Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 543 Your daddy is number one in the universe!

Chapter 543 Your daddy is the number one villain in the universe!

The middle-aged man's name is Fang Liwen, Fang Ting's elder brother, and his wife Cui Zhenying is next to him.

Seeing Fang Ting's puzzled face, Fang Liwen laughed and said:

"Don't worry, this is serious money, and it's all for you."

"And as long as you are doing well, there will be money for you in the future. You mother and daughter will definitely live a good life!"

Cui Zhenying also said:

"That's right! Your elder brother is right!"

"Xiao Ting, such a big thing happened to the child, to be honest, we are also very sad and worried."

"It's all right now. With so much money, it's enough for the child to be treated well. Maybe it's auspicious, and she will be cured!"

She put the bank card in Fang Ting's hand, and helped her hold it tightly:

"You can keep the money at ease, it can be regarded as me and your elder brother helping you!"

Seeing their enthusiasm, Fang Ting frowned slightly.

Although she and Fang Liwen are direct brothers and sisters, they were born of half mothers, and their relationship has not been very harmonious since childhood.

She still remembered that on the day she got married in Jincheng, Fang Liwen would rather drink and sing with friends outside than come to her wedding.

Since Fang Liwen married Cui Zhenying as his wife and his parents passed away, the relationship between them became even colder.

This time, she was forced to return to Jiangcheng. She originally thought that blood would dissolve in water, but no matter what she said, she and Fang Liwen were brother and sister.

After such a big accident happened to the child, he had to help out after all.

I never thought that the first time I went to ask Fang Liwen for help, I was rejected.

Later, several other relatives of her mother's family were removed to collect Zhang Beibei's first surgery fee.

Unexpectedly, in just half a month, the attitude of the couple has taken a 180-degree turn.

80 million!

They were delivered to her like this, which made her dare not even think about it!
"Brother and sister-in-law, if you don't tell me where the money came from, I will never take it!"

Fang Ting has her own bottom line, she immediately put the card aside.

Fang Liwen said urgently:

"Xiao Ting, why are you so stupid?"

"Now that the child is in critical condition, since you have money, why don't you rush to arrange an operation for her, and ask what's the use, can it save the child's life?"

Fang Ting glanced at Ye Yun and said:

"Mr. Ye said he can cure Beibei's illness, let's wait and see."

80 was a huge sum of money. Although she was tempted, she still didn't dare to take it, so she used Ye Yun to prevaricate Fang Liwen and his wife.

"Mr. Ye?"

Fang Liwen frowned and glanced at Ye Yun, and asked:

"Which Mr. Ye?"

Fang Ting replied:

"It's the husband of Patriarch Murong of Jincheng."

Fang Liwen and Cui Zhenying were surprised when they heard this, and quickly looked at Ye Yun carefully, and couldn't help frowning:

"real or fake?"

The two of them had naturally heard of the name of the Jincheng Murong family.

However, they were all natives of Jiangcheng, and had never dealt with the Murong family, nor had they seen Ye Yun's real face.

In their view, even if the Murong family wanted to save Zhang Beibei, they should spend the money and send her to the best hospital in China or even the world for treatment.

Instead of just standing here and doing nothing.

As a result, the two had doubts about Ye Yun's true identity.

Fang Ting replied:

"It should be true. His daughter is in the same class as Beibei. Can it be false?"

Cui Zhenying shook her head and smiled:
"Xiao Ting, you are still too naive!"

"These days, fraud cases emerge in endlessly, and those scammers can find out the bottom line of everyone in your family."

"For example, where the child goes to school, and what's going on in your family recently, I'll give you a clear investigation!"

"I think the origin of this Mr. Ye is a bit suspicious!"

Fang Liwen frowned and looked at Ye Yun, and said with a righteous look:

"You told my sister that it can cure my niece's disease. Do you know what disease she has?"

Ye Yun said lightly:


Fang Liwen asked:

"Then tell me, how did you help her heal?"

Ye Yun frowned slightly:
"There's no need to tell you."


Fang Liwen snorted suddenly, looked at Fang Ting, and said proudly:
"Did you see it? Did you see it? As soon as I asked a few words, he revealed his secret!"

"He can't even tell how he treated it. Do you think this kind of person can be trusted?"

He frowned, stared at Ye Yun sharply, and shouted loudly:

"I've seen too many liars like you who pick on patients!"

"Get out of here now! Otherwise, I'll call the police!"

Ye Yun didn't bother to talk to him, since Zhang Beibei had been cured anyway, so he planned to take Yaya away.

Seeing that they were leaving, Cui Zhenying smiled and said:

"Look, Xiaoting, the only ones who can treat you sincerely are the family members, and no one else can believe it!"

Fang Ting frowned, she felt that Ye Yun's identity was fine.

But right now, her daughter hasn't improved at all, and she can't trust Ye Yun 100%.


Just as Ye Yun and Yaya walked to the door, a crisp voice suddenly came out.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Zhang Beibei on the hospital bed, with a ruddy complexion, black and beautiful hair, and looked very healthy.

"Bebe, you're really well!"

Fang Ting was overjoyed, and hurriedly held Zhang Beibei in her arms to take a closer look, and found that she did not look sick at all.

Zhang Beibei nodded and said with a smile:
"Yeah, I feel full of strength now, so comfortable!"

Fang Ting hurriedly pulled Zhang Beibei to Ye Yun, and said excitedly:

"Bei Bei, hurry up and thank Uncle Ye with mom!"

Yaya hurriedly stepped forward to hold them back, and said with a smile:

"You're welcome, as long as Beibei is ready!"

Zhang Beibei took Yaya's hand and said happily:

"Yunya, I didn't expect you to come to see me, I'm so happy!"

Yaya nodded and said:
"You haven't been to school for a long time, I miss you!"

"It turns out that you have such a serious illness. Fortunately, my dad is sick, otherwise I would be really sad!"

Zhang Beibei smiled and said:
"You're right, your daddy is the number one lover in the universe!"

She remembered Yaya's catchphrase, and imitated it, which immediately made Yaya giggle.

Fang Liwen glared at Ye Yun and Yaya coldly, coughed, stepped forward and said:
"Xiao Ting, everything must be done scientifically. Whether Beibei is healthy or not, we need to do a comprehensive test!"

"You listen to my brother, take the money, and check it out for the child. This is not a trivial matter!"

Fang Ting thought of him repeatedly trying to give her money, and she became more and more confused, so she asked:

"Brother, tell me the truth, why do you have to let me take the money?"


As soon as Fang Liwen opened his mouth, he saw three men in suits and looking like bodyguards walking in from the door.

A man walking in the front glanced at Fang Ting, nodded, and then Fang Liwen said:
"Let's go, take your sister there together, and show our master."

Fang Liwen's eyes trembled:
"Are you going to see the master so soon?"

The bodyguard nodded.

Fang Ting asked in surprise:

"Who are you and who do you want to take me to see?"

The man sneered and said:
"We are members of the Li family. I will take you to meet our old man. Didn't you sign an agreement before and voluntarily marry our old man?"

"Now the old man misses you and wants to see you, come with us!"

When Fang Ting heard this, her face turned pale with fright, she grabbed Fang Liwen tightly and asked:
"Brother, tell me quickly, what is going on?"

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Fang Liwen had no choice but to stammer:

"Sorry, I sold you to the Li family!"

(End of this chapter)

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