Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 451 I want you, forever and ever! 【110】

Chapter 451 I want you, forever and ever! 【110】


The whole place was silent.

No. [-] in Dubai!

The prestigious Patriarch of the Chang family of the Qingtianmen!

The mid-innate dragon fairy among the people!
He was crushed to the ground like this, powerless to fight back!
Who would have thought that a bloody battle that was expected with all one's heart would end in such a way?

You know, that is Chang Kun who has been the leader of the Dubai Martial Arts Conference for ten consecutive times!
He was, like a powerless little doll, completely blown away by this handsome man!


"It's incredible! How can there be such a strong person in this world?"

Everyone's eyes were hot for a moment, and they looked at Ye Yun with infinite awe.

Haman rubbed his hands excitedly below. He thought that Ye Yun would have a hard fight with Chang Kun today, and he dared not draw conclusions about who would win or lose.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yun made Chang Kun bow his head so effortlessly, which was far beyond his expectation.

Reminiscing that he could have a relationship with such a powerful existence, Harman was overjoyed.

He bowed slightly to Murong Yan respectfully and said:

"President Murong, you have found a good husband!"

"With this one person, the world will have no worries. In the future, your Murong Group will definitely stand on top of the world and look down upon the entire planet."

He then took out a document from his briefcase, handed it to Murong Yan and said:
"This is my plan to invest in a seven-star hotel in Huaxia. I would like to ask President Murong to take a look at it. If you are interested, you can tell me anytime."

"If we can reach a cooperation with Murong Group, I am willing to contribute the full capital and let you manage it, and share the profits equally every year!"

To build a seven-star hotel, the total cost of seven, seven, and eighty-eight must be at least 200 billion US dollars.

Moreover, Harman is still using overseas capital injection to build this hotel in China, which will cost at least 50 billion U.S. dollars more.

Murong Yan immediately understood that Harman was intentionally showing favor to herself and the Murong Group.

She didn't even look at the plan, and put the document back in Harman's hand, saying:

"There is a saying in Huaxia that you don't get paid for nothing. With such a large amount of investment, our Murong Group will not take advantage of you for nothing."

"Take this document back!"

Haman couldn't help being surprised, because he saw that Murong Yan didn't hesitate at all when she refused.

It is really rare for such a decisive and strong character to appear in such a young girl!

You must know that businessmen are born to seek profit, and everyone wants to use the smallest investment in exchange for the largest return.

For the Murong Group, the conditions offered by Harman are simply a good thing that fell from the sky.

However, Murong Yan refused without even looking at it, which shows that she didn't want to take advantage of it at all.

With such a state of mind, Haman, who has lived half his life and lived like a fish in water in the upper class, who has already developed all-round skills, can't help but feel ashamed.

"Okay, I was too abrupt! Please forgive me!"

Haman's face was full of awe, he bowed to Murong Yan, and had no choice but to return his attention to the ring.

At this time, Chang Kun and Bai Jingfeng both lowered their heads, sweat pouring from their faces.

Traveling across this country for dozens of years, they have never encountered such an unbearable scene.

If you don't make a move, you lose.

Lose without temper!

Lose without dignity!

Lose, completely!
This kind of situation, give them another ten lifetimes, they dare not even think about it!

But now, the defeated person is standing in front of them, so that they dare not question him at all.

"Senior, our Chang family has no grievances with you in recent days, nor in the past. Why do you humiliate us like this?"

Chang Kun raised his head and asked with humiliation and unwillingness on his face.

Ye Yun smiled coldly, turned his gaze to the high platform in the distance, and said:

"If there is any hatred, you have to ask your son first."

Chang Kun frowned: "What do you mean?"

Ye Yun frowned slightly: "Shut up! Let's watch the show first!"

When Chang Kun was scolded by him, the hairs all over his body stood up in fright, and he quickly shut up and dared not speak again.

