Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 517 Ice Velvet Snow Viper!

Chapter 517 Ice Velvet Snow Viper!



Then, in Yao's yard, there was a sound of knees hitting the ground.

All the monsters went limp and knelt heavily on the ground.

"Shangxian, please spare your life! We are just running errands for the two great immortals, please spare our lives!"

"That's right! Shangxian, we are just ordered to track down the whereabouts of that demon pill in the world, and when we find it, we will hand it over to Immortal Jinjiao and Immortal Yinjiao."

"As for the things like murder and arson, we have never done it before!"


A group of monsters kowtowed like garlic, spouting all over the floor.

Yao Kairui and Yao Zhiyun at the side saw that Ye Yun accepted the fairy artifact of the Golden Horn so easily.

And let these monsters be scared out of their bodies, and I can't help admiring him even more.

Yao Zhiyun even began to think about whether he should worship Ye Yun as his teacher later and ask him to teach the law of the sky.

But he immediately shook his head and sighed secretly:
"A person like him is no longer a mortal in the world. How can I be qualified to be his apprentice!"

"It's better not to open your mouth, so as not to embarrass yourself after being rejected!"

Yao Zhiyun had a look of inferiority.

Ye Yun glanced at the demons, and then with a wave, he saw a strong wind blowing.

Wherever they went, every monster was torn into powder before they could even scream.

When the wind blew through the yard, all the monsters disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

Yao Kairui hurriedly pulled his wife, knelt down in front of Ye Yun, and said:
"Thanks to the gods for their life-saving grace, great kindness and great virtue, it will never be repaid!"

Yao Fangling then came to Ye Yun, with a trace of shock remaining in her eyes.

The two blushes that floated slightly on the cheeks seemed to have not recovered from the shock just now.

"Ye Yun, how should we thank you for helping our family so much?"

If it weren't for Ye Yun, the Yao family would have been bloodbathed today.

After much deliberation, Yao Fangling didn't know how to repay her.

Ye Yun said with a smile:

"Didn't Yaya want to learn paper-cutting from you?"

"Just teach her well."

Yao Fangling and Yao Kairui were all astonished.

Such a great kindness only needs such a return.

The thinking of a fairy is really not something ordinary people can guess!

Yao Fangling nodded heavily and smiled:

"Definitely! If you can't teach well, I'll let you handle it!"

After she finished speaking, she blushed suddenly, feeling that the words were a bit ambiguous, she couldn't help but lowered her head and stuck out her tongue.

Yao Kairui saw her expression in his eyes, and couldn't help but secretly sighed, if he really dealt with you, it would be great!
Ye Yun nodded and said:

"Before that, let me help you absorb the demon pill."

After he finished speaking, he pointed at Yao Fangling.

A white light exploded in Yao Fangling's body.

Within a ten-meter radius, the temperature plummeted.

Countless tiny snowflakes are falling slowly, as if in winter.

Yao Fangling only felt a surge of air in her body, rushing out like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

"This... so strong!"

Yao Fangling covered her mouth in surprise.

Ye Yun put away his hands, nodded and said:
"Based on your current cultivation, you can probably be compared to a master-level master in the Chinese martial arts world."

"Use it well."

Yao Fangling didn't know martial arts, but when she heard the word "grand master", she knew that it must be very powerful.

Yao Zhiyun swallowed sharply at the side.

My little niece became a master easily.

As for myself, I have worked hard for half my life before I can even step into the realm of a master.

This is really... It's so annoying to compare people to people!
Yaya rolled her eyes, thinking that Papa said just now that Yao Fangling can transform now, so she stepped forward and took Yao Fangling's hand and said:

"Aunt Fangling, can you show me the transformation?"

Yao Fangling showed a shy smile, she was worried that if she turned into an ugly snake, then her image would be completely ruined.

Thinking of the Golden Horn Immortal and his group of monsters, all of whom were so ugly, she felt very disturbed.


