Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 541 Give Papa a dance!

Chapter 541 Give Papa a dance!

"God, the Dragon Subduing Arhat has come to this world!"

"This, this... is definitely a real god!"

"In my lifetime, I can witness the appearance of the Dragon Subduing Arhat with my own eyes. I will have no regrets in this life!"


Subduing Dragon Arhat is well-known in Chinese culture, everyone couldn't help exclaiming after seeing his appearance clearly.

Arhat subduing the dragon, ranked No.17 among the eighteen Arhats, also known as Venerable Kassapa.

His magic power is boundless, and his aura is unmatched.

Legend has it that in ancient India, a dragon king flooded the country of Najiu with floods and hid Buddhist scriptures in the Dragon Palace.

It was he who subdued the Dragon King and took back the Buddhist scriptures, made great contributions, and was named the Venerable Dragon Subduer for this!
In the culture of Mi Shenzong in the Western Regions, Luohan Jianglong is the supreme god of Mi Shenzong.

He moved mountains to fill seas, overturned stars, subdued demons and subdued dragons, and was omnipotent.

He is an invincible existence in the hearts of all generations of the Secret God Sect!

Truly invincible!
Right now, the gods of the sky wheel and the earth wheel have joined forces to invite him out, just to announce it to the world.

The Secret God Sect is blessed by the true God, and no one can violate it!
The offender will be punished!
At this moment, even Chu Wenyan couldn't help becoming nervous when he saw that the Dragon Subduing Arhat was about to come.

She grabbed Ye Yun's wrist and tremblingly said:
"Big cousin, this one looks very strong, will you be at a disadvantage?"

Until now, she only guessed that Ye Yun was a fairy.

And the Dragon Subduing Arhat is the real god of China.

Comparing the two, she felt that Ye Yun might suffer a disadvantage!
Ye Yun patted the back of her hand, took her hand away, and smiled lightly:
"will not."

As he spoke, he dipped a drop of water on the table with his right index finger, and flicked it towards the sky.

The water drop shot out at a very high speed, turning into a pearl-like white light spot, and went straight to Subduing Dragon Arhat.

Seeing this, the Heavenly Wheel Fashen and the Earth Wheel Fashen couldn't help frowning at the same time and said:
"Use a drop of water to attack the true god, is this person's head broken?"

Everyone also looked up one after another, not knowing what Ye Yun meant.

But see.

A bean-sized drop of water shot up in the air and hit the chest of Jianglong Luohan.

Then, a golden-red light burst out.

Drops of water pierced the light and shot straight into the sky, like a bullet through a glass door.

The glass door shattered with a bang, but the bullet was not affected, and went all the way up until it disappeared.

However, when the golden red light disappeared.

Arhat descending dragon, who descended at extreme speed just now, rushed down like sparks hitting the earth, and disappeared without a trace.


Seeing this, everyone opened their mouths wide open, dumbfounded.

Tianlun Fashen and Earth Wheel Fashen were so shocked that they couldn't move their mouths from ear to ear, they staggered and fell to the ground.


Subduing Dragon Arhat.

He was beaten without a trace by that man with a drop of water.

Is he... is he making a movie?

Even if it's a movie, it can't be shot like this!
That is the true god of China!
Chu Wenyan covered his small mouth with both hands, and it took several seconds before he came back to his senses, gave Ye Yun a thumbs up and said:
"Big cousin, you are awesome!"

Yaya also followed Chu Wenyan's example and gave Ye Yun a thumbs up:
"Papa, you are really awesome!"

Ye Yun laughed loudly and said:
"There is no tree in Bodhi, the mirror is not a stage, and there is nothing in it, where can it cause dust."

"We go home."

He put away the report and held Yaya in his arms.

Chu Wenyan stood up and asked with a look of surprise:

"Big cousin, what do these lines of your poem mean?"

Ye Yun said with a smile:

"Experience for yourself."

Just after he shot the water droplets, Jianglong Luohan suddenly recognized his identity, and immediately sent him an apology via voice transmission.

He then pardoned the Dragon Subduing Arhat and let him go back to heaven.

So it was not true that the scene where the Dragon Subduing Arhat was blown up was seen by everyone.

Ye Yun felt that there was no need to speak so clearly, so he said a poem in passing.

Just keep a trace of decency for the mythological characters in Chinese traditional culture.

After all, Yaya is in Huaxia, so she has known these characters for a long time.

She couldn't let her feel that it was her papa that ruined the image of these people.

Chu Wenyan scratched his head, frowned and thought for a while, but didn't understand what Ye Yun meant, so he grabbed his clothes and said coquettishly:
"Big cousin, just tell me, what do you mean?"

Ye Yun shook his head with a smile, hugged Yaya, and dragged her out of the auditorium.

