Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 440 Ye Yun is a villain!

Chapter 440 Ye Yun is a villain!

All of a sudden, it really shocked everyone present.

Even Murong Yan, Luo Xuewei and Chen Yajing's eyelids trembled.

Mulongu, the God of War summoned by Sentai, even bowed to Ye Yun first, and then slashed Sentai.

Which show was this played in?

"Mulongu, the African god of war, actually bowed to Mr. Ye! Have you all seen this scene?"

"I see! Although I don't understand what he just said, it looks like he is apologizing to Mr. Ye!"

"This is too unbelievable! The most important thing is that Mulongu actually killed Sentai. What's going on?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, they just felt that the sudden turn of events made their minds confused.

Murong Yan asked in surprise:

"Ye Yun, why did he bow to you just now?"

"Could it be that you are more powerful than this god?"

Only a true god can make the God of War Mulongu submit.

Murong Yan didn't dare to imagine that the person standing beside her would be a high and mighty god.

You must know that more than four years ago, he was a recognized waste material!
Ye Yun saw the worry in her eyes, and smiled softly:
"Everything you see is just an illusion! That Sentai just wanted to scare us!"

He pointed to Sentai and said:

"Look at Mulongu slashed him just now, isn't he still alive and well?"

Between the words, Mulongu's body turned into countless lights and shadows and disappeared.

However, Sentai, who was slashed with a knife, was still standing alive in front of everyone.

Xiao Huang quickly echoed:
"Yes, sister-in-law, this is just an illusion!"

"Sentai, if he has this ability, why would he look helplessly at us and hurt his brother and partner?"

Murong Yan fixed her eyes and found that Sentai looked intact, so she nodded and said to Ye Yun with a smile:

"Scared me."

"If you are really a god, I don't even know how to get along with you."

Ye Yun scratched her little nose affectionately, and said:

"Silly girl, you think too much."

"Even if I become a god one day, I will take you and Yaya to become a god together."

Murong Yan shook her head and said:

"I just want you to stay by my side and grow old with me."

"That's the most romantic thing I can think of in my life!"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:


The most romantic thing I can think of is to grow old with you.

Girl, you are a perfect girl, your life must also be perfect.

I will accompany you to grow old and grow gray hair slowly like a mortal.

When our skin is wrinkled, our face is gone, and we can hardly even walk.

You can still see the love when you first met in the eyes of the other party.

We will watch the vicissitudes of life together, and watch the sunrise and sunset together.

Wait until there are no regrets in this life, and then I will take you to ascend to immortality, grow your hair and live forever, travel all over the universe, and see thousands of prosperity.

Ye Yun raised his head slightly, his eyes filled with longing for the future.

Seeing Ye Yun's affectionate behavior towards Murong Yan, and speaking affectionately, Luo Xuewei, who was standing behind the two, had a gleam of crystal water in her eyes.

Inadvertently, looking at Ye Yun's incomparably handsome profile, he couldn't extricate himself even more deeply.

At this time, everyone heard Ye Yun and Xiao Huang's explanation, combined with what they saw just now, nodded and said:
"It turned out to be just an illusion! I said how could Sentai summon such a powerful god all at once, and he is not the high priest who has lived for more than a hundred years!"

Seeing that everyone didn't believe that he could summon Mulongu, Sentai almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

He is indeed a descendant of the high priest, possessing an extremely powerful summoning ability.

The one summoned just now is the real god of war Mulongu!
If you want to blame, blame the man in front of you for being too powerful, his ability has reached an unimaginable level.

Letting Mulongu surrender without a fight seems so unbelievable!

Thinking that he was going to fight such a terrifying existence, the hairs all over his body stood up one by one.

Although I don't understand why Mulongu's knife didn't kill him, but now is not the time to think about this issue.

He hurriedly greeted Jeff, helped Angola and Villa up, and fled the entertainment city in a hurry.

Ye Yun watched them leave lightly, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

Just now Mulonggu really wanted to kill Sentai, but it was finally resolved by Ye Yun.

