Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 531 Aunt Liang Jingru, give you the courage?

Chapter 531 Aunt Liang Jingru, give you the courage?
This person's name is Guan Shixing, and he is one of the four famous scouts in China. He is nicknamed Guan Jinjing by the insiders.

It is said that he has sharp eyes and is very discerning in selecting potential stars.

However, the Mr. Du he was talking about was that bald man.

His real name is Du Leipeng, and he is the only one in Yinzhou who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Zhuge family, and the current head of the Du family.

Seeing Lan Xinrui and Lan Qingyan walk in the door, one mature and sexy, the other youthful and charming, Du Leipeng's eyes lit up.

He leaned back a little, nodded in satisfaction, and uttered a word:

"it is good!"

Xu Meiling led Sister Lan Qingyan to Du Leipeng, and said with a smile:
"Xinrui, Qingyan, this Mr. Du is a remarkable person."

"He is the head of the Du family in Yinzhou, with a family fortune of tens of billions. He is one of the most wealthy nobles in Yinzhou."

"This time, he plans to invest 30 billion yuan to create a movie with the two of you as the main characters. Thank you, Mr. Du!"

Lan Xinrui and Lan Qingyan bowed slightly to Du Leipeng politely, and said thank you.

Afterwards, Xu Meiling took them to sit on the sofa next to them.

Guan Shixing pushed the gold-rimmed glasses, his eyes kept turning around Lan Qingyan and the others, nodded and said:

"That's great. The Lan family sisters have their own temperaments, which are extremely rare in the entire Chinese entertainment industry."

"I can assure you that as long as the film is made, once it is released, they will surely be promoted to the first-tier!"

Xu Meiling said proudly:

"Of course! I liked these two children from the first time I saw them!"

"It's just that due to limited ability, there is no way to promote them to a higher position. Now that you are in charge of Jinyan, their hopes will be greatly increased!"

She was also somewhat happy.

Although in Huaxia's entertainment circle, she can be regarded as a member of the older generation.

However, his career has been tepid, and he cannot enter a higher level.

Unexpectedly, just a few days ago, she suddenly received a phone call from Guan Shixing herself, saying that she wanted to train her two sisters from the Lan family.

This made her very happy.

You must know that Guan Shixing is one of the three famous scouts in China. His status in the film and television industry is quite high, and his words are very important.

However, actors who can get his approval will have a bright future.

What surprised her even more was that Guan Shixing said that the Yinzhou Du family was willing to invest 30 billion yuan to create a blockbuster movie, and the No. [-] and No. [-] heroines in it were very suitable for the two sisters of the Lan family.

This is simply a heaven-sent opportunity, a great opportunity to reach the sky in one step!

Xu Meiling immediately told Lan Xinrui, Lan Qingyan and the others the good news.

And agreed that after the film festival, he and the Patriarch of the Du family would settle the matter face to face.

When Guan Shixing heard Xu Meiling compliment him, he couldn't help showing a hint of color, coughed and said:

"However, you should be most grateful to Mr. Du."

"Without Mr. Du's generosity, we would never have received such a large investment."

Xu Meiling nodded quickly and said:

"What I'm saying is, no matter what Mr. Du wants in the future, we will try our best to meet it, and we will definitely not let you down!"

Although Xu Meiling is a film investor, her capital is nothing compared to the Du family.

Now that the big benefactor is in front, it is also appropriate to say a few good words.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she spoke, Guan Shixing showed a sly smile, took out a contract and put it on the table, and said:

"The 30 billion investment contract will take effect immediately as long as you sign it."

"As for the requirements, there must be some, and it's actually very simple..."

He glanced at Du Leipeng, then at the two sisters of the Lan family, and said:
"You have also seen that Mr. Du is over forty, and he has already reached the age of starting a family and starting a business."

"For so many years, there has been no one he likes. Right now, he very much hopes to bring the two sisters from the Lan family to the Du family to enjoy themselves."

Du Leipeng continued:
"And, at all costs, support their acting career!"


