Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 515 Golden Horn and Silver Horn Immortal!

Chapter 515 Golden Horn and Silver Horn Immortal!


No matter how resolute a person is, seeing this scene is completely frightened.

Xiao Miscellaneous Mao is the weakest of these demon soldiers, he can cripple Yao Zhiyun, the master of horizontal training, with a single slap.

However, the whirlwind is the leader of the entire monster soldier.

Logically speaking, his strength should be much stronger than that of Xiao Za Mao.

But, he was slapped to death by the puppy in Yaya's arms.

And it seemed that the puppy had no strength at all.


"Damn it, who is this evil little dog, who actually killed the head whirlwind with a single palm!"

The little miscellaneous hair and other monsters, one by one, were all so frightened that their legs trembled.

However, Yao Kairui, Mei Yingfei, Yao Zhiyun and the others all opened their mouths wide open, unable to utter a single word.

Especially Yao Kairui couldn't help but blushed and lowered his head embarrassingly.

Just now, he was still laughing at Ye Yun in his heart as cannon fodder for running over.

I never thought that a puppy in the hands of his daughter would kill the head of the monster with a light slap.

This, he couldn't even think of killing him!
"Fangling, you saved us all today!"

Yao Kairui smiled happily.

I thought it was a dead end today, but I didn't expect such a great god to come in a turn of events.

His eyes swept across the faces of Yao Fangling and Ye Yun, and he secretly sighed with emotion, it's a pity that his daughter is not a peerless beauty.

Ye Yun is not a single good young man either.

Otherwise, the Yao family will make him their son-in-law even if they backtrack!
He quickly got up and ran to Ye Yun, knelt down and thanked:
"Thank you for your help!"

"I was a little offended by what I said before, please forgive me for my ignorance!"

Ye Yun nodded slightly, he naturally wouldn't care too much about Yao Kairui.

Turning around, he glanced at the monsters coldly, and the hairs on Xiao Za Mao's body stood on end in fright, and they all fell silent.

Yaya came to them with Xiaotian in her arms, and said with a smile:
"Don't be so stern, just like before, how cute is your smiling face!"

Little Miscellaneous Mao and the others couldn't laugh or cry.

Auntie, that puppy in your arms can kill a demon with a single slap.

Who dares to smile hippie in front of you.

If you are shot to death by a puppy, will you pay for it?

Seeing Xiaozamao and the others all looked mournful, Yaya sighed boredly:

"You guys are no fun at all."

Saying that, she carried Xiaotian back to Yao Fangling's side.

Ye Yun said lightly:
"It is impossible to take your baby back. If anyone is not convinced, I will let him die."

After he finished speaking, he glanced lightly at Yao Fangling.

From the moment he saw Yao Fangling today, he noticed something abnormal about her.

At this time, it has been concluded that the thing Yao Fangling is playing with is a ten thousand year demon pill.

However, the demon pill has been absorbed into Yao Fangling's body, and the energy of ten thousand years is lurking in the deepest part of her body.

Seeing Ye Yun looking at her, Yao Fangling couldn't help but blushed slightly, she was not used to being stared at by such a handsome guy.

She asked timidly:

"Ye Yun, do I have any questions?"

Ye Yun said lightly:

"What they were looking for was a demon pill, which has been eaten by you now."

Yao Fangling, Yao Kairui and others were all shocked.

That thing turned out to be a demon pill!

No wonder, these monsters are desperately trying to get it back!


"I didn't eat at all!"

Yao Fangling looked confused.

Ye Yun smiled slightly and said:

"To be precise, it was Yaodan who chose you."

"Because you have a relatively rare Xuanyin physique, and this demon pill is the essence of the ten thousand-year-old ice velvet snow viper on Changbai Mountain."

"The ice velvet snow viper is an extremely dark thing, your body can just be used as a container for the demon pill, and it fits perfectly with it."

Yao Fangling was taken aback by what he said.

She doesn't understand the ten-thousand-year ice velvet snow viper or the container.

The only thing I can understand is that I seem to be turning into a monster.

Ye Yun saw her worries, so he smiled and said:
"I can help you completely absorb the energy of the demon core, and you will have ten thousand years of demon power from then on."

