Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 447: Sky Gate!

Chapter 447: Sky Gate!
Ye Yun nodded and said:

Anyway, it's fine at night. Since there is such a large-scale auction, it doesn't hurt to go and have a look.

Harman said happily:

"At seven o'clock in the evening, I will be waiting at the hotel on time!"

Ye Yun was able to agree to go to the auction, which made him feel closer to Ye Yun, which made him very happy.

Ye Yun then led Murong Yan and Yaya towards the paradise.

As soon as Yaya entered the door, she was going to ride the roller coaster, and the three of them soon got on the world's fastest l Formula Rossa roller coaster.

When, after the speeding car started, Yaya exclaimed in surprise at the lightning speed.

The little girl kept waving her fists, looking very excited.

And Murong Yan snuggled tightly into Ye Yun's arms. It was the first time for her to ride such an exciting roller coaster, and she seemed a little nervous.

Due to the strong wind, her silky black hair floated high and dangled on Ye Yun's cheeks.

Ye Yun's arms around Murong Yanliu's waist couldn't help but use a little force to hug her even tighter.


The time is fast approaching night.

After Ye Yun and Murong Yan Yaya had dinner, they came to the auditorium of Qianfan Hotel.

The daytime exhibition is held here, and it has been transformed into a huge auction house at this moment.

Haman had been waiting at the door for a long time. When he saw Ye Yun and the others coming, he immediately greeted him with a smile and said:
"Mr. Ye, you are here!"

If others could see that Harman, who is one of the top richest people in Dubai and has an inseparable relationship with the crown prince, would respect Ye Yun like a little doorman.

I don't know how many people there will be, so they will be surprised and shocked.

But only Haman knew that it was he who was able to get in touch with Ye Yun.

Ye Yun nodded slightly, and led by Harman, walked into a VIP room on the second floor of the auditorium.

As soon as he sat down, he saw a handsome young man walking in from the door.

He was wearing a silver-gray suit and combed his shiny back hair.

When walking, he always held his head high, without squinting, full of arrogance.

Behind him, followed by two gray-haired old men.

Wearing black and white robes, the two followed the young man from left to right, keeping a distance of half a step.

When they appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of the audience, and everyone showed a look of awe, not daring to linger on the young man.

After a hasty glance, they looked away.

It seems that the young man is so imposing that people dare not look directly at him.

Haman walked up to Ye Yun, bowed and said:
"Mr. Ye, the one below is also from China. His name is Chang Haoxiu, and he is the only son of Chang Kun, the owner of the largest martial arts sect in Dubai and the owner of the Qingtianmen Chang family."

"Chang Kun is the only Chinese in Dubai who can communicate with members of the royal family. It is said that he has a god-level cultivation and is no longer a mortal in the world. He has a very good relationship with the eldest prince Rashid and has great power in his country."


Hearing these three words, Ye Yun couldn't help showing a playful smile.

Sum seems to have said today that he has a good relationship with the owner of the Qingtianmen.

Maybe the helper Su Mu is looking for is someone from Qingtianmen.

While talking, Chang Haoxiu and others have already entered another private room on the second floor under the leadership of the auction manager.

Then the auction officially started.

The first collection to be put up for auction was a pair of emerald-colored goblets.

When Haman saw it, his eyes lit up and he said:

"Mr. Ye, this is your Huaxia treasure luminous cup! I remember, there is a poem in Huaxia called 'Grape wine luminous cup, if you want to drink the pipa, call it immediately.'"

"This luminous glass is the best choice for tasting grape wine. I wonder if you are interested in taking pictures?"

He thought, Ye Yun and Murong Yan belonged to the big Huaxia family, and they must have a high taste in life. If he was interested, he would take a pair of luminous cups for him and give them to him.

In this way, the relationship between each other is closer.

Ye Yun shook his head and said:

"This kind of cup is named after a Liangzhou poem. If it is really used to hold wine, the taste is not so good."

"The world is so sought after, after all, it's just for its fame!"

