Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 472 Three rookies!

Chapter 472 Three rookies!

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Paul quickly ran to Ye Yun, plop!He knelt on the ground and begged:

"Please tell me the mystery!"

"I have been studying for so many years, and I have been trying to improve the shortcomings of this magic, but until now I have no idea!"

Yaya pulled Ye Yun and said:
"Papa, you teach this sorghum."

"If he plays this trick in the future and burns other children, it will be bad!"

Ye Yun fondled the little girl's head, nodded and said:

"Honey, you're right."

Turning around, he reached out and pointed at Paul's forehead.

Paul only felt a stream of heat explode in his body, instantly filling every blood vessel in his body.

"This is?"

Feeling the changes in his body, Paul was shocked.

Ye Yun glanced at him lightly and said:

"I have given you the ability to control flames, so that you can perform this magic more freely."

Paul was overjoyed after hearing this. According to Ye Yun, he was already considered a superhuman.

If he has the ability to control flames, then he can perform the magic of the fire-breathing dragon to perfection!

"Thank you so much!"

"There is a saying in Huaxia, one day is a teacher, and one day is a father!"

"You are my master and my reborn parents! I kowtow to you!"

Boom boom boom!
Paul, the world-renowned magician, kowtowed three times to Ye Yun without hesitation.

Then he turned and came to the stage and said aloud:

"To thank my master, tonight I will perform a three-hour magic show for free, please join me!"

Everyone was shocked after hearing this.

As a world-class magician, Paul usually attends a half-hour performance at most.

And the appearance fee reached a staggering 300 million yuan.

Now, for the first time ever, he volunteered to perform for free for 3 hours, which is simply amazing!

Seeing this, the owner of the Bird's Nest Bar immediately ran up to Ye Yun, respectfully handed out a supreme VIP card, and said:

"Sir, from now on, you are the supreme guest of our bar!"

"We will always provide you with a free service!"

He asked the waiter to bring two bottles of 82-year-old Lafite, and said:
"I gave you these two bottles of wine, please enjoy them slowly!"

The joy in his heart.

Paul actually stated that he would perform for free in his bar for 3 hours. This matter will definitely become a global sensation.

By that time, his bar must be famous, and I don't know how much more money it will make.

And all of this is thanks to Ye Yun.

Moreover, he could tell that Ye Yun had extraordinary abilities, so it was natural that such a character should be courted well.

Seeing his sincerity, Ye Yun did not refuse.

Yaya pointed to the two bottles of wine and said:
"Dad, drink!"

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled:

"Papa doesn't drink."

Chu Wenyan looked at Lan Qingyan and Lan Xinrui with great interest, and said:
"How about we play a drinking game?"

Lan Qingyan asked in surprise:
"How do you play?"

Chu Wenyan thought for a while and said:
"The three of us roll the dice, and whoever has the smallest score will have a drink."

Yaya looked at Chu Wenyan with her big eyes blinking, and asked:

"Aunt Yan, this game is very fun, can I participate?"

Chu Wenyan smiled and said:
"Of course! But we don't need you to drink!"

Seeing that Yaya wanted to play, Lan Qingyan and Lan Xinrui nodded in agreement.

Three big girls and one little girl had a great time afterwards.

Yaya didn't need to drink, just smiled and watched them drink the wine one after another, which was very interesting.

Ye Yun smiled helplessly at the side.

Chu Wenyan took the lead in playing this game, but she obviously couldn't drink enough. Like Lan Qingyan and Lan Xinrui, she was a complete rookie.

After a few rounds of playing, the faces of the three of them were all red, so red that they were about to bleed.

After playing for less than ten rounds, the three of them all lay down on the table, muttering unclear words.

Yaya glanced at them, pouted and said to Ye Yun:

"Papa, they don't play anymore."

Ye Yun scratched her little nose and said:
"They are all drunk and can't play anymore."

Seeing that it was getting late, Ye Yun got up and pushed the three people, trying to get them to get up and leave.

But all three of them were quite drunk and couldn't wake up no matter what.

Ye Yun had no choice but to pick up two of them first, carried them to the car with his arms, and then took Yaya and the other one into the car.

Yaya asked Ye Yun curiously:

"Papa, why are you holding them under your armpit instead of carrying them into the car?"

Ye Yun smiled and said:

"It's more convenient this way."

Yaya frowned and said:
"But it feels a bit uncomfortable for them to be caught."

Ye Yun touched her little head and said:

"Papa can't hug them. Although it's uncomfortable, it will be fine in a while."

Yaya nodded with a vague understanding.

Then he looked at Chu Wenyan and the others with a smile, and pinched their noses and lips with his small hands, feeling very amusing.

Ye Yun then drove to a relatively high-end hotel. At this time, Lan Xinrui was a little awake, but she still couldn't stand up.

Ye Yun had no choice but to hold their sisters under his arms again and bring them to the hotel lobby.

Seeing Ye Yun clamping the two beauties like a briefcase, the young lady at the front desk couldn't help being stunned:

"Handsome guy, they are so beautiful, it's too unsympathetic for you to look like this!"

Ye Yun smiled, put Lan Xinrui down and said:
"Help them get a room."

Lan Xinrui opened the handbag in a daze, and a purple glue stick flashed in Ye Yun's eyes.

Lan Xinrui fumbled in the bag for a while before taking out her ID card and putting it on the front desk.

After getting the room card, Ye Yun sent them to the room, one in each hand, and threw them on the bed.

Lan Xinrui suddenly stood up from the bed, her eyes were drunk, her cheeks were red, she looked at Ye Yun with all kinds of amorous eyes and said:
"You are very similar to the person I like, can you not go?"

As he said that, his white and delicate arms like lotus roots stretched out, and his jade hands tightly grasped Ye Yun's sleeves.

"You're drunk, go to sleep."

Ye Yun stretched out his finger and flicked her forehead lightly.

Lan Xinrui immediately fell on her back, and head to head with Lan Qingyan.

The bed was full of black hair, and the two sisters slowly hugged each other and fell into a sweet dreamland.

Ye Yun then took the door and went out. When he reached the hall, the lady at the front desk still stared at him in surprise:
"Handsome, you won't just leave like this?"

Ye Yun nodded slightly to her.

The young lady at the front desk covered her mouth in shock.

The two beauties are so drunk, it's clear that they want to get whatever they want!
This handsome guy actually left like this, he is too reckless!
The lady at the front desk couldn't help being very moved. In this world, such a man with a bottom line is really rarer than a giant panda!

When Ye Yun returned to Murong Villa, Chu Wenyan was still very drunk and almost vomited on Ye Yun.

Ye Yun quickly carried her to the room and threw her on the bed.

Chu Wenyan smirked twice, kicked off the high heels on his feet, and said foolishly:

"Big cousin, my feet smell very fragrant, do you want to smell them?"

Ye Yun pressed her delicate and small jade feet down with his hands, and said speechlessly:
"It stinks, smell it yourself."

Chu Wenyan sat up abruptly, looked around with his feet folded and said:

"It definitely doesn't stink! I have to wash my feet twice a day and soak them in flower petals every time. How could it stink?"

Seeing her stupid appearance after being drunk, Ye Yun couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, stretched out his hand and knocked her unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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