Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 449 Although there are thousands of people, I will go!

Chapter 449 Although there are tens of millions of people, I will go!
The day flies by.

When the morning sun crosses the sea level and shines on the land of Dubai.

On the square of Qingtianmen Changjia, which is near the sea, hundreds of people have gathered.

The five-year martial arts conference in Dubai is the most anticipated day for all top martial artists in the entire country.

During this period, they can learn from each other and see the top level of the national and even international experts.

There are even those with extraordinary abilities who are qualified to compete for the national martial arts leader.

Once you become the leader, you can enjoy the treatment of thousands of people adoring you, and you will be rich and wealthy.

Even if it's just one term, it's enough to lie in bed and enjoy the rest of my life.

Rich and famous.

Therefore, this martial arts conference is more like a vanity fair, attracting those ascetics, martial arts practitioners and law practitioners who have not lost their mortal hearts to gather together.

The Chang family of Qingtianmen, because they are the number one family in martial arts in the country, and they have been re-elected as the leader for ten consecutive times, they are very famous in Dubai.

Therefore, the venue for this martial arts conference was naturally chosen as the Chang family.

As for the candidate for the new alliance leader, most of them had already decided that it was Chang Kun, the head of the Chang family.

But there are always some people who are exceptions, they have devoted themselves to practice year after year, in order to gain something in the martial arts conference.

Although Chang Kun's cultivation is superb and he has served as the leader for ten consecutive times, since ancient times, he has never been the first in literature and second in martial arts. These people still want to compete with him.

To put it in a word, dreams are always necessary, what if they come true?

These people felt that if they were lucky enough to win against Chang Kun, they might shock the world of martial arts.

At that time, tens of millions of honors will be added to the body, and fame and fortune will be endlessly enjoyed. This kind of temptation is too great!
The world is hilarious, all come for profit.

Everyone in the world is benefiting.

Even if they are gods, there are still many people who are greedy for fame and fortune.

What's more, what about these people who are still born in the mortal world?
Ye Yun and Murong Yan Yaya, accompanied by Harman, also came to the square.

Chang Haoxiu and Bai Jingyu, who were sitting on the high platform, saw Ye Yun's figure at a glance.

Chang Haoxiu couldn't help sneering:
"This kid really dares to come, it seems that his confidence is not small!"

Bai Jingyu shook his head with a disdainful smile and said:
"There are so many young and frivolous people!"

"His age is about the same as yours, son. Even if he is a peerless genius, his cultivation level should not be higher than yours."

"So no matter what, he came here today, he is throwing himself into a trap!"

Chang Haoxiu nodded and smiled, feeling that his words made sense.

You know, as Chang Kun's only son, he has a super talent in martial arts since he was a child.

However, at the age of 22, with the strong help of Chang Kun, he was promoted to the peak of the realm of transformation.

Therefore, judging others by himself, he guessed that no matter how powerful Ye Yun was, he would at most be on par with him.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if this little boy is better than himself, how much better can he be?
My two uncles, the famous black and white Shuangsha in Dubai, Bai Jingyu and Bai Jingfeng, are all innate early cultivation bases.

His father, Chang Kun, had already been promoted to the mid-innate stage.

How many people in this world can compete with them?
If it weren't for these three people's unintentional pursuit of fame and fortune, I'm afraid the ranking on the GAT forum would have been changed a long time ago!

So thousands of words can be combined into one sentence, in Chang Haoxiu's view, there are many people who can manage Ye Yun in the Chang family, and he just needs to wait and see the good show!
In a word, the competition in the arena has gone on for several rounds.

These few people who took the stage first are well-known in the domestic martial arts circle in Dubai.

But after several rounds of fighting, anyone with a discerning eye could see that none of them could pose a threat to the Chang family.

Therefore, soon many people secretly sighed that this time the martial arts conference was another time to watch the flowers on horseback.

The position of the leader of the martial arts is still very special.

On the contrary, the next person who appeared on the stage caused a sensation.

A man in a black cloak flew onto the stage and kicked Uld, the fourth-ranked player in Dubai, away with one kick, shocking the audience.

"Uld is the fourth-ranked super expert, but he was kicked away by someone! You know, the three in front of him are only Chang Kun, the Patriarch of the Chang Family, and Black and White Shuangsha!"

"This person is not from the Chang family. Could it be that he is an international expert?"