In Ye Yun's infinite space, there are countless god-level cups, which can stimulate the best taste of any wine.

So let alone a mere luminous cup, even if all the treasures of the entire earth were added up, it would be difficult for him to catch it.

After hearing what Ye Yun said, Haman admired him even more in his heart.

He doesn't even look down on such a treasure, he feels that Ye Yun's vision is so high that it is indeed very accessible.

You know, China's antique treasures have always been popular all over the world.

Especially the treasures with a strong Chinese cultural flavor like the luminous cup are the choices that people flock to.

Sure enough, after the auction started, the venue became lively.

The starting price of $100 million was raised to $3000 million in less than five rounds.

Moreover, it is still improving.

After 5000 rounds of competition, it was auctioned by a wealthy Italian businessman at a sky-high price of [-] million US dollars.

Next, several auction items were successively exhibited, all of which have been legends from all over the world for a long time, but there have been no treasures in this world.

Harman originally wanted Ye Yun to choose one of them, but Ye Yun didn't expect Ye Yun to look down on him.

In desperation, he had no choice but to wait for the bidding item that was said to be the treasure of China to appear, and then see if Ye Yun was interested.

"The auction item exhibited below is the Nine Dragons Supreme Inkstone that has been missing in Huaxia for more than 2000 years!"

"This inkstone is said to be Meng Tian of the Qin Dynasty. It took seven to seven months to make it with blue sky warm jade. It is not only beautiful in workmanship, but also has great archaeological and collection value."

"In addition, it is said that the moment the inkstone was made, the nine dragons in the Chinese legend appeared at the same time and poured their divine power into it."

"If you can get this inkstone and unlock the seal of the nine divine powers, you will definitely be able to join the Nine Dragons, surpass the ordinary and become a saint, and become a human god with a lifespan of hundreds of years!"

After the manager in charge of the auction introduced the Kowloon Supreme Inkstone, there was a sensation in the audience.

"I have learned about the history of China before. Qin Shihuang pursued immortality, and he really wanted to ask someone to unseal the divine power of Nine Dragons. It is a pity that he invited a total of [-] Taoist priests with super powerful mana, but none of them could unseal the seal. In the end, I failed to achieve my wish!"

"Although it is extremely difficult to unlock the seal, it is indeed too tempting to be able to live in longevity! It is worthy of being a treasure of China's supreme class. I think it will definitely fetch an unimaginable sky-high price!"

Everyone's eyes were burning, and their expressions were full of greed.

The ancient Eastern Huaxia Kingdom has the most splendid history in the world.

Nine Dragons Supreme Inkstone, as China's top treasure at present, is naturally very eye-catching.

However, just as the auction house had just given a reserve price of 5000 million US dollars and everyone was about to bid, a loud voice sounded from the private room on the second floor:

"8 million US dollars! This treasure belongs to my son, you don't have to fight!"

One word shocked the audience, with a magnificent momentum, quite overwhelming.

Everyone only felt a buzzing in their eardrums, and their hearts trembled violently.


Everyone followed the sound and saw Chang Haoxiu crossing his legs in the private room on the second floor, scanning the audience with a proud expression.

However, the two old men standing behind him stared at everyone sharply like eagles.

Anyone who looked at them would feel the hairs all over their bodies and their scalps go numb.

"As expected of the young master of Qingtianmen, the price is 8 million U.S. dollars as soon as he opens his mouth, which makes people unable to keep up!"

"Even if you can afford it, you don't dare! Qingtianmen is the most powerful Chinese gang in the country. I heard that their sect master and the eldest prince are inseparable. Only those who want to die dare to compete with them here!"

Reminiscent of the powerful force of Qingtianmen and the frightening force behind it, no matter whether it is a local from Dubai or a wealthy foreign businessman present, they are all like a deflated ball, not daring to open their mouths to bid.

However, when everyone was silent, a childish voice sounded:

"I'll pay $20 million!"

(End of this chapter)

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