As soon as Guan Shixing and Du Leipeng finished speaking, Lan Qingyan and Lan Xinrui exchanged glances.

The two sisters saw a hint of anger in each other's eyes.

As for Xu Meiling, she also opened her mouth in surprise.

According to this meaning, Du Leipeng wants to use the 30 billion to win Lan Xinrui and Lan Qingyan at the same time, and marry them into the house to be his wife!

"Your request is too much! We can't meet it, please find someone else!"

"Sorry, we sisters, we won't marry anyone!"

Lan Xinrui and Lan Qingyan stood up one after the other, their beautiful eyes were cold and their words were very firm.

Xu Meiling frowned and said:

"Mr. Du, I want to make them famous, but I definitely won't do it without a bottom line!"

"Your request is too much, please forgive me!"

Guan Shixing quickly grabbed Xu Meiling and said:
"Sister Ling, this is a total of 30 billion! If you make a movie with a low cost, you will never come across so much money in your life!"

"Besides, the Du family in Yinzhou is a local land dragon. Even in Modu and Zhonghai, they have a network of connections."

"If the two sisters enter the house together, not only can they enjoy the glory and wealth, but they also need to take care of each other. It is definitely the best of both worlds!"


Xu Meiling shook off Guan Shixing's hand, and said coldly:
"I know how many unspoken rules there are in this circle."

"But sorry, I will never let the two sisters be polluted!"

"There is no need to talk about this matter, goodbye!"

She has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and when she should be strong, she has always been strong and never gave up an inch.

Now that Du Leipeng and Guan Shixing want to touch her bottom line, naturally there is no discussion!

"So, there is no way to talk about this matter?"

Guan Shixing's eyes turned cold, and he asked in a deep voice.

Xu Meiling turned around, looked straight at him and said:

"That's right! I'm willing to use all my wealth to save them from disasters!"

"It's up to you? Do you deserve it!"

Guan Shixing snorted disdainfully.

However, Du Leipeng had already sat up straight at this time, and his eyes were full of compelling momentum:
"Since we're talking about this, I won't beat around the bush."

"Listen clearly, you have to sign the contract today, and if you don't, you have to sign it!"

He glanced at the old man in Tsing Yi sitting beside him, and said coldly:
"Master Zhou, it's your turn."

Xu Meiling's eyes trembled involuntarily, and an ominous feeling enveloped her heart:

"What are you going to do?"

Guan Shixing sneered and said:

"You still can't see it? You can't be soft, so let's be hard."

"Don't worry, this matter won't hurt you, and the contract will still be signed. After leaving this door, no one will say that the Du family is half bad."

Despite the fashionable words, Xu Meiling was a little confused, but the more she was like this, the more bad she felt.

"Xinrui, Qingyan, run away!"

She quickly blocked behind the two sisters.

"Want to run? Did you ask me?"

The old man in blue, Zhou Zhanhe, sneered and waved his right hand.


The door of the private room was suddenly closed, and a strong air current blocked Lan Qingyan and the others there.

Zhou Zhanhe lifted his right hand lightly, and two silver needles appeared in his hand. He narrowed his eyes and said:

"Be obedient and obedient, and I will let you go when I have cooked rice with the Patriarch."

After saying those words, two silver lights flashed and went straight to Lan Qingyan and Lan Xinrui's foreheads.

Seeing this, Du Leipeng couldn't help laughing:

"As expected of Master Zhou, this Tianxuan silver needle is really amazing!"

He couldn't help showing a hint of sinisterness in his eyes, and when the silver needle entered his brain, the two sisters of the Lan family would be in his pocket.



However, just as the silver needle approached Lan Qingyan, a flash of white light suddenly shattered the silver light.

A light and shadow flashed.

Ye Yun hugged Yaya, with Chu Wenyan standing behind him, appearing in front of everyone.

Yaya frowned and looked at Zhou Zhanhe and said:

"Bad guy, it's Aunt Liang Jingru, give you the courage to bully me, Aunt Qingyan and the others?"

(End of this chapter)

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