Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 525 My man is the best!

Chapter 525 My man is the best!

"Papa, look!"

Yaya held a freshly cut piece of paper and held it in front of Ye Yun.

The little girl is dexterous, and after studying with Yao Fangling for half an hour, she is already able to cut out a very complicated painting by herself.

Ye Yun saw that the little girl cut out three people.

The two adults, holding a child in the middle, looked very much like their own family of three.

"Baby, you cut the papa, Mama, and yourself, right?"

Ye Yun asked with a smile.


Yaya smiled and nodded: "Papa, do you think this paper-cut is pretty?"

Ye Yun nodded and said:
"It's beautiful! It's very beautiful!"

"This is the most beautiful paper-cut that Papa has ever seen!"

In Yaya's big eyes, infinite joy immediately bloomed:

"Then when I get home, I'll show it to Mama! I think Mama will eat it!"

The little girl then took a box of colored pens and painted the paper-cuts with bright colors.

Even Yao Fangling couldn't help but admire, the little girl's learning ability is really terrifying.

Take this paper-cut of hers as an example. The technique is very delicate. At first glance, it is easy to be mistaken as a famous artist.

After a while, two men in suits and looking like professional managers walked in the door.

Each of them produced a document.

One of them sent it to Qian Dedao and said:

"Chairman Qian, after our detailed research, the G012 plot near the sea in this city is the first choice for planting."

"I have prepared all the land certificates and related procedures for this land, please have a look!"

The other person then handed the document in his hand to Qian Dedao:

"Chairman Qian, here are the sanitation permits, MSDS, business licenses, tax registration certificates and other documents required for setting up a cosmetics company."

"In addition, we also contacted the international famous cosmetics testing organization, MADD's resident branch in Tingzhou, and asked them to assist in the testing of cosmetics as soon as possible in the future, and provide various required testing reports in a timely manner."

"Also, this is the lease agreement for the office building. We have already leased an entire floor of an office building in the central CBD business district of Tingzhou. The lease term is 30 years."

Qian Dedao nodded and smiled:
"very good!"

He then respectfully put all the documents in front of Ye Yun, and said:
"Mr. Ye, now all the formalities have been completed, as long as you say a word, you can settle down in Tingzhou."

The two managers looked at Ye Yun in surprise.

It turned out that the president of the Chamber of Commerce in the dignified Tingzhou City was actually working for this young man.

Moreover, it seems that Chairman Qian still does these things for him for free, and he still looks like he is enjoying it and enjoying it.

Such a scene simply overturned the worldview of the two of them.

You know, in their eyes, President Qian is a very important figure in Tingzhou.

Stamp your feet, and the entire business community in Tingzhou will be shocked.

Normally, it would be too late for others to flatter him. How could anyone have been able to please him so diligently?

What's more, they saw that the young man had a calm expression on his face, as if he didn't take Chairman Qian seriously at all.

This is horrible!

The two couldn't help showing envious eyes to Ye Yun.

What does it mean to be a master of human beings, this is what it is!

Afterwards, under the respectful escort of Qian Dedao's family, Ye Yun left with Yaya and returned directly to Jincheng.

Because Yaya was anxious to show Murong Yan the paper-cut, Ye Yun drove her to Longcheng Building.

"Mama, I have something nice to show you!"

As soon as she opened the door of Murong Yan's office, Yaya couldn't wait to rush in.

Murong Yan quickly hugged her in her arms, kissed her and asked:
"Baby, what do you want to show Ma Ma?"


Yaya took out the paper-cut.

Murong Yan showed a very surprised expression and said:
"It's really beautiful! Baby, did you cut this yourself?"

Yaya raised her chin high and said proudly:
"Of course! Aunt Fangling also said that I am better than blue, and I can be her teacher in the future!"

Murong Yan scratched the little girl's nose affectionately, and said with a smile:

"My Yaya is amazing! Mama is proud of you!"

She took the paper-cut in her hand, glanced at the office and said:

"I'm going to stick it on the wall so I can always see it when I go to work."

Ye Yun pulled Murong Yan and said:
"Wait, wait, I have something to show you too."

With that said, he put all those documents on the desk.

Murong Yan opened it, and her extremely beautiful big eyes immediately shone with incomparable surprise.

She covered her mouth with her hands, and two blushes of excitement floated on her fair face.

"You even took over the land in Tingzhou!"

"My God! There is also an office building in the busiest business district in Tingzhou. All the procedures required by the branch office are not missing!"

"And... it's all free!"

"Ye Yun, how did you do it?"

Rao already knew that Ye Yun had extraordinary abilities, Murong Yan was still extremely surprised at this moment.

You must know that Jincheng and Tingzhou are far apart from each other in the north and south.

In particular, Tingzhou is one of the three major cities in Jiangnan Province, adjacent to the East China Sea, and is much higher than Jincheng in terms of geographical location and economic status.

Even if the Murong Group goes all out to enter Tingzhou, it may take at least two or three years to settle there.

Not to mention gaining a firm foothold there and building a good relationship with all parties.

After all these calculations, it would be impossible to do it in five years.

However, right now, Ye Yun not only got the office building in the mainstream business district of Tingzhou for free in just one day, but also got his hands on the popular plot of land.

This is simply unimaginable!
Ye Yun laughed and said:

"Yaya wanted to learn paper-cutting from Yao Fangling, so I took her to Tingzhou for a stroll, and then I saved the president of the Chamber of Commerce in Tingzhou, and then I got these."

After hearing this, Murong Yan patted her forehead speechlessly:

"Listening to you, it seems as simple as drinking saliva."

"Well, my man is the best!"

Seeing her speechless expression, Ye Yun felt that this little girl was really cute.

Then he reached out and pinched her face lightly, and said with a smile:

"Your man is the best!"

With a happy and shy look on Murong Yan's face, she opened his hand and said coquettishly:
"Why, this is in the company!"

Ye Yun laughed and said:

"I hear what you mean, can I just pinch you as soon as I get home?"

Murong Yan's pretty face turned red immediately, stomped her feet and spat:


Turning around, with a sweet smile on his face, he picked up Yaya's paper-cut and said:
"Baby, Mama will stick it up with her own hands."

Ye Yun quickly brought a stool to her.

Murong Yan climbed onto the stool and stood on it with her back to Ye Yun.


Suddenly, Murong Yan screamed.

She was wearing high-heeled shoes about ten centimeters high, and when she stood on tiptoe on the stool, she became unstable and twisted her foot.

As soon as the body tilted, it was about to fall off the stool.

Ye Yun quickly reached out and hugged her, giving her a princess hug.

Ye Yun looked up at the paper-cut. Half of it was pasted on the wall, and the other half was crooked. It looked very funny.

He couldn't help but smiled at Murong Yan and said:
"Girl, you are really stupid!"

When Murong Yan was teased by him, she immediately blushed like an ostrich, buried her face in his chest, and said in a voice like a mosquito:

"Don't laugh at me! I'll try a few more times, and I'll definitely be able to post it!"

Ye Yun laughed twice and said:

"It's ready!"

Murong Yan looked up, and it turned out that the scoundrel had already pasted up the paper-cuts with spells, so she couldn't help but snorted softly:

Ye Yun smirked and said:
"It's not a bad guy if it's only bad for you!"

"I say let it go!"

"Okay, then I will be the villain! Come on, let Grandpa kiss me!"

"Hate it, let me down quickly, someone is knocking on the door."

"Don't let go, you will stay in my arms and work today."

"You, you, you... big villain, I want to destroy you on behalf of the moon!"


(End of this chapter)

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