Seeing Ye Yun's eyes staring at him, Chang Haoxiu was so frightened that he almost collapsed to the ground.

Just when he was about to get up and run away, suddenly a huge force hit him.

He was hoisted up out of thin air and thrown onto the ring in the blink of an eye.

The whole arena shook.

Chang Haoxiu lay on the ground like a dead dog, very embarrassed.

"Senior, master, please spare me! I didn't offend you!"

Without saying a word, Chang Haoxiu got up and kowtowed to Ye Yun to beg for mercy.

Ye Yun walked up to him, lowered his head and said coldly:
"You really didn't offend me?"

Chang Haoxiu's body trembled suddenly, after thinking about it, he was just so angry that he wanted to kill Ye Yun at the auction, but he didn't really do it.

He said hastily:
"Senior, when I was at the auction, I said some angry words, and I wanted to fight you in a moment of confusion, but I didn't really do it!"

"Are you going to condemn me for such a thing?"

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled, his eyes were full of murderous intent:
"I didn't expect you to be so good at avoiding important things, and you even said that you are so innocent."


He stepped on Chang Haoxiu's right hand, crushing all his finger bones.

The pain caused Chang Haoxiu's eyes to burst, blood was about to spurt from his eyes.

"Think about it carefully. When you gave Bai Jingyu the order, what would you do to my wife and daughter after you killed me?"


When Ye Yun asked this, Chang Haoxiu's eyes widened suddenly, which were immediately covered with bloodshot eyes, the muscles on his face twitched violently, and his expression was extremely frightened.

"You... did you hear that?"

He swallowed hard, only feeling his heart constricted, and it was difficult to even breathe.

At the auction, he saw how beautiful Murong Yan and Yaya were, and he actually became obscene|||evil.

Since ancient times, prostitutes are unforgivable crimes.

However, Chang Haoxiu relied on being the son of the Chang family, and felt that bullying an unknown junior and robbing his wife and daughter on his own territory was a trivial matter.

He never thought that Ye Yun would hear all his words.

Moreover, Ye Yun deliberately waited until the time of the martial arts conference, stepped into the door of Ping Ping's house, and came to question him in front of his fellow martial artists from all over the country!

Only now did he understand that it was not his own design to lure Ye Yun to the bait, but Ye Yun had prepared a butcher knife long ago and laid it across his neck.

Make him inevitable!

"Senior, that was just a slip of the tongue, please let me go! I am willing to pay any price to make up for it!"

Chang Haoxiu's legs trembled violently, and his crotch was already wet.

Chang Kun was on the side, and he roughly understood the conversation between Ye Yun and Chang Haoxiu.

Thinking of how his son was going to do such a nasty thing, he was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

"Bastard! I have always asked you to practice martial arts and morality. Don't use your power to bully others and act recklessly. Look at what you have done?"

When Chang Haoxiu was yelled at by him, he was so frightened that his soul went out of his body, and he leaned over and cried loudly:
"Dad, save me! I don't want to die!"

"I'm still so young, and I haven't married a wife and had children yet. If I die, our family will be extinct!"

Chang Kun burst into tears, and could only lament:
"Look at me like this, can I save you?"

After speaking, he looked at Ye Yun pleadingly.

Chang Haoxiu actually has such a dirty idea, which makes people very disdainful.

But, he is his own son after all, how can he bear to watch him get killed?

Ye Yun ignored Chang Kun's plea, but grabbed Chang Haoxiu's sky cap, and said coldly:
"Death is too cheap for you."

"I want you, forever and ever!"

A blue light was pulled out from Chang Haoxiu's body by him, and he then sent Chang Haoxiu into the Infernal Purgatory.

And ordered Hades to exhaust all the tortures in the underworld, so that Chang Haoxiu would spend life after life in endless torture forever and ever.

 Thank you for the 5994 rewards for the rest of your life~~~Thank you for the 100 rewards from the little god of billions of years~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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