Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 487 When I grow up, I must marry you!

Chapter 487 When I grow up, I must marry you!

"How is this going?"

Hua Yuanfeng suddenly vomited blood and fainted, which surprised Qian Zhongxiao and Hua Siyou.

Qian Shuhao and Li Yiran also had expressions of horror on their faces.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Hua Siyou hurried forward and hugged Hua Yuanfeng in his arms, and asked anxiously.

Hua Yuanfeng took a deep breath, his eyes became darker and darker, and he tried hard to say:

"It should be that I forcibly poured true energy into her body, which caused her internal organs to be damaged. I'm afraid..."

"Life is short!"

When Hua Siyou heard this, he trembled in fright:
"Dad, you can't die! You are the god of medicine, and you are not a matter of life or death. How could you die so easily?"

Hua Yuanfeng shook his head and said:

"You don't know. This deadly disease is extremely difficult to deal with. If I don't exhaust all my efforts, how can I save this girl?"

"However, if I can overcome this century-old problem, even if I die today, it will be worth it!"

Qian Zhongxiao shook his head aside and sighed:

"Miraculous doctor Hua is indeed worthy of the word "miracle doctor". He is truly a doctor with a benevolent heart and a heart of a Bodhisattva. From now on, the medical circles all over the world will be proud of you!"

"If you really have any accidents, our Qian family will do everything we can to keep your wife and children prosperous and wealthy for the rest of their lives!"

Hua Yuanfeng nodded, revealing a smile:
"Being able to help your granddaughter cure the deadly disease is the greatest pride in my life, and I have no regrets!"

"not good!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qian Yaning exclaimed, pointing to Qian Yarong on the bed, and said:
"Sister, she has changed back again!"


Seeing Qian Yarong, who was still like a porcelain doll just now, her skin wrinkled instantly, and her whole body was filled with lifeless energy.

However, Hua Yuanfeng, who was already dying, struggled to prop up his body, and shouted:
"how can that be!"

"I just opened up her meridians and used my true energy to drive out all the viruses from her body. How could there be a sudden relapse?"

He shook his head violently, with a disbelieving expression on his face.

Seeing this, Qian Shuhao quickly grabbed Ye Yun's hand and knelt down, saying:
"Mr. Ye, please save my daughter! Only you can save her life now!"

Qian Zhongxiao turned his head and couldn't help muttering:
"Can he really save Rong'er?"

Even the miracle doctor Hua exhausted his life and failed to cure his little granddaughter. He still couldn't believe that the man in front of him had such abilities.

Ye Yun nodded towards Qian Shuhao, walked to the bed and put his hand on top of Qian Yarong.

Just then, a blue light flashed out, and all the silver needles inserted into Qian Yarong's body flew out and scattered on the bedside.

At the same time, countless gray-black rays of light emerged from Qian Yarong's chest like earthworms.

Following Ye Yun's hand, he rushed towards Qian Yarong's feet.

The gray-black rays of light gathered together, turning into two beams of black light that erupted from Qian Yarong's feet.

At the same time, Qian Yarong's whole body emitted a dazzling blue light, and amidst the radiance, her skin became extremely white, tender and translucent.

In the blink of an eye, a little girl with a ruddy complexion, as beautiful as a peach blossom after the rain, appeared in front of everyone again.


Qian Yarong opened her eyes, seeing Li Yiran's eyes filled with tears, she immediately laughed.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye, you are really a great benefactor of our Qian family!"

Seeing that Rong'er finally recovered, Qian Shuhao kowtowed to Ye Yun dozens of times in one breath.


The doubts in Qian Zhongxiao's eyes were swept away, replaced by deep shock and shame.

Just now, he was still suspecting that Ye Yun was a liar who took advantage of the fire.

I never thought that someone would save his little granddaughter's life by doing anything casually.

This is really... with eyes but no pearls, living a lifetime in vain!
Thinking of this, Qian Zhongxiao also knelt down, bowed his head and said:

"I'm sorry sir, I was too self-righteous before, please don't take offense, just treat me as an old blind man!"

Qian Shuhao couldn't help shaking his head, his father had lived his whole life, thinking that his ability to recognize people had reached the pinnacle.

But he never thought that he fell into a big somersault on Ye Yun's body.

As a son, he was really helpless and ashamed, so he had to apologize a few words.

