Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 438 Cruel Daikin!

Chapter 438 Cruel Daikin!
Ye Yun's words made Jeff, who was originally furious, froze there.

What did this man just say?
He said he was going to kill Angola?

And in front of his brother?
Is he crazy? !

"You have the ability to say your words again!"

Jeff's Chinese is not bad.

However, he really couldn't believe that the thin, frail and white man in front of him, who was as white as a lamb, dared to say such words.

Ye Yun laughed playfully, and translated what he just said in authentic American English.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jeff's whole body trembled, his eyes turned blood red, and he looked both shocked and excited.

He took out his mobile phone and said:

"You bastard, I have already recorded your words exactly!"

"I'm going to find Angola's brother now and let him hear how crazy you are!"

With a ferocious smile on his face, he quickly rushed out from Ye Yun's side.

At this moment, Xiao Qin was so frightened that her face was covered with tears.

Murong Yan hurriedly stepped forward, hugged her in her arms, tugged at her neckline and said:
"It's okay, let my husband teach these bastards a lesson later!"

She helped Xiao Qin up and said:

"You don't have to go to work tomorrow, I will grant you a week's vacation to travel to Haiya, and the group will be responsible for reimbursement of all expenses."

Xiao Qin is a fresh graduate, and Murong Yan learned that she has never been in a relationship.

Sudden encounter with a black hooligan tonight, and almost being raped, will definitely have a big shadow in her heart.

Giving her a vacation to relax and unwind will help her recover.

Xiao Qin quickly broke free from Murong Yan's arms, shook her head and said:
"President, thank you! But I can't accept it!"

She lowered her head and said shyly:

"Since I joined the Murong Group, I have regarded you as an idol."

"I can't be so weak, I want to be as strong as you!"

After finishing speaking, she raised her head, straightened her messy clothes and hairstyle, and said with a confident expression:

"I'm going to get the file now, and I won't delay any work!"

Murong Yan smiled, nodded and said:

"it is good!"

Xiao Qin smiled, walked into the elevator with firm steps.

Ye Yun stepped forward, gently embraced Murong Yan's shoulders, and said with a smile:
"Honey, do you know why I like you so much?"

Murong Yan knew that he wanted to praise herself, so she shook her head reservedly:
"do not know."

Ye Yun said softly:
"Because one of your biggest characteristics is that you are kind-hearted."

"When you think about others, you never think about what will happen to yourself first. You did it to me then, and you do it to others now."

"You never care about your gains and losses. This is a very perfect character, full of charisma..."

Murong Yan's pretty face flushed, she covered his mouth with her hand and said:
"Okay, I'm not as great as you said, so I'm embarrassed to praise me any more!"

Ye Yun nodded, only felt that her fingers were as soft as brocade and fragrant as stamens, so he joked:

"Also, it smells so good all the time."

Murong Yan thumped his chest with a small fist, and spat lightly: "Rogue!"

"Cough cough!"

Xiao Huang, An Xinwei, Luo Xuewei and Chen Yajing stood behind Ye Yun.

After appreciating the love between the two, Xiao Huang coughed lightly, stepped forward and said:
"Boss, is someone making trouble?"

Seeing Murong Yan and Ye Yun go out one after another, Xiao Huang swept away with his divine sense, and saw Angola lying on the ground.

Ye Yun nodded:

"There were two black men trying to harass your new assistant, and I abolished one of them."

Xiao Huang immediately showed a sharp expression:
"Grandma, you are quite courageous. Do you think you will die if you dare to do something in front of the boss?"

He tilted his head, his neck made a cracking sound, and he looked like he was going to beat someone up.

Let's talk.

Jeff walked over with two very tall and burly black men.

The current one is at least 1.9 meters tall and very stout.

The whole body is bulging like wearing a heavy armor.

His temples protruded high, and his exposed arms were thicker than a normal person's waist. He was a muscle monster.

The one walking beside him was more than twice as strong as a normal person, but compared to him, he was still quite inferior.


The name of the strongest black man was Sentai, and when he saw his half-dead brother lying on the ground, his eyeballs were about to pop out.

