Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 483 Finger 1, Create a God!

Chapter 483 One Finger, Make God!

No blood, no howling.

Qianye Binyi just fell to the ground, closed her eyes tightly, and did not move anymore.

Everyone in the Chiba family took a deep breath, their eyes trembling.

Everyone seemed to be frozen, and it was difficult to even breathe.

Wei Yaoxian shook his head repeatedly and said:

"Predecessors are not to be offended. I have already advised you not to do anything. Why didn't you listen?"

He felt that these Japanese people were really funny. Even though Chiba Kurosawa was beaten so badly, he still didn't believe in Ye Yun's ability.

One by one, they hit the muzzle of the gun, feeling like their heads were amused!
Chiba Xuan said angrily:

"We Japanese, why should we listen to you Chinese!"

"You dare to kill my elder brother, this hatred is irreconcilable! Xue'er, do it!"

"Revenge for the elder brother, and avenge the shame of the Chiba family!"

The strongest sword fairy in the Qianye family is Qianye Xue, and she is the only one who can rely on her.

Qianyexuan didn't believe it, even Qianyexue couldn't deal with this surprisingly handsome Chinese man.

Qianye Xueliu frowned, with a complex look in her eyes.

In the slender hand, a golden light emerged, vaguely turning into a long sword.

Yaya shook her head at Qianyexue and said:
"Auntie, don't do anything, my daddy is the number one in the universe, you can't beat him."

Fearing that Qianye Xue would not believe it, the little girl raised her hand and drew a big circle:
"My papa can defeat such a big strange fish in one fell swoop, and even defeat a big dog as tall as a mountain. He is really annoying!"

From the first sight, the little girl felt that Qianye Xue and Luo Xuewei had some similarities.

This made her feel a good feeling in her heart.

Seeing this girl who looked like a big sister, she worried that Papa would beat this aunt to death just like she killed Chiba Binyi.

"Xue'er, don't listen to her! This child must be worried that her father is not as good as you. Huaxia people are always good at using scheming, don't be fooled!"

Qianyexuan roared angrily.

Qianye Xueyu shook her hand, the golden light in her hand suddenly disappeared, she bent her delicate body, knelt on the ground on one knee, bowed her head and said:
"Senior please accept me as a disciple!"


This action of Qianye Xue directly shocked Qianye Xuan and the clansmen.

The greatest pride of the Chiba family, the most prestigious super genius, Chiba Yuki, the famous swordsman in the Japanese martial arts world.


If you can't make a move, just kneel down to this Huaxia man and ask him to accept you as a disciple!


"Xue'er, are you crazy?!"

Qianyexuan's voice was almost broken.

It was hard for him to accept that the brightest star in the family was so groveling and begging this Chinese man in a low voice.

Qianye Xue shook her head, her eyes were full of determination:

"I'm not crazy!"

"I did this because I didn't want my family members to die innocently."

"In addition, I really want to worship senior as my teacher. He can kill Chiba Kurosawa and elder brother in a row without moving."

"Such ability is by no means comparable to mine!"

Her words directly made Qianyexuan and their hearts sink into the bottom of the sea.

Now, even the strongest member of the family has bowed his head, who else can compete with this Chinese man?
"Hey! I'm afraid uncle and father didn't expect to come to this point!"

Qianye Xuan had a mournful look on his face, and his eyes were full of frustration.

"But, you are so wishful thinking, people may not be willing to accept you as a disciple!"

Seeing Qianye Xue kneeling down, Yaya knew that she had listened to her words, so she smiled and said:

"Papa, this aunt adores you, so you can be his teacher!"

Ye Yun pinched the little girl's nose fondly, nodded and said:
"Okay, I'll listen to you."

He knew that the reason why the little girl had a crush on Qianye Xue was purely because she liked Luo Xuewei and loved Wu and Wu.

"Since my daughter has a crush on you, I can agree to your request, but I won't accept you as an apprentice."

