Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 469 Heavenly Punishment!

Chapter 469 Heavenly Punishment!

Under the influence of An Junxi, Zhang Yuming also staggered and sat on the ground, his eyes full of horror.

And Liu Yulei and the others were all shocked from ear to ear.

There are very few people who have seen the iron lock Hengjiang of the Zhuge family, but the rumors about this move have never ceased.

It can be said that there is no one in Yinzhou City who does not know the great name of Iron Lock Hengjiang!
This siege technique is fast and explosive.

And it shot out from the Trojan horse's mouth, which was extremely concealed.

Even for a master of martial arts, it would be extremely difficult to escape from the chained Hengjiang.

Not to mention, this trick was resolved without moving.

Moreover, one move wounded so many people.

This is simply a fantasy!
But, right now, it's actually happening.

With such an understatement, Ye Yun resolved the siege of Tiesuo Hengjiang, and beat the Zhuge family's gang into trash.

"'re so brave!"

Although Zhuge Huaiyu was shocked, he was the direct blood of the Zhuge family after all, and he had full confidence in his bones.

To outsiders, Iron Locking Hengjiang is a frightening killing move.

But for the direct lineage of the Zhuge family, it's just a very common trick.

Ye Yun was able to defuse this trick without moving, at most he was qualified to take a look at it.

But Ye Yun dared to maim so many followers in front of him, this is definitely a heinous crime!

"Anyone who dares to hurt my Zhuge family will have an irresistible hatred!"

"You must die today!"

Zhuge Huaiyu shouted loudly, clasped his hands together, and pointed to the sky.

"God's punishment, come out!"

There was a rumble on the ground, and the dust stirred up.

Everyone felt the ground tremble violently, and then saw strange black smoke floating from the ground.

In less than three to five seconds, four walls like iron fences appeared in a space with a radius of [-] meters.

All are besieged.

Looking up, the four walls shot straight into the sky, and it seemed that there was no way to escape.

"My lord, spare me! We didn't offend you, don't hurt us by mistake!"

Seeing that the situation was wrong, An Junxi was so frightened that the hairs all over his body stood on end.

However, Zhang Yuming, Liu Yulei and the others were also so frightened that their eyelids trembled, and a gust of cold air rushed straight to the sky.

Speaking of the Zhuge family, why does it have such a great prestige in Yinzhou, and has been proudly ranking as the first family in Yinzhou for thousands of years?
The reason is that in the entire Yinzhou City, with a land area of ​​40 square kilometers, almost all organs arranged by the Zhuge family can be found.

This huge city is like a head office of the Zhuge family.

As long as they wanted to, they could activate such a terrifying mechanism as Heaven's Punishment anytime, anywhere.

Everyone didn't know the power of Heaven's Punishment, but just looking at this momentum was enough to make everyone tremble with fear.

Zhuge Huaiyu glanced at everyone proudly, completely ignoring An Junxi who had been begging for mercy, and said with a sneer:

"The entire Yinzhou is the battlefield of our Zhuge family!"

"Dare to act wildly in our territory, if you want to kill you, it is no different from killing ants!"

He laughed wildly and clasped his hands together again:
"Take your lives today and give me the Zhuge family's prestige!"

Chi Chi Chi!
On the four iron fences, countless white lights flashed immediately.

After the light dissipated, countless half-meter-long iron cones, extremely sharp, were densely facing everyone.

At the same time, the four iron fences closed towards the crowd at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, everyone was so frightened that they all collapsed to the ground.

This day's punishment not only stabbed everyone into a hornet's nest, but also crushed people into meatloaf.

It was too cruel, too inhuman!
"It's over!"

I don't know who yelled this, and immediately pessimistic mood enveloped the entire set.

Just when everyone's hearts were ashamed, Ye Yun snapped his fingers lightly.


Everyone was surprised to see that Heaven's Punishment fell apart in an instant.

The dense iron fence shattered like a glass door!

Then there was a crackling sound, and the shattered Heavenly Punishment fell to the ground, turning into a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron.


Such a scene left everyone present speechless.

Such a powerful Heaven's Punishment ended with a snap of the fingers.

This... Are you sure you're not joking?
Zhuge Huaiyu opened his mouth wide, stuck out his tongue, and looked at Ye Yun in bewilderment.