"As for transforming into Ice Velvet, as long as you don't want to, you can still live like a normal human being."

Yao Fangling thought for a while, feeling a little excited in her heart.

The energy of the Wannian Demon Pill sounds very powerful, it would be a pity if it is not used.

So he nodded and said:

"Then trouble you, help me once."

Ye Yun nodded.

Xiao Za Mao and other monsters listened to what the two said.

Immediately, several monsters shouted:
"She ate the demon pill, so I can only take her back to make a stove for Daxian!"

Another monster called out:
"But they are so powerful, if we do it, we will only have a dead end!"

The old monster said:
"If we don't take her back, we will still die!"

"Why don't we call the Great Immortal over here, and we will definitely be able to capture them!"

A group of monsters made up their minds, and one of them raised his head and howled like a wolf.

The sound pierced through the void, reached the sky, and echoed in the air for a long time.

Not long after, I saw two dark clouds floating in the sky.

Standing on each of the dark clouds is a figure, tall and burly, with a cloak fluttering in the wind, with extraordinary momentum.

"The Great Immortal is here! This time they are all dead!"

The demons let out loud cheers.

As the clouds fell, they saw two humanoid monsters standing in front of everyone.

One of them had golden horns, and the other had silver horns.

Both of them have eyes like copper bells, and they look very ferocious.

After they landed, hundreds of monsters of different shapes appeared behind them.

All armed with sharp weapons, majestic.

"Welcome to the Immortal Golden Horn! Welcome to the Immortal Silver Horn!"

Little Miscellaneous Mao and the others, all with awe-inspiring expressions, knelt on the ground and prostrated endlessly.

The Golden Horn Immortal waved his hand, and said loudly:

"Get up!"

With his hands behind his back, he glanced at Ye Yun and everyone else, and asked:
"Is the baby among them?"

Immediately a young man ran out, pointed at Yao Fangling and said:

"Daxian, she ate the food!"

Immortal Jinjiao was furious immediately, two flames shot out from his copper eyes and said:

"You are not small, if you dare to eat the food of this Great Immortal, I will definitely make you into a furnace!"

Immortal Yinjiao pointed to Yao Fangling and said:

"Catch her! Everyone else, kill them all!"

The little guy hurriedly said:
"You two immortals, wait a minute!"

He pointed to Xiaotian in Yaya's arms, and said:

"This dog is a monster, it just killed the leader of the whirlwind with a single slap!"

"Besides, that person seems to be a master. He just said that he would help that girl and completely absorb the baby."

Upon hearing this, Immortal Yinjiao waved his right hand and conjured up a seven-star sword. He glared at Ye Yun and said:
"It doesn't matter what kind of expert he is, under the seven-star sword of this fairy, he is an ant!"

After the words fell, he flew forward.

The seven-star sword drew a bright crack in the air, like a long wind breaking through the tide, and it fell on the top of Ye Yun's head.

Seeing this, Yao Fangling lying on the ground was so frightened that her legs gave way.

She felt that the sword energy of the Seven Star Sword was like a ten thousand zhang mountain.

The huge pressure gave her a strong sense of suffocation.

Even Yao Kairui and the others in the distance shrank their pupils sharply, feeling that they were being overwhelmed, and lay down on the ground, not daring to move.

"How can these monsters be so strong?"

"A sword is so powerful. If you want to kill them, I'm afraid you can only use missiles!"

At this moment, even Yao Zhiyun couldn't help but feel worried.

The Golden Horn Immortal and the Silver Horn Immortal are not ordinary existences at first glance. If they are divided by China's martial arts realm, I'm afraid they have already stepped into the innate realm.

With such a terrifying character and such a sharp sword, this young man named Ye Yun might not be able to stop him at all!
Just when everyone was secretly frightened, there was a sudden crisp sound.

Looking up, I saw the seven-star sword in Yinjiao Daxian's hand was cut into two pieces by Xiaotian's paw.

At the same time, Xiaotian turned his head and shouted at Immortal Yinjiao.

Roar! ! !
A terrifying sound wave passed through Yinjiao Daxian's head.

Then, a clack was heard!One sound.

Immortal Yinjiao fell to his knees heavily, bleeding to death from his seven orifices.

(End of this chapter)

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