"For the sake of Yaya, let me try to change it once!"

Yao Fangling gritted her teeth, her mind moved.

A burst of cold air rushed out, and the snowflakes, like fallen leaves all over the sky, slowly fell down.

Amidst the fluttering snowflakes, a large white snake four to five meters long held its head high.

Its whole body is covered with diamond-shaped scales, and dense white fluff has grown on the top of its triangular head.

The blood-red snake letter kept spitting out, in stark contrast to its snow-white body.

"Wow, what a beautiful snake! As expected of Aunt Fangling, it's so beautiful!"

Yaya was amazed by Ice Velvet Snow Viper's graceful figure and aloof temperament.

Yao Kairui and Mei Feiying looked at each other, both of them had conflicted expressions on their faces.

Yao Fangling has always been a well-behaved daughter in their eyes, but now she unexpectedly encountered this kind of opportunity and absorbed the Wannian Demon Pill and became a snake demon.

This... makes people wonder whether to be happy or sad!
Yao Fangling turned around and turned back into a human form, and asked with red cheeks:

"Is it really good-looking?"

Yaya's little head nodded a few times:

"It's really beautiful! I've never seen such a beautiful snake, Aunt Fangling, you must be changeable!"

Yao Fangling covered her mouth and laughed straight, with a shy look on her face, she touched the little girl's head and said:
"Auntie will only show it to you in the future."

Yaya smiled and said:

"Okay, then we hang ourselves on the hook, and we can't change it for 100 years!"

Yao Fangling had no choice but to hook up with Yaya.

After Yao Kairui arranged for someone to send Yao Zhiyun to the hospital, he stepped forward and said:

"Mr. Ye is someone from outside the sky. We really don't know how to repay the kindness of a small family like ours."

"It's already noon now, the child has been making a fuss for a long time, and he is probably hungry, so let's take the child to eat first."

"If you have any request, please feel free to ask, our Yao family will definitely not refuse!"

Ye Yun said lightly:

"I have already said, there is no need to repay the favor."

Yao Fangling held Yaya's hand and said:

"Then let's go eat first, I'll teach Yaya how to cut paper in the afternoon."

Ye Yun nodded and said:
"it is good."

Later, under the leadership of Yao Kairui, the group went to the most luxurious Royal Mesa Hotel in Tingzhou East District for dinner.

As soon as Ye Yun and the others came out of the parking lot, they saw three people approaching from the opposite side.

A young and handsome man among them waved to Yao Fangling:
"Fangling, why are you back today?"

With a smile on his face, he greeted Yao Kairui and Mei Feiying again.

However, when he saw Yao Fangling holding Yaya and talking and laughing with Ye Yun, he couldn't help frowning.

Yao Fangling didn't notice his expression, and said with a smile:

"I have something to do at home today, so I came back temporarily."

"Weibo, are you bringing friends to dinner?"

The man she was talking to was Dai Weibo, the only son of the Dai family in Tingzhou, and her prospective fiancé.

Every time before she returned to Tingzhou, she would tell Dai Weibo that she didn't have time to say it today, but she still ran into her unexpectedly.

Although Yao Fangling went to college in Jincheng, she has always had a good relationship with Dai Weibo.

Just waiting for college graduation, under the witness of the two families, they walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Seeing that she could meet her fiancé-to-be like this, Yao Fangling's tone was quite excited.

Dai Weibo saw her expression, thinking that she was so excited because of Ye Yun, he couldn't help being very annoyed.

"Where did he come from, this little boy, isn't he here to hook up with my fiancee?"

Cursing in my heart, on the surface, I said with a smile on my face:

"I brought my friends here to treat a mysterious big shot to dinner."

"Since we met, let's eat together."

After speaking, he hugged Yao Fangling involuntarily, glared at Ye Yun, and led a group of people into the hotel lobby.

(End of this chapter)

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