Ye Yun wants Sentai and the others to die in a few days, so that they can completely dissociate themselves from the entertainment city.

It can also prevent Murong Yan from guessing that she is an existence more powerful than the legendary gods.

After Sentai and the others left, the crowd also dispersed.

Xiao Qin returned to Murong Yan with the document, and according to Murong Yan's instructions, she officially became Xiao Huang's assistant.

When she was about to leave, Murong Yan wrapped another red envelope for Xiao Huang and Chen Yajing to congratulate them on their grand opening.


After returning to Murong Villa.

Murong Yan took out a document and read it for a while, then said to Ye Yun:
"Ye Yun, I'm going to Dubai to participate in the perfume exhibition tomorrow, shall we go for a couple of days together?"

Since obtaining the agency rights of Lancome, the cosmetics company under the Murong Group has developed rapidly.

As a major category of color cosmetics, perfume has huge potential and market.

Murong Yan decided to develop her own perfume brand and try it internationally.

The perfume exhibition in Dubai is a good opportunity.

When Murong Yan was used to doing big things, Ye Yun would be by her side, so she asked him expectantly.

Ye Yun nodded and said:
"it is good!"

Yaya jumped up happily:

"So, can I ask for leave again?"

Ye Yun got up and picked her up, kissed her and said:
"Honey, you guessed right!"

"But before that, you should take a shower! Otherwise, it will smell bad, and Teacher Tian won't approve your vacation!"

Yaya shook her head like a rattle, put her hands on Ye Yun's nose and said:

"Papa, I don't stink!"

"Smell my hands, don't they smell good?"

Ye Yun nodded and laughed loudly:

"Yes! Baby, you are the most fragrant!"

Only then did Yaya hold her cerebellum proudly, and went into the bathroom with him.

After Yaya finished washing, the two returned to the living room and saw that Murong Yan had fallen asleep on the sofa.

A head of beautiful hair fell from her smooth jade arms, like a beautiful waterfall, full of grace and magnificence.

Such a beauty, such a beautiful posture, is really picturesque and intoxicating.

Yaya lay beside Ye Yun's ear and said:

"Mama looks so beautiful sleeping! Papa, you and I will go and kiss her, okay?"

Ye Yun nodded:

"it is good."

Yaya said again:
"But we can't wake her up, otherwise, we will be punished!"

The little girl became playful for a while, and thought this was very interesting.

Ye Yun said with a smile:

"No problem, Papa will definitely not lose to you!"

Yaya said unconvinced:

"I won't lose to you either!"

The little girl jumped from Ye Yun's arms to the ground, ran up to Murong Yan lightly, hugged her face, and kissed her.

Since the little girl had just taken a shower, her hair was wet, and a drop of water accidentally dripped onto Murong Yan's forehead.

When Ye Yun approached, the water droplets just flowed onto Murong Yan's eyelids, and it was cool, waking her up.


When Murong Yan opened her eyes, she saw Ye Yun's handsome face, which was only a few feet away from her.

"Ye Yun, what are you doing?"

As soon as Murong Yan asked, she was kissed by Ye Yun, and she blushed immediately.

"Haha, Papa, you lost!"

Yaya didn't know that it was the water on her hair that woke Murong Yan up, so she laughed happily.

Of course, Ye Yun wanted to satisfy the little girl's desire for victory, so he deliberately sighed:

"Oh, I didn't expect to lose to you!"

Murong Yan sat up and figured out what they were doing, she shook her head and said with a smile:
"Ye Yun, why are you as naughty as a child!"

Although the tone was a bit reproachful, there was a happy smile in his eyes.

Yaya pointed at Ye Yun and said:

"Papa, you lose and you will be punished!"

Ye Yun nodded and said:
"Papa is willing to gamble and admit defeat. Tell me, what punishment will you give me?"

Yaya thought for a while and said:
"You also send Mama to take a bath!"

"Little girl, Mama can take a bath by herself!"

After finishing speaking, he was about to run upstairs.

Ye Yun looked at her with a smile and said:

"Yaya just asked me to see you off, silly girl, where are you thinking?"

(End of this chapter)

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