Everyone's eyes were burning, and they really wanted to know the real identity of the man in black.

"In Xiahade, today we will compete for the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance. Please come forward from the Chang family!"

The man in black said a word, and the audience was once again sensational.

"It turns out that he is Hader, the number one player in Dubai 60 years ago!"

"Ever since Chang Kun turned out to be born, he has been disappearing all the time. I didn't expect to show up!"

When Chang Kun first came to Dubai, he overwhelmed the whole country and became No. 1 in martial arts.

What is strange is that Harder, who was known as the number one in the country at the time, suddenly disappeared.

It was rumored that he was defeated by Chang Kun, and finally committed suicide in shame and indignation.

Some people also said that he guessed that he could not defeat Chang Kun, so he hid.

After so many years, when many people gradually forgot about him, they did not expect him to appear suddenly and compete for the title of martial arts leader.

The implication is that he appeared this time to defeat Chang Kun!

After Bai Jingfeng and Bai Jingyu looked at each other, they turned into a gust of wind and landed on the ring, sneering:
"Had, you are not worthy of challenging my Patriarch, you have to defeat me beforehand!"

Harder was already mentally prepared for this, squinting his eyes and said:

"That's fine, anyway, you two scumbags are scrambling to fight, so I'll convince you first!"

A ball of true energy exploded like mountains and seas, and a hurricane of magnitude ten or more was blown in the flat ground, which shocked everyone's legs and almost fell to the ground.

"It's such a powerful zhenqi, just this one hand, I'm afraid it has reached the realm of transcendence and holiness!"

Everyone's eyes trembled, thinking that Harder is worthy of being the number one master of the old brand. He has been lurking for so many years, and he is no longer comparable to ordinary people.

However, Bai Jingfeng sniffled and said with a sneer:
"Looking at your posture, I'm afraid your cultivation base is not inferior to mine. No wonder you have the guts to challenge the Patriarch!"

There was a smug smile on the corner of Hader's mouth:

"Since you know that your cultivation is not as good as mine, why don't you kneel down and beg for mercy?"

Bai Jingfeng snorted coldly and said:

"A high level of cultivation can defeat me. Do you really think that our Chang family has no unique skills?"

After finishing speaking, he jumped up high, and a group of incomparably powerful qi burst out, and the waves of qi roared in the sky like mountains and tsunami, which was extremely terrifying.

"Tiangang 36 Baquan, the first punch, breaks the thunder!"


The fist turned into a fire dragon, falling towards Hader at an unimaginable speed.


" could it be so strong?!"

Seeing this, Hader couldn't help but tremble.

He has been lurking for so many years, and has raised his cultivation to an extraordinary level. He can already leave the human world, step into the illusory world of cultivation, and look down upon the entire planet.

Unexpectedly, Bai Jingfeng's punch actually gave him a feeling of fear.

This... the family background of the Chang family is really terrifying!
Boom! !
Another sound.

Bai Jingfeng had already punched Harder in the chest, blasting him to pieces.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but suck in the icy air. The weaker Bai Jingfeng among the black and white dual evils was so terrifying, they couldn't imagine what kind of existence Bai Jingyu or even Chang Kun would be like now.

Moreover, everyone saw just now that Bai Jingfeng only used the first form of the Tiangang 36 Overlord Fist, and he was able to become a master above the innate stage in an instant.

This is really terrifying!

This punch not only killed Hader, but also completely cut off everyone's idea of ​​fighting on stage.

For today's martial arts world in Dubai, the Chang family is always in front of the mountains, and there is no other choice but to kneel down to them!
With his hands behind his back, Bai Jingfeng proudly scanned the audience, hehe sneered and said:
"To put it bluntly, in this world, except for a very few old monsters who have never been born, everyone in this world is rubbish in front of our Chang family!"

He suddenly set his eyes on Ye Yun, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said contemptuously:
"Little boy, when you insulted our Chang family the day before yesterday, you were so crazy!"

"I ask you, do you have the guts to come up and practice now?"

Ye Yun smiled disdainfully:
"Although there are thousands of people, I will go!"

"What's more, you are just a regular family?"

[There is one more update today, and the tenth update will break out tomorrow, everyone must subscribe hard!It's really exhausting to write a million and then explode, but I want to get a high subscription!please! 】

(End of this chapter)

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