Hua Yuanfeng looked at Qian Yarong carefully, and confirmed that she was completely fine.

Immediately, a deep look of admiration appeared in his eyes, and he looked at Ye Yun passionately and said:
"Dare to ask this gentleman, what went wrong with me so that I can't save this child?"

Ye Yun replied lightly:
"The reason why you couldn't save her and hurt yourself is because you got the meridians running in the wrong direction, which resulted in the toxin not being discharged at all, and the zhenqi rebounded back."

"What's more, your skill is too weak to remove all the toxins."

"You know, some of the toxins of death disease have survived in the air for billions of years, even since the birth of the earth."

"With your cultivation base, you can't compete with them at all. If you forcefully expel them, you will only suffer from backlash."

After hearing this, Hua Yuanfeng immediately lay down on the ground, kowtowed to Ye Yun and said:
"Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books!"

"Mr. is the real genius doctor. I, Hua Yuanfeng, am completely convinced by you today!"

Hua Siyou's face was burning hot, just now, he put on a condescending look and scolded Yaya.

Unexpectedly, the father of this little girl has such extraordinary abilities.

Seeing Ye Yun's indifferent expression, he couldn't help but lowered his head in shame, not daring to look directly.

Ye Yun then took out a small black pill, flew it in front of Hua Yuanfeng, and said:

"This life-saving pill can make your life worry-free."

Hua Yuanfeng dared to bet his own life to save Qian Yarong, Ye Yun felt that this person had a good heart and a lot of hard work.

Right now, in front of Yaya, it's okay to save his life.

Hua Yuanfeng immediately ate the life-saving pill, kowtowed and said:
"Thank you for your great kindness! Sir, please tell your name, I, Hua Yuanfeng, am willing to be a cow and a horse for you!"

Qian Shuhao said:
"Mr. Ye's single name is a cloud word."

Ye Yun!

Hua Yuanfeng immediately remembered the name in his heart, and pulled Hua Siyou to solemnly kowtow three times to Ye Yun.

Afterwards, Ye Yun waved his hand and let the father and son leave the room.

Turning around, he looked at Yaya with a gentle smile on his face and said:
"Baby, what gift do you want to give your sister?"

Yaya walked to the bed with a smile, her big beautiful eyes were full of happiness, she handed the box to Qian Yarong and said:

"Sister, look!"

Qian Yarong took the box and opened it to see that it was a cute little butterfly hairpin.

"What a beautiful hairpin, thank you little sister!"

Yaya shook her head and smiled:

"You're welcome! I bless my sister's life, always be as healthy and beautiful as a butterfly!"

Both Li Yiran and Qian Yaning were so moved by Yaya that they wanted to cry, they held her in their arms, fondled her face and said:

"Baby, you are our guardian angel. With you, my sister will be healthy and beautiful forever."

Qian Shuhao wiped his eyes, he was a big man, and it was the first time in his life that he was moved to tears.

He hurriedly carried Qian Yarong out of bed and asked her to kowtow to Ye Yun:

"Rong'er, thank you Uncle Ye, Uncle Ye is your lifesaver!"

Qian Yarong looked at Ye Yun with her big beautiful eyes blinking, and said happily:

"Thank you Uncle Ye! When I grow up, I must marry you!"


Qian Shuhao, Li Yiran, and Qian Zhongxiao were all shocked from ear to ear.

"Rong'er, what are you talking about?"

Li Yiran said dumbfoundedly.

Qian Yarong said with a serious look:

"I'm not talking nonsense. On TV, the girl was rescued by the boy. Didn't they all say that they would marry each other and be his wife in the future?"

When Qian Shuhao and the others heard this, they couldn't help but look embarrassed and smile wryly.

It is a good thing for children to be smart, but sometimes they like to learn the messy things on TV, which is a headache for adults.

Ye Yun squatted down, smiled gently and said:
"Little sister, uncle already has a wife."

"When you grow up, there will be a boy you like waiting for you to marry him."

Yaya ran to Ye Yun's side, hugged his arm and said:

"That's right, sister, I'm Papa's daughter, I can't even marry him, let alone you!"

"Papa can only have Mama as a wife, neither of us can!"

Ye Yun couldn't help laughing when he saw the little girl educating Qian Yarong with a serious look.

Qian Shuhao, Li Yiran, Qian Yaning and the others also laughed.

This little girl is really a lovely pistachio!

(End of this chapter)

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