"Who smashed my brother up like this? Stand up for me!"

Sentai was about to burst into tears, hissing and roaring at Ye Yun and the others, like an angry rhinoceros.

Jeff pointed to Ye Yun and said:

"it's him!"

The muscles on Sentai's face swelled instantly, his fists were clenched and rattled, and he rushed towards Ye Yun with gritted teeth:

"I killed you!"

Another black man, Villa, immediately grabbed Sentai and said:
"Don't be impulsive, Sentai! Let me do this matter!"

Sentai jumped into a rage and said:
"Why? I want to kill him myself!"

Villa shook his head firmly and said:


"As a world-class boxing champion, you must not be found fighting in private, even for your younger brother!"

"Besides, weak chickens like them don't need you to take action at all. I can kill a hundred of them by myself!"

"For your reputation and endorsement fees, don't be impulsive!"

Sentai lowered his fist, thought for a while, and then nodded in agreement.

As a world-class boxing champion, he was invited to Huaxia Jincheng this time to participate in a boxing match for the king.

The match will start tomorrow. If it is reported that he has fought with the Huaxia people tonight, even if it is to avenge his brother, he will be greatly condemned by the public opinion.

You know, in the United States, he did a lot of things like this.

He has been imprisoned for beating people more than [-] times, and has been listed as a key monitoring target by the US FBI.

If you beat people up when you first arrived in Huaxia, you might go to jail in Huaxia directly.

This is tantamount to a fatal blow to him who is currently emerging from the economic crisis.

He will not give up his plan to go to this country with a lot of stupid people and make a lot of money.

Furthermore, Villa is his partner and was once a world-class boxing master.

Asking him to clean up the man who was as thin as a lamb in front of him was simply a matter of hand.

Seeing that Sentai agreed, Villa stepped forward and ticked Ye Yun with his little finger:
"Little boy, come here and taste the power of my fist!"

His demeanor was extremely contemptuous and full of provocation.

Xiao Huang walked forward angrily, tilted his head and said:

"Stupid||Fucking bastard, are you worthy of challenging my boss?"

"Let me find a waiter to play with you!"

He turned around and shouted downstairs:
"Daijin, labor and management are here to fight!"

Big gold, two gold, three gold... twelve gold.

It is the new name Xiao Huang gave to the twelve golden men. Xiao Huang thinks that the low-key luxury has connotations, and it fits their temperament very well.

He saw a golden-skinned man with a plate in front of them.

As soon as Villa saw Daikin, he immediately showed an extremely disdainful smile:

"Damn it! How can he be so stupid? With such a small body, he dares to fight with me? Do you really think that I am a vegetarian?"

He pointed to himself with his thumb and said:

"Before I became Sentai's sparring partner, I won three US boxing championships, one intercontinental championship, and fifteen championships in invitational tournaments!"

"I can punch over a thousand kilograms with one punch. Just you weak Chinese chickens, I can punch thirty of them with one punch!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Da Jin punched him in the chest.

His bulging pectoral muscles were directly punched into holes, and his whole body flew high and slammed into the wall a few meters away.

Da Jin didn't say anything, he rushed up quickly, riding on Villa's body, he beat him fiercely.

bang bang bang bang~
In just three to five seconds, he hit Villa more than 100 times.

The burly Villa was almost beaten into a mummy.


Xiao Huang nodded in satisfaction, waved and said:
"Go down and work hard, remember to treat all guests as gods and serve them wholeheartedly!"

Da Jin nodded, picked up the plate and went downstairs.

Murong Yan, Luo Xuewei and the others couldn't help being shocked and amused when they saw the golden man being so cruelly trained by Xiao Huang and still so obedient.

Murong Yan and Luo Xuewei turned their heads to look at Chen Yajing, a little admiring that she could teach such a stingy little Huang to be submissive.

Chen Yajing's pretty face flushed slightly, for this stinky dragon, she has spent a lot of time thinking!

At this time, Sentai, who was still extremely arrogant just now, was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground, his legs trembling.

That look is like seeing a tyrannosaurus rex!

(End of this chapter)

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