Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 551 God, only fits under my feet!

Chapter 551 God, only fits under my feet!

Give you a defeat.

The four words landed with sound.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes trembled.

"He really dares to compare!"

The name of Danshenlong Zhantian has been known in China for more than 1000 years.

In this legend, there are not many alchemy masters who challenged him.

However, no one has ever been able to beat him.

However, with the passage of time, the talents in the Chinese martial arts world are more and more withered, and even fewer alchemy masters are born.

As a result, Long Zhantian became more and more mythical in the Chinese martial arts world, and countless people regarded him as a god.

Under his brilliance, the Long family also dominated the southern border area and became famous in the entire Chinese martial arts world.

Some people even asserted later that even after another 5000 years in China, there will be no alchemy genius like Long Zhantian.

Even if there is, he can't surpass Long Zhantian, and can only live under the prestige of Longdan God.

Unexpectedly, the young and handsome man standing in front of everyone not only agreed to compete with Long Danshen.

Also, put on a gesture of vowing not to give up until Long Danshen is convinced.

Give you a defeat.

The implication is that I not only want to defeat you.

Moreover, you are extremely honored to be able to lose to me.

This... is a thousand times more arrogant than any arrogant words!

"good very good!"

"Youdao is that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. I admire your confident appearance!"

Long Zhantian laughed back in anger, brushed his beard and laughed, and suddenly his eyes focused:
"Unfortunately, you found the wrong partner today!"

"I, Long Zhantian, rule the disobedient!"

As soon as the words fell, an extremely domineering air wave exploded instantly.

Everyone was shocked and took half a step back.

Long Danshen is so powerful, who dares to rival him!

Bai Yunqing hastily stepped forward to persuade:
"Brother Ye, this Dragon Pill God is the top alchemist in China for nearly 1000 years."

"We Chinese people, since we gave him the title of Alchemy God, it means that his alchemy skills have reached the state of perfection."

"In my opinion, it's better for you not to compete with him. It's better to admit defeat as soon as possible, than to be scolded for life and death after losing!"

After hearing this, Ye Yun nodded slightly.

He knew that Bai Yunqing had good intentions, and he didn't want to lose too badly and end up being ridiculed.


"Don't say that he is only in the name of alchemy god, even if he is a real alchemy god, to me, he is just an ant."

"God, you are only worthy to be under my feet!"

Ye Yun's expression was indifferent, and he believed in himself.

As soon as he said this, the faces of everyone present changed drastically.

Good guy, this sentence can completely offend God Dan to death.

If there is no winner today, I swear I will not give up!

Long Zhan's beard almost stood on end due to the weather, he nodded repeatedly and said:

"Okay, okay, let's do it for this sake!"

Ye Yun said calmly:
"You can choose what pill to refine."

Long Zhantian snorted angrily:
"Okay! Let's refine a hundred-turn Golden Crow Pellet. Whoever has the highest rank will win!"

"The loser has to bow three times to the other party and shout three times, 'Senior, stand upright, it's me who has no eyes and no eyes, and I have brought shame on myself!'"

Ye Yun nodded:


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help shaking their heads secretly.

This hundred-turn Golden Crow Pill is a kind of elixir that is extremely difficult to refine, and the success rate is less than one in a thousand.

Refining this kind of elixir requires not only extremely superb skills, but also rich and powerful experience accumulation.

Skills, experience, both are indispensable.

Without a hundred and eighty years of research, I am afraid that even the dregs of medicine will not be refined in the end.

As for refining alchemy, it is conservatively estimated that it takes at least three to four hundred years of skill.

And now.

Ye Yun is only in his early twenties.

Even if he is a super genius, without many years of experience, trying to refine the Hundred-Turn Golden Crow Pill is just a dream!
As for wanting to beat Long Zhantian, that is simply impossible!
Contrary to everyone's pessimism, Yaya and Luo Xuewei looked at Ye Yun with a victorious expression on their faces.

"Papa, come on!"

"Ye Yun, come on!"

Two girls, one big and one small, clenched their fists at the same time to encourage him.

Seeing that they all looked cute, Ye Yun could not help but smile slightly.

"let's start!"

Long Zhantian was very annoyed when he saw Ye Yun's calm appearance.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, many herbs on Zhang Sankui's stall flew into the air following his gesture.

"Hundred Turns Golden Crow Pill is a treasure-level elixir that refines true energy. There are twelve pairs of medicinal materials required."