"In this life, you are only qualified to be my maidservant, obey the call at any time, and don't have two hearts, otherwise I can kill you at any time."

"do you understand?"

Ye Yun looked at Qianye Xue lightly and said.

After hearing this, Qianye Xuan quickly said:

"Xue'er, if he doesn't accept you as his apprentice, don't agree to him!"

"He said that because he saw that you have become a Great Sword Immortal and there is no way to help you improve, so he used such words to fool you!"

"If you become his maidservant, you will be too humble! You know, you are the pride of our Chiba family and Japan!"

"You absolutely can't, be his handmaid!"

Qianye Xue shook her head decisively and said:

"No! I have made up my mind, I am willing to accept his conditions!"

The woman's intuition told her that the opportunity was only this time, if she missed it, she must be the one who regretted it!
As for the apprentice or the maidservant, she didn't care at all.

She just had a feeling that she wanted to get close to Ye Yun, as long as she was qualified to get close to him, she would be satisfied!

"it is good."

Ye Yun nodded slightly.

A small group of bewitching purple flames appeared on the fingertips, and with a flick, it shot into Qianye Xue's forehead.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely powerful air wave exploded from Qianye Xue's body.

Except for Ye Yun and Yaya, everyone present was knocked to the ground by this qi.

At this time, Qianye Xue, the cherry blossom beauty seal on her forehead, has turned golden.

It blended perfectly into her fair and tender skin, as if a fairy had descended.

"Hiss! Such a powerful true energy, could it be..."

Wei Yaoxian and Qianyexuan swallowed at the same time, terrified.

They felt that Qianye Xue was completely reborn at this time, and she was no longer like a person in the mortal world.

"Thank you master for helping me step into the realm of gods and become a sword god!"

Qianye Xue's eyes were filled with shock, admiration, and joy. She knelt on her knees and kowtowed respectfully.

"What... what? Sword God??"

Wei Yaoxian and Qianyexuan's legs trembled violently, almost fainting from excitement.

What the heck, with a flick of a finger, a real god can be created!
Do you want to go too far!

You must know that mortals have worked hard all their lives, even if they are extremely talented, they may not have the chance to become immortals.

As for becoming a god, that's simply a strange story, something that I dare not even dream about.

However, Ye Yun's understatement raised Qianye Xue to the level of a god.

This is really... eye-catching!

At this moment, Qianyexuan had no doubts anymore, and looked at Qianyexue enviously.

I secretly sighed in my heart, this little sister is really smart, she would rather be a maidservant for this Huaxia man than to have a relationship with him.

It turns out that there are really great benefits!
Thinking of this, he was instantly annoyed.

If I had followed suit to show my loyalty to this man just now, I might be able to become a sword god now.

However, such a good opportunity just slipped away from his fingertips!

Ye Yun ignored everyone's fiery gaze, but said:

"In the future, there will still be Chinese in Japan in Tianmenghui, and you will be responsible for their safety."

"If someone is innocently victimized, I only ask you!"

Ever since he came to Japan for the first time, he found that Yaya didn't like Chinese people being bullied outside.

Now is a good time to take this opportunity so that the Chinese people in Japan can live a peaceful life in the future.


Qianye Xue smiled slightly, and the golden cherry blossoms on her forehead were shining brightly.

Under the golden light, the translucent skin is as pink and tender as a newborn baby.

Ye Yun then looked at Yaya with a smile and said:
"Baby, everything is arranged, now let's go home and give Mama a beautiful bracelet, okay?"

Yaya smiled happily and said:

"it is good!"

Before leaving, he specially waved to Qianye Xue:
"Auntie, come to China to play in a few days!"

"I have an Aunt Xuewei who is very similar to you, you can definitely become good friends!"

Qianye Xue nodded with a smile, the brilliance in her beautiful eyes was as moving as the mist under the rainbow:
"Okay! I'll go!"

(End of this chapter)

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