, the two had already got off the car from the parking lot.

"Murong Ranran, you are so talented!"

As soon as he arrived at the door, a pretty figure walked over from the side.

She frowned, and looked at Ranran and Ye Yun uncomfortably.

Ran turned around, glanced at her lightly and said:

"Qiao Runing, I didn't provoke you, why are you talking to me in such a tone?"

This girl named Qiao Runing is about the same age as Ranran, and she is a professional model who graduated from China Overseas Model Academy.

Ranran had heard some things about her before, and knew that she was the current model of Xingsi Road, and was highly valued by the company.

Originally, I didn't have any problems with her.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she arrived here today, she felt as if she had taken gunpowder, with a look of bitterness and hatred.

With a disgusted expression on her face, Qiao Runing sneered and said:

"You know if you messed with me! Don't think that if you are more beautiful and have a hotter figure, you can always have such good luck!"

"Let me tell you, the modeling industry still relies on strength to make a living!"

"Rely on face? How long can I hang around!"

Her eyes swept across Ye Yun's face, and her expression was full of contempt:
"Murong Ranran, you are really good at stealing my job, but you even brought a man here, are you going to let him steal Gao Yusheng's job?"

"If this is the case, I advise you to get rid of this thought quickly. Gao Yusheng is our top male model in China. If you want to steal his job, just dream!"

"Don't think that being handsome is enough, Gao Yusheng's charm is comparable to that of ordinary people?"


After finishing speaking, he held his head proudly, twisted his waist and walked away angrily.

Ye Yun and Ranran ignored this inexplicable woman, and then took the elevator upstairs to the shooting center of Xingsi Road.

As soon as the two got off the elevator, they saw a well-dressed middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses walking over.

"Of course, congratulations!"

The man's name was Chen Xiao, and he was the business director of Star Silk Road. After seeing him, he immediately stepped forward with a smile on his face.

Ran Ran asked suspiciously:
"What's the matter, what's there to congratulate?"

Chen Xiao said:

"You don't know yet, the commercial you are going to shoot today is the biggest business we won this year, a soda commercial from PepsiCo!"

"Even Qiao Runing didn't grab it, and it fell on you in the end!"

Ran nodded and said:
"No wonder she saw me as if she had taken gunpowder. It turned out to be because of this."

Chen Xiao smiled and said:

"With such a big advertisement, not to mention the commission, the reputation alone can increase a lot. She must feel uncomfortable."

"But this is the decision of the superior, and she has no way to change it, so she can only get angry at you!"

But he waved his hand indifferently:

"If she wants it, give it to her. I don't want to be famous."

Chen Xiao shook his head and said:
"That can't be done! This is the decision of the superior, who has the guts to refuse to listen?"

He handed the information in his hand to Ranran and said:
"Hurry up and get ready, the crew is already in place!"

Ran took the information and nodded.

Only then did Chen Xiao notice Ye Yun beside her, and asked with a smile:
"Is this your boyfriend? He looks handsome!"

Ran Ran's pretty face flushed, she shook her head and said:
"No, he is my brother-in-law, he came to play with me!"

Chen Xiao nodded and greeted Ye Yun.

"Mr. Chen, Gao Yusheng has been unable to get through on the phone. The partner has called more than a dozen times. We have 10 minutes to take a sample for them to see!"

Just as Ranran and Ye Yun were about to leave, a girl who looked like a secretary rushed over.

Chen Xiao couldn't help frowning and said:

"This Gao Yusheng is too big right now! He was told yesterday to come on time today, but he can't even get through the phone now!"

"Now that he doesn't show up, why not make a fart sample!"

He suddenly turned his eyes and looked at Ye Yun again:

"Of course, let your brother-in-law try it!"


Ran immediately nodded, pulled Ye Yun and said:
"Brother-in-law, Sister Qing is nice to me, can you take a photo for them?"

Ye Yun nodded, since they're here anyway, it doesn't hurt to help out for Ranran's sake.

At this time, Qiao Runing came out from the side, with a sneer of disdain:

"Sure enough, I was right. You really plan to take Gao Yusheng's job."

"If that's the case, I'd like to see how capable this man is, whether he's qualified to compete with Gao Yusheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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