Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 444 A golden mountain fell from the sky!

Chapter 444 A golden mountain fell from the sky!

Seeing Andy rushing towards Murong Yan frantically, the muscles on Jill's face trembled wildly.

In less than a minute, his mood was like a roller coaster, going up and down.

I thought that if I had the dream of a queen, I could easily take down Andy.

Who would have thought that that Chinese woman would actually take out a bottle of indescribable perfume, instantly conquering Andy and everyone!

Even he couldn't help the pores all over his body dilated, and he felt like he was ascended to heaven.

Super fragrant!
Jill couldn't find any words to describe this aroma.

It's as if it doesn't belong to the world at all.

However, Andy has come to Murong Yan at this moment, his eyes are full of hot flames, and he asked in a trembling voice:

"Ma'am, where does the perfume in your hand come from?"

Murong Yan glanced at Ye Yun tenderly and said:

"My husband gave it to me."

The eyes of the audience all fell on Ye Yun.

Andy swallowed wildly, and asked eagerly:
"Sir, your perfume is something I've never smelled before."

"May I ask if you made it yourself?"

Ye Yun nodded:


Andy's eyes were shining, and his expression was full of admiration:
"You are absolutely an invincible genius in making perfume!"

"I have been around the world for thousands of years, all the classics related to perfume, and now I can say with certainty that you are absolutely qualified to become the number one perfume wizard who has never been seen before or since!"

After finishing speaking, he took half a step back and bowed respectfully to Ye Yun.

Andy's words, as well as his behavior, immediately ignited the atmosphere of the audience.

"God! Andy actually bowed to him! This Chinese man is going to be hot!"

"It's more than a fire? Didn't you hear Andy say that he is the world's number one perfume wizard? Such a grand praise is enough to be recorded in the history of perfume!"

"My God, when did Chinese people become so awesome? I'm so envious!"


There were exclamations and exclamations one after another.

As an authority in the perfume industry, Andy's words are golden words.

It is not easy for people in the world's perfume industry to get a compliment from him.

However, this Chinese man actually made Andy praise him crazily, and even bowed to him himself.

Such treatment is unique in the world!

However, at this moment, everyone felt that Andy's behavior was not excessive.

The perfume that Ye Yun took out had an incomparably wonderful taste.

Refreshing, like a dream.

It not only impacts everyone's sense of taste, but also moisturizes everyone's pores, making it difficult for people to extricate themselves from being intoxicated.

In contrast, the queen's dream is much cruder.

Andy sniffed the fragrance of the perfume desperately, fixed his fiery eyes on the bottle in Murong Yan's hand:

"I want this bottle of perfume in your hand!"

"I am willing to give you more than 80% of the orders of our Pacific Perfume Company!"

"I can also help you advertise your perfume around the world at my own expense!"

"If this gentleman is willing, I can even introduce her to Her Majesty the Queen, and ask her to sell your perfume to every corner of the world through diplomatic channels!"

"I guarantee that within three years, you will be able to replace Gucci and Chanel and become the number one luxury perfume brand in the world!"

The more Andy spoke, the more excited he became, and his mouth was frothy.

The people on the side were stunned.

Who would have thought that the number one tycoon in the world's perfume industry would be like a salesman, spitting furiously trying to convince these two Chinese people.

However, this is not the most exciting.

More than 80% of Pacific Perfume's business!
Globally, help advertise for free!
The queen promotes, replacing Gucci and Chanel as the world's number one luxury brand!

Each of these three conditions has reached a point of insanity.

Such a condition is the first time in the history of perfume in the whole world!
Everyone present felt their legs go weak.

Such a crazy condition, just thinking about it makes people's blood boil.

They have no doubt that even if they devote their whole life's efforts, it will be difficult for Andy to make one of the conditions.

But now, these two Huaxia people can get superior conditions that they can't even imagine in their dreams as long as they nod slightly.

This... really compares people to people, it's maddening!
Seeing Andy's crazy expression, Murong Yan couldn't help but smile, then turned her head and asked Ye Yun:

"Can I give it to him?"

Ye Yun nodded indifferently:
"It's ok, I have something better here, and I'll build a brand for you in the future."

The perfume in Murong Yan's hand was made by Ye Yun in the Promise God Realm, using the roughest spice and mixing it with the divine water in the divine pool.

He planned to use high-grade divine plant essential oils to help Murong Yan make better perfumes, and help her to establish a brand of the perfume company under the Murong Group internationally as soon as possible.

Murong Yan smiled and nodded, and handed the perfume in her hand to Andy.

Andy looked at Ye Yun greedily. Since the communication was in English, he heard Ye Yun say that there are better perfumes.

It simply turned his worldview upside down.

However, Andy is a world-class celebrity after all, and he has a lot of power. He knows that everything can't be done too well, and if he is too greedy, he may mess things up.

So she put away her greedy eyes, bowed to Ye Yun and Murong Yan, and said:
"Thank you so much! I love perfume like life, you gave me a second life!"

"I have now decided to order 100 billion bottles of this perfume from you!"

He snapped his fingers, and a secretary ran out immediately, and took out the purchase contract he carried with him.

Murong Yan showed a look of surprise, she didn't expect Andy to place an order now, so she smiled and said:
"We haven't researched the price and brand of this fragrance, you are in a hurry!"

Andy shook his head and smiled:

"Pricing is easy! I'll give you twice the price of Gucci!"

Murong Yan was slightly startled.

Twice the price of Gucci, if calculated, it is the most expensive price in the world!
Everyone present also thought of this, and couldn't help showing envious expressions again.

100 billion bottles, ordered at the highest price in the world, what the hell, it's like a golden mountain falling from the sky!

Andy said confidently:
"I am absolutely sure that I can make this perfume the number one brand in the world!"

"So its price must be the highest!"

Seeing that he was so persistent, Murong Yan nodded.

Since it is taking the high-end route, and this perfume is indeed unparalleled, it is understandable to offer the highest price in the world.


"Ye Yun, what's the name of this perfume?"

Since you want to sign a contract, you have to show your brand.

Ye Yun smiled at Murong Yan and said:

"It doesn't have a name, why don't you pick it up."

Murong Yan thought for a while and said:
"Just call it Yunmeng!"

Her pretty face blushed slightly, and she explained next to Ye Yun's ear:
"Because I think you are just a dream to me."

Ye Yun laughed and said:

"Then you are in this dream, never wake up."

Murong Yan nodded happily, and then signed the contract with Andy under everyone's eyes of envy and hatred.

Jill then took her perfume, walked up to Andy and asked:

"Andy, I only want 5% of your business, and I will give you this bottle of Queen's Dream. What do you think?"

Ye Yun's perfume made Jill completely lose her confidence.

Now he just wants to get a piece of the pie from Andy, and he is satisfied.

Andy turned around and sneered:
"You are dreaming!"

"Just now I saw you laughing at the person I respect the most. My company will not have any cooperation with you in the future!"

When Jill was scolded by him, she suddenly felt ashamed, and accidentally dropped the perfume to the ground.

From now on, there will be no dream of a queen in the world!
Ye Yun and Murong Yan finished the biggest order and didn't want to stay any longer, so they took Yaya out of the exhibition hall together.

"Papa Mama, you have done such a big business, today we have to celebrate!"

Yaya raised her hand and made a big, big gesture.

Ye Yun and Murong Yan laughed at the same time, nodded and said:

"That's a must! After lunch, Baba Mama will take you there to have fun!"

(End of this chapter)

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