However, Tianlun Fashen, Earth Wheel Fashen, and Jinlun Fashen suddenly felt empty in their bodies, and all their life's cultivation was destroyed in an instant.

Zhou Renhao and several grandmasters were all so frightened that they collapsed to the ground, their eyes filled with infinite horror.

When everyone came back to their senses, Ye Yun and the others had already disappeared.

People come like a tide, and people go like a tide.

Everyone was stunned for a while, not knowing whether the scene just now was real or an illusion.


Murong Villa.


A ray of golden light fell from the west and shone on Yaya's face, which was extremely beautiful.

"Xiaotian, Xiaokong, come here!"

Yaya sat on a small stool and waved to Xiaotian and the little golden monkey.

Xiaokong's name was given by Yaya, one sky, one sky, the combination is the sky.

At this time, the little golden monkey, after Ye Yun's transformation, already has the same strength as Xiaotian.

Its temper is not as violent as Xiaotian, and it is very pleasing, so in Murong Villa, it is as lovable as Xiaotian.

Wait until Xiaotian and Xiaokong are seated.

Yaya said:

"Just now my sister showed you other people's dancing, so my sister wants you to dance this kind of dance, and show it to me!"

"Let me tell you, you must dance well, it will make my parents happy!"

"Because Papa is very tired taking care of me, and Ma Ma is also very tired at work, so we have to make their pistachios, you know?"

The little girl was in a cartoon just now and saw the core socialist values ​​being promoted on TV. As a child, you must know how to be filial to your parents.

So on a whim, she arranged a dance for Xiao Tian and Xiao Kong, and after dinner, she would show it to Ye Yun and Murong Yan.

Xiaokong Xiaotian nodded immediately.

Their eyes are full of determination, indicating that they will perform well.

Yaya nodded happily and said with a smile:

"Then let's get started!"

"Three, two, one, let's go!"

"Okay! Next, let's jump to the left and jump to the right!"


After dinner, Yaya wiped her mouth, ran into the living room mysteriously and said:

"Papa, Mama, please pay attention!"

Ye Yun and Murong Yan looked at each other and smiled, then hurried to the living room and asked:
"Honey, do you have something to announce?"


Yaya nodded, clasped her hands behind her back, and said loudly:

"Tonight, I want to carry forward the traditional virtues of China, and make Baba Mama happy!"

"Next, let's invite performer Murong Yunya, Xiaotian and Xiaokong, to dance for Papa Mama!"

The little girl quickly pulled Ye Yun and Murong Yan to sit on the sofa, stuffed them with a bucket of popcorn, and said with a smile:
"Papa Mama, remember to applaud us!"

After finishing speaking, she ran to the open space in front of the TV cabinet, clapped her hands, and called Xiaotian and Xiaokong over.

"Next, let's dance "Better Dance" to Papa Mama, please enjoy!"

One person, one dog, one monkey.

Afterwards, they began to dance lightly. Ye Yun and Murong Yan couldn't stop laughing and applauding their cute appearance.

Murong Yan then took out a popcorn flower and tasted it, and said to Ye Yun:

"This popcorn is very sweet, you should eat some too."

Ye Yun took a look, shook his head and said:
"I do not want to eat."

Murong Yan thought of those couples feeding each other in the movie theater, so she blushed and said:
"Then I'll feed you, do you want to eat?"

Ye Yun nodded without thinking:

Murong Yan smiled and rolled her cute eyes:

"Like a brat!"

"Ah~ Open your mouth!"

After Ye Yun ate it, she asked:
"How about it, isn't it sweet?"

Ye Yun shook his head and said:
"Not sweet, very average."

"Oh no?"

Murong Yan stuffed another one for him to eat, and asked:

Ye Yun still shook his head:

"not sweet."

Murong Yan frowned, this time she bit half first, and after confirming the sweetness, she stuffed the other half into Ye Yun's mouth:
"Is it sweet now?"

Ye Yun showed a wicked smile and said:

"If you feed me a few more like this, it will become sweeter!"

Murong Yan's pretty face turned red immediately, and she suddenly realized that Ye Yun had been lying to herself to feed him.

She was ashamed and annoyed at the moment, and her small fists fell like rain:
"Ye Yun, why are you so bad!"

"I want to destroy you now in the name of justice!"

Ye Yun laughed loudly and said:
"Come on, who is afraid of who!"

Ye Yun stretched out his hand and scratched Murong Yan's armpit, which immediately made her blush with a smile.

Yaya on the stage saw the two laughing and laughing on the sofa, and said happily:

"Xiaotian Xiaokong, look how happy Baba is, let's work harder to make them happier!"

The moon is like a curved mouth.

In the Murong Villa, there was laughter and laughter, and it was peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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