Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 510 Corpse Soldiers!Corpse King! !

Chapter 510 Corpse Soldiers!Corpse King! !

Xu Taiqi and Wu Tian could not help but look at each other.

Both of them showed a look of surprise. They didn't expect that this girl would rather sacrifice herself for the sake of her mother.

Xu Taiqi immediately showed an extremely proud expression, the blood contract must be voluntarily signed by An Xuan to take effect.

Now that the biggest obstacle has been eliminated, the wealth accumulated by the Xu family for hundreds of years is about to fall into his hands!
"Hehehe, very good! Master Wu, let's do it!"

Xu Taiqi glanced at An Xuan with some pity.

It's a pity, this little girl is quite beautiful, I originally planned to marry her as my concubine.

Now, just give it to the old man, it's a little bit of filial piety!

Wu Tian nodded, clasped his hands together, and silently recited a few verses.

He saw a flash of red light, and a bloody contract hovered in front of An Xuan.

"Bite your finger, drip blood on it, and say three more times that I voluntarily sign the blood contract, and it will be done!"

When Wu Tian spoke, his old voice was like cracking the bark of a withered tree, making one's scalp tingle.

An Xuan nodded silently and raised his finger.

At this moment, all thoughts in her heart were lost, and boundless despair and pain filled her heart.

Silently closing her eyes, crystal clear teardrops slipped down like beads with a broken thread.

"If there is an afterlife, I don't want to be a human anymore!"

The fingertips suddenly hurt, and the pearly white teeth were already stained with traces of blood.

Xu Taiqi laughed with satisfaction:

"Quickly pour blood on it!"

Seeing that success is close at hand, he couldn't help urging.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew away the blood deed.

An Xuan, Xu Taiqi and Wu Tian couldn't help being surprised at the same time.

"An Xuan, we are here to save you!"

A crisp and pleasant voice sounded from behind.

An Xuan quickly turned around, only to see Wen Caixuan, Ye Yun, Murong Yan, and Yaya walking in.

Wen Caixuan hugged An Xuan tightly in her arms, and blamed:

"An Xuan, what on earth are you going to do?"

"Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?"

"Do you still think of me as your good sister?"

When she and Ye Yun entered the door just now, they were stopped by people from the Xu family, and Ye Yun solved all of them.

At the same time, from Xu Zude, the purpose of arresting An Xuan was revealed.

An Xuan shook his head and cried:

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry Caixuan! I didn't mean to hide it from you, I was just afraid of dragging you down!"

Wen Caixuan sighed:
"You are so stupid! I told you that Ye Yun can help you, why don't you believe me?"

An Xuan glanced at Ye Yun, shook his head and said:
"He can't help!"

"My mother's poison is extremely terrifying, and only Wutian, the most powerful ghost wizard in southern Xinjiang, can unravel it!"

"If I don't sign a blood contract with them, he won't save my mother! I can't just watch my mother's life worse than death!"

Wen Caixuan shook his head helplessly, and said:
"If you had seen Ye Yun's ability, you wouldn't say that."

Yaya stepped forward, stretched out her small hand to gently touch An Xuan's cheek, and said with a smile:

"That's right, Aunt An, you have to trust my daddy!"

An Xuan nodded, looking at Ye Yun with a hint of expectation in his eyes:

"Ye Yun, as long as you can save my mother, I can do whatever you want!"

Ye Yun nodded slightly, but did not speak.

Just when he was about to move forward, Xu Taiqi suddenly stood in front of him and said angrily:

"Boy, do you want to stand up for this little girl?"

Ye Yun glanced at him lightly:

Killing intent suddenly appeared in Xu Taiqi's eyes, and he shouted:
"Then I'll kill you all!"

He waved his hand and roared:
"Come on, kill them!"

His internal energy was very strong, and with this roar, he rushed out of the door like a raging river, and swayed violently in the courtyard outside.

Within a radius of 300 meters, his voice could be heard clearly.

However, after a few seconds passed, no one could be seen.

Xu Taiqi couldn't help being surprised:
"Why didn't anyone come out?"

There are 76 bodyguards in the Xu Family Nursing Home.

50 of them are retired special forces with extremely sharp responses.

There are 26 other people, 20 of them are masters of internal energy, and the other six are at the peak of internal energy, just a stone's throw away from the master of transformation.

Usually, even if he snorted, someone would run out immediately.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time today, I can't even see a single person.

This is really too weird!

Ye Yun smiled lightly and said:

"Stop shouting, I killed them all."


As soon as he spoke, Xu Taiqi, who was about to stop him just now, took four or five steps back.