"They are Ningshen Flower, Devil Emperor Grass, Heather Grass, Brambleweed, Sun Grass, Dream Leaf Grass, Monroe Flower, Mana Thistle, Tyro Fruit, Live Root Grass, Flame Flower, and Flame Mushroom."

As soon as he finished speaking, he gathered all the twelve herbs.

Then, a small purple tripod appeared in his hand.

If you look closely, you can see that there are hundreds of small cracks on the surface of the tripod.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but exclaimed:
"It turned out to be the Zichen Ding!"

Zichen Ding, in the world of alchemy, is a holy weapon for refining elixirs.

On the surface of the tripod, it was burnt and tortured a thousand and one times by heavenly thunder and earth fire.

Every crack represents that the cauldron has absorbed the energy of thunder and fire once.


Even though the cauldron is small, in fact, the energy of a thousand and one thunderstorms and earth fires has gathered in it, which is as powerful as ten volcanoes erupting at the same time.

Using it to refine elixirs can greatly increase the success rate.

Seeing that Long Zhantian took out all the Zichen Ding, everyone couldn't help but conclude at the same time:

"This is already a contest without any suspense, and the Dragon Pill God is sure to win!"

Even Bai Yunqing couldn't help but shook his head, this time Ye Yun, not to mention the slim chance of winning, has no possibility of winning at all!
In the eyes of everyone or awe, or admiration.

Long Zhantian smiled proudly, waved his hands, and threw twelve herbs into the Zichen Ding.

When the cauldron was covered, a purple-red light shot up into the sky.

Smoke was lingering outside the Zichen Ding, and the fire inside was extremely boiling, and soon there was a trace of strange fragrance.

As soon as everyone smelled it, they felt that the blood in their bodies was boiling, and the true energy was expanding rapidly.

"It's amazing! It's worthy of being a sacred weapon for refining elixirs, and the Zichen Ding really lives up to its reputation!"

Admiration sounded one after another.

However, on Ye Yun's side, he still took a small pot, and casually threw out an extremely evil fire, and slowly burned it under the pot.

Seeing this, everyone shook their heads again and again.

Seeing him like this, I'm afraid he gave up the competition long ago.

After all, he didn't even have a decent alchemy treasure, so what could he use to compete with the Dragon Alchemy God?
When everyone laughed secretly, Zichen Ding let out a sob.

Then, a white pill with a faint golden light flew out of the furnace and floated in the air.

When its aroma spread, the audience boiled.

"God, it actually emits a golden light, is this a holy-grade elixir?"

"I'm 100% sure, it's a holy-grade hundred-turn Golden Crow Pellet!"

"Hiss! The grades of pills are divided into nine grades, and the holy grade is second only to the existence of immortal grades. That is to say, except for the immortals who came to the world, no one in this world can refine the god Bilong pill. Better pills!"

Seeing the Hundred Turns Golden Crow Pellet emitting golden light, many people showed extremely greedy expressions, and even had the urge to go up and snatch it.

The hundred-turn Golden Crow Pill of the holy grade can elevate a master of transformation to the innate realm abruptly.

People who can raise the innate realm to be invincible under the Golden Core.

This kind of temptation is too great!

Amidst the exclamation of everyone, a more intense fragrance instantly permeated the entire courtyard.

Everyone turned their gazes to Ye Yun at the same time, and saw a bright purple-gold light emerge from the jar.

A purple-gold pill that is all over the body rises slowly, radiant and brilliant.

At the same time, the indescribable fragrance made everyone feel like they were in the clouds.

Not only did the zhenqi in the body grow like a tide, but even the spiritual consciousness became unprecedentedly powerful.

Some people can even see the plants and trees on the hills hundreds of miles away, and even an ant digging a hole.

"God, what kind of elixir is this...?"

Even though many of the people present were experts in the alchemy world, they couldn't tell the grade of the hundred-turn Golden Crow Pill that Ye Yun refined.

Even Long Zhantian stared at the little purple-gold pill in a daze with a dazed look on his face:
"What kind of elixir is this, and why is it so powerful!"

Ye Yun held the Hundred Turns Golden Crow Pill in his hand and smiled proudly.

I have a pill, which can cleanse tendons and change marrow!
I have a pill, which can be reborn!
I have a pill that can instantly become a fairy!
I have a pill, I can live forever!
This pill is god level!
(End of this chapter)

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