Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 457 This Must Not Be True! 【1】

Chapter 457 This Must Not Be True! 【710】

"Have you all heard that? That person said that Hua Erjin's talent is less than one-tenth of his daughter's. This is too exaggerated!"

"This person made it clear that because his daughter was not selected, he had resentment towards Mr. Huaerjin in his heart, so he said such stupid words!"

"That's right! This kind of talk is nonsense! No matter how talented a three or four-year-old child is, he can't be ten times stronger than Huaerjin!"

"This is typical anger! In comparison, those parents in front are quite well-bred, and they didn't insult Huaerjin like this because their child was not selected!"


All eyes were on Ye Yun.

In an auditorium with tens of thousands of people, he is the only one who dares to belittle Hua Erjin like this, and it is difficult not to attract everyone's attention.

However, Hua Erjin's handsome face was full of disdainful smiles at the moment.

"There's an old saying in your Huaxia, it's called a toad breathing, what a big breath!"

"An unknown person dares to talk nonsense in front of me and use his own daughter to belittle me. You are really worse than a toad!"

He said, holding his hands on his chest, looking at Ye Yun with a condescending look:
"You Huaxia, the only pianists who can do it are currently Wang Lang and Li Di."

"The two of them claim to be piano geniuses that are rare in China in a thousand years. Even when they see me, they have to call me a teacher. As for their children, they are even more talented than them."

"However, even so, they dare not say that their children will surpass me in the future, let alone be ten times stronger than me!"

"It's useless for you to say such a thing except to prove that you are ignorant and stupid!"

He sneered again and again, his blue eyes were already full of contempt and ridicule.

A Chinese man, Baba brought his children to his concert, and made it clear that he wanted the children to become Lao Tzu's students.

Unexpectedly, facing such a good opportunity, he would put on an expression of indifference.

Do you really think that you are a big shot, waiting for Lao Tzu to kneel down and beg to accept your child as a disciple?




No wonder China has only two piano geniuses out of a population of 14 billion. That's because there are so many idiots!

Just a few words to you just now, no matter how talented your daughter is, I will not accept it!
Hua Erjin looked at Yaya who raised her hand just now, her eyes were full of color.

Seeing Hua Erjin scolding Ye Yun for being stupid, Yaya couldn't help saying angrily:

"Shu Shu, my daddy is not stupid! He is the most annoying daddy in the universe, I am very angry when you say that!"

Papa is always the highest mountain in the little girl's heart. This foreigner can play the piano very well, but why should he call Papa stupid?

Papa is not stupid!

After hearing this, Hua Erjin laughed loudly, turned around and shook his hands, and said with extreme contempt:

"I'm too lazy to tell you! It's really stupid!"

"The number one in the universe? You're laughing to death!"

After hearing Yaya's words, everyone shook their heads.

"Being a crazy talker for my father, I didn't expect to be a crazy talker for a daughter."

"It's a pity, the two of them look so good, but this quality is really unflattering!"

Even Wang Lang and Li Di respected Hua Erjin as a teacher.

Ye Yun and Yaya's disdain for Hua Erjin made everyone present very disgusted.

"Papa, go and play a song for him!"

Yaya suddenly pointed to the piano on the stage and said.

The little girl's voice was immature and immature, but it was full of unconvinced stubbornness and fighting spirit, which surprised everyone.

"Is this kid crazy? In order to win his breath, he actually asked his father to fight in front of Hua Erjin?"

Everyone looked at Yaya with incredible eyes.

Who is Valkin?

Three gold medals at the Chopin International Piano Competition.

Twice silver medalist at the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition.

Currently in the world, one of the four masters standing at the pinnacle of the piano industry.

Known as the German national treasure artist, the Porsche in the piano industry, the noble and elegant leader.

Dare to play the piano in front of him, is it not enough to feel ashamed?
"it is good."

What surprised everyone even more was that Ye Yun nodded in agreement.

Even Huaerjin opened his mouth wide when he saw him nodding, looking stunned.

This man, he really wants to play the piano in front of Hua Erjin, and it seems that he wants to prove that he is better than Hua Erjin!
"Crazy! Totally crazy!"

Hua Erjin shook his head again and again: "You are the craziest and most ignorant person I have ever seen!"

"If you dare to go on stage, I will let you go! I hope you won't be drowned by everyone's saliva!"

Since someone volunteered to come on stage to set off his greatness, Hua Erjin was also willing to accept it.

"Papa, big cousin, cousin-in-law, come on!"

Yaya, Chu Wenyan and Tong Xinyi are determined to be Ye Yun's best support team.

Ye Yun got up slowly, and under the gaze of tens of thousands of people, he calmly walked towards the stage.

That look, as if today is his home field.

The stage was prepared for him, and everyone else was just spectators.

Seeing him so calm and composed, everyone couldn't help but frown.

"This person is not stage fright at all. Does he really have the confidence to compete with Hua Erjin?"

Someone sighed in a low voice.

Someone immediately refuted with disdain:
"Come on, he's just thick-skinned!"

"There are only three people in this world who can be compared to Hua Erjin. This man can't even compare to a single hair!"

As if Ye Yun didn't hear their cynicism, he walked to the center of the stage at the same pace.

Since he was extremely handsome and well-dressed, he made many women's hearts move wherever he stood.

However, thinking that he was about to lose face in front of Hua Erjin, the women all shook their heads and sighed.

Ye Yun was already sitting in front of the piano stand, turned his head, looked at Hua Erjin with a sneer on his face, and asked:

"You know, what is the most difficult piano piece in the world called?"

Hua Erjin snorted coldly, nodded and said:
"Of course I do! It's Rachmaninoff's Third Piano Concerto!"

"So far, hundreds of pianists have suffered mental breakdowns from playing this piece."

"Are you going to play this piece?"

Ye Yun nodded slightly:


Hua Erjin shook his head and laughed twice, with an extremely disdainful tone:

"Come on! Horowitz is the only one in the world who can perform this song except Rachmaninoff himself!"

"You Huaxia's Wang Lang and Li Di can't even play the ten notes of this piece coherently. I advise you not to be ashamed!"

"Really, you'd better go! I don't think you need it, it's uncomfortable!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the auditorium also erupted, and everyone said in an exhorting and urging tone:
"You'd better go, Hua Erjin is right, it's boring to compete like this!"

"This piece is recognized as the most difficult piano piece in the world, please don't play it, otherwise it will definitely become an international joke!"

"Where's the security guard? Take him down quickly! We Huaxia can't afford to lose this person!"

At the gate, three security guards rushed in and walked towards Ye Yun quickly, seemingly trying to drag him off the stage.

However, just when the security guard had already walked to the stage, he took out his baton and prepared to warn Ye Yun.

The first note floated out.

The security guard and everyone were stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of music with an incomparably large and heavy feeling resounded in the center of the entire auditorium.

The music with a strong Cossack style is like thousands of galloping horses on the grassland.

With a powerful and sensational shocking force, it hits everyone's heart.

When it is tactful, it is like a solemn and brilliant carol.

When frenzied, it is like a raging tide.

Constantly impacting everyone's eardrums and hearts, people can't help but tremble with trembling.

The powerful contagion has already made thousands of people present tremble all over, unable to sit still.

However, Hua Erjin, two bodyguards, and five security guards who had been standing there all this time trembled their legs and collapsed heavily on the ground.

Hua Erjin's lips turned white, he held his head in his hands, stared at Ye Yun in horror, and roared:

"My God, this must not be true!"

(End of this chapter)

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