So many master bodyguards were killed by this man without making a sound.

This person's ability is too terrifying!
For the first time in his life, Xu Taiqi, who was a hero in his life, felt his heart constrict suddenly, and his body couldn't help but shiver.

"Master Wu, this son cannot be kept!"

"Kill him! Kill them all!"

Xu Taiqi was in shock, seeing Wu Tian beside him, he couldn't help but feel at ease.

Wu Tian is the number one ghost wizard in southern Xinjiang!
He has profound knowledge with one hand, and spiritual power with the other.

It can be singled out, or it can summon powerful corpse soldiers to fight in groups.

He is a genuine god-level ghost master!
In southern Xinjiang, a place full of mysteries and ghosts, three years ago, Wu Tian swept away thirteen sects with a scale of more than a hundred people by himself.

It is said that there are no less than ten master-level masters among them, all of whom were instantly killed by him!

Therefore, Xu Taiqi is fully confident that as long as Wu Tian makes a move, the little boy in front of him will die!

Wu Tian nodded, his pale eyeballs rolled up and down twice, looking very strange and terrifying.

"I will use your flesh and blood to feed my corpse soldiers!"

"Emperor Yuan's order, all ghosts respectfully listen!"

"Give me out!"

He clasped his hands together and pointed to the ground.

A cloud of cloudy air exploded.

Immediately, a black light filled the room, and the wind gusts made people sick.

I saw hundreds of dark human bodies crawling out of the ground.

They were like rotting corpses, with holes in their skin.

Some of them had clusters of white maggots wriggling about, which was extremely disgusting.

"Eat them!"

Wu Tian's white eyeballs suddenly turned red, full of bloodlust.

I heard a snap of fingers.

The corpse soldiers who were just about to rush over were all reduced to ashes in an instant, and even the rancid smell was blown away.


Wu Tian and Xu Taiqi were stunned for a moment.

Although the corpse soldiers are rotting corpses, they are actually very powerful in resisting blows.

After being transformed by Wu Tian with secret techniques, the strength of each of them is comparable to that of a master of horizontal refining.

Wu Tian couldn't believe that more than 100 powerful corpse soldiers were dealt with by this little boy with a snap of his fingers.

This... is simply unheard of!
You know, when Wutian swept across the northern part of southern Xinjiang three years ago, these corpse soldiers were like a tide, invincible.

Pushing ten sects along the way is frightening.

They are like immortal warriors, invulnerable at all, even master-level masters can't do anything about them!
How ever, was it solved with a snap of the fingers?
If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it if he was killed!

"Boy, you forced me to come up with a unique move!"

Wu Tian, ​​who became angry from embarrassment, immediately let out a violent roar, spit out a big mouthful of thick blood and grabbed it in his hand, muttering:

"The inner seal of the spirit treasure, save the lake of blood!"

"Corpse King, come out!"

The blood in his hand fell to the ground, and instantly turned into a huge blood man three meters high.

At the same time, a thick blood blast exploded in the whole room, and Xu Taiqi only felt a burning sensation all over his body.

When he came back to his senses, he found that his skin had been scorched by blood energy.

The scarlet light continuously drilled into his body, making him excruciatingly painful.

"Master Wu, why did this blood man hurt me?"

Xu Taiqi had already been knelt down on the ground, and asked eagerly.

Wu Tian said loudly:
"The Corpse King is formed from the blood of evil spirits that have lasted for tens of thousands of years. His ability is no longer something ordinary people like you can bear!"

"Even I dare not summon him easily unless it is absolutely necessary!"

When Xu Taiqi heard this, he was frightened out of his wits.

According to Wutian, once the corpse king is summoned, he may not be able to deal with it!

"However, as long as you can kill that little boy!"

Xu Taiqi looked at Ye Yun with resentment.

Although the corpse king is terrifying, this little boy is even more hateful!

If he hadn't made trouble, his plan would have succeeded long ago.

Therefore, he must die!

It's best to be swallowed by the corpse king, and it's best to live forever and never turn over!
Xu Taiqi's eyes were cold, looking forward to the scene where the corpse king killed Ye Yun.

However, just when he was about to be proud, a scene that made him unbelievable appeared.

Another snap of fingers.

In Wu Tian's mouth, the blood of tens of thousands of years of evil spirits was incarnated, and the corpse king, which mortals could not bear, had not had time to attack.

He was beaten to pieces by Ye Yun's snapping fingers.



Two times in succession.

Xu Taiqi and Wu Tian both went limp and collapsed heavily on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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