He is the third generation descendant of the current Zhuge family, although his skill is not as deep as his elders, and he cannot control a larger scale of heaven's punishment.

However, the move he just made would instantly kill hundreds of masters who are half-step into the realm of transformation, or about ten masters of the realm of transformation.

Never thought that such a powerful weapon could be dealt with with a snap of the fingers.

This kind of ability, I am afraid that only his grandfather, Zhuge Shengxuan, can be compared.

But, grandpa is an old fairy who has lived almost two hundred years old. How old is this little boy in front of him!



All kinds of emotions lingered in Zhuge Huaiyu's heart.

"You, you... who the hell are you?"

Zhuge Huaiyu was in a daze for a long time before he stammered out this sentence.

Ye Yun said lightly:
"For a dying person, there's no point in asking that."


Zhuge Huaiyu was startled by Ye Yun's eyes, and after taking two breaths of air-conditioning, he was about to drive the wooden horse and run away.

"Who is making trouble in my Zhuge family's territory?"

Just when Zhuge Huaiyu was about to leave, a thick and clear voice suddenly sounded in the air.

I saw two old men with white hair, each standing on a ten-meter-long iron dragon, suspended in mid-air.

Both of them were stooped, but their eyes were full of brilliance, making people afraid to look directly at them.

"Dad, uncle!"

The people who came were Zhuge Huaiyu's father Zhuge Fei and his uncle Zhuge Yuan.

The two of them, in terms of strength alone, are inferior to their grandfather Zhuge Shengxuan.

However, the combination of the two is absolutely no worse than Zhuge Shengxuan.

Zhuge Huaiyu suddenly gained confidence, turned around and pointed at Ye Yun and said:

"It's that kid. He killed our family's tooth-eating beast, broke my punishment, and disabled my followers!"

"Dad, uncle, our Zhuge family has been standing in Yinzhou for so many years, and we have never suffered such humiliation. Today, you must save face for our family!"

The horror in his eyes disappeared.

It was replaced by incomparable self-confidence and hatred.

"Boy, you are so strong, you can even compete with my grandpa!"

"However, my father and uncle are not vegetarians. If they work together, I'm afraid you will only beg for mercy!"

"Not to mention my grandpa hasn't made a move yet. If he makes a move, even if you are a descendant from heaven, you won't be able to resist the siege of the three of them together!"

Zhuge Shengxuan is already a mid-to-late innate cultivation base, and he is capable of dominating the world with his mysterious mechanism skills.

However, Zhuge Yuan and Zhuge Fei put together, no matter in terms of cultivation base or mysterious technique, they could be evenly matched with Zhuge Shengxuan.

With such a combination of three people, even if it is a golden core who can go down to earth, I am afraid that he will be afraid of three points.

Zhuge Huaiyu didn't believe it, but this little boy underneath had the confidence to dare to fight against his own three top masters!
But, just when he thought that Zhuge Yuan and Zhuge Fei were about to kill each other.

However, Zhuge Yuan's body trembled and he landed in front of Ye Yun like flying.

Plop!With a bang, he knelt on the ground and said in a trembling voice:
"I've seen seniors!"

Zhuge Huaiyu looked bewildered:
"Uncle, what senior? He is the enemy of our Zhuge family!"

As soon as the words fell, a scene that surprised him even more happened.

Zhuge Fei also landed in front of Ye Yun, knelt down and cupped his fists and said:

"Senior is here, I have lost my way, please forgive me!"

Zhuge Huaiyu was so startled that he trembled all over and almost fell off the wooden horse.

"Dad, uncle, what are you doing?"

"Aren't you embarrassing our Zhuge family by doing this?"

"If Grandpa finds out, can you bear such a big crime?"

He turned around angrily, ready to go back and call grandpa out.

Suddenly, a white light flew by his side like lightning, and landed in front of Ye Yun.

Zhuge Shengxuan, who was nearly two hundred years old and looked like a fairy, knelt down without saying a word, clasped his fists at Ye Yun and said:
"Zhuge Shengxuan, I have met senior!"


Seeing this, Zhuge Huaiyu only felt a roar in his head.

With one black eye, he fell off the wooden horse, splashing dust all over the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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