Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 556 So Ye Yun is So Handsome!

Chapter 556 So Ye Yun is So Handsome!
Hong Kong Island, International Airport.

Ye Yun, Murong Yan, Yaya, a family of three, walked out of the airport with a dazzling halo.

Today's Ye Yun was wearing a purple checkered short-sleeved shirt, a pair of black trousers underneath, and a pair of polished leather shoes.

The semi-casual and semi-business attire fit his perfect figure and erupted with a very powerful aura that attracted the covetousness of all the women in the airport.

However, Murong Yan didn't give in too much. Her upper body was a white Chanel sweater with half sleeves, and her lower body was a pair of dark slim-fit jeans.

A pair of white sneakers, matched with her constantly shaking ponytail when she walks, is full of girly feeling.

For those who are not familiar with her, at first glance, they must think that she is just a little girl of fourteen or fifteen years old.

As for Yaya, the classic princess dress, white socks and small leather shoes are full of cuteness.

Today is Yaya's fifth birthday.

After everyone celebrated her birthday at Murong Villa last night, Ye Yun and Murong Yan decided to take Yaya to Hong Kong Island this time.

The little girl has never been to Hong Kong Island, so she is naturally very happy.

No, the three of them took a plane from Jincheng to Hong Kong Island in the morning.

"Papa, the airport on Hong Kong Island is really big, and there are so many crooked nuts!"

Yaya looked left and right, and couldn't help admiring.

Ye Yun nodded and said:
"Hong Kong Island is one of the most prosperous international metropolises in the world. It is known as the Pearl of the Orient, a gourmet paradise and a shopping paradise."

"So there are a lot of foreigners here, and the level of prosperity is a little higher than that of Shanghai."

Yaya nodded in amazement, and said with a smile:
"Then we must have fun!"

Ye Yun smiled dotingly and said:
"Of course, today you are the little birthday star, whatever you want to do, Papa will accompany you!"

Murong Yan looked at the phone and said:

"Ye Yun, I have a classmate who is in Hong Kong Island University, let's invite her as a tour guide for the next two days."

Ye Yun nodded and said:
"Okay, this saves a lot of trouble."

Murong Yan pointed at the gate and said:

"She should be right ahead, let's go there."

The three of them had just walked a few steps when two young men in suits stood in front of them.

"Three, are you from the mainland?"

Ye Yun nodded slightly.

One of the men immediately smiled, took out a business card and said:

"We are the tour guides of Tai Fook Hotel on Hong Kong Island. We can provide you with a one-stop professional tour guide service. The price is reasonable and you will be satisfied!"

Ye Yun and Murong Yan didn't look at it, they shook their heads and said:
"Sorry, we don't need it."

The man named Zhang Xin changed his face slightly, and said:

"Sir, Hong Kong Island is so big, you will definitely need a professional tour guide to accompany you, and we will not force consumption, increase the price in disguise, and guarantee considerate service!"

"Look at it, the three-day tour only costs 1000 yuan, and the seven-day tour only costs 2000 yuan. The price is very reasonable!"

Ye Yun said lightly:

"Thank you, no need."

After finishing speaking, he took Murong Yan Yaya and left.

Zhang Xin frowned and looked at Ye Yun's back, and said unhappily:
"What are you doing, you're so well dressed, you can't even afford a little tour guide fee."

The colleague next to him sneered:
"Don't think that if they dress well, they will be rich. Many people in mainland China want to save face. Maybe they have saved their wages for several months to buy their clothes."

Zhang Xin nodded, sneered and said:

"That's right, I'm too lazy to waste my time talking about this kind of person!"

After that, he turned his head away in disdain, looking down on Ye Yun and the others.

When Ye Yun and the others came to the entrance of the hall, they saw a girl waving in front of them.

"Hi Sully!"

Murong Yan greeted happily.

"Wow, Yanyan, I haven't seen you for a few years, you really look more and more beautiful!"

When girls meet, the first thing they pay attention to is their appearance.

Su Li couldn't help being surprised when she saw that Murong Yan was even more beautiful than she remembered.

After her eyes fell on Ye Yun, she covered her mouth in shock:

"Is this handsome guy your husband?"

Murong Yan said proudly:

"Of course! He is Ye Yun!"

When Su Li heard this, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

She remembered that when Murong Yan dropped out of school and was expelled from the Murong family, it was because of a man named Ye Yun.

At that time, many people had rumors that Ye Yun was a worthless waste who could barely survive with the help of the old housekeeper.

He also said that he wanted to climb the high branch of the Murong family, so he deliberately planned to have a relationship with Murong Yan.

Based on these rumors, Su Li once thought that Ye Yun must look like a street gangster, idle around all day, a little wretched, the kind who can't be on the stage at first glance.

Unexpectedly, Master Ye Yun was completely different from what she had guessed.

He is handsome, handsome, and has a star halo.

In the eyes, there was a trace of coldness and calmness, which was simply a girl's natural killer.

When people look at it, they can't help but fall into it deeply.

"Oh my God, Ye Yun is so handsome!"

"Yanyan, he and you are a perfect match!"

After saying hello to Yaya, Su Li quickly took out her mobile phone, took a picture of the four of them, and said happily:

"You handsome men and beautiful women are so eye-catching, I will post a circle of friends to make everyone envious!"

After happily posting the photos, Su Li took Ye Yun and the others into a taxi.

"Yanyan, my aunt and uncle opened a Chinese restaurant in Kowloon, I'll take you there for dinner."

On the way, Su Li said.

Murong Yan replied:
"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

Su Li quickly waved her hand and said:

"No trouble, they are also from Jincheng, and they will be very happy to see you."

In between words, the car has arrived in front of an old-fashioned community in Kowloon.

After getting off the car, Su Li pointed to a restaurant called Jufuyuan in front of her and said:
"This is my aunt's restaurant!"

She then brought Ye Yun and the others to the restaurant and introduced them to Aunt Yang Qiaohui and Uncle Jiang Hui.

When Jiang Hui and the others heard that Ye Yun and the others were from Jincheng, they were immediately overwhelmed with enthusiasm.

The husband and wife cook in person, preparing to make a big meal for Ye Yun and the others.

Just when the whole family was preparing to eat, a young man with dyed yellow hair and tattooed arms walked in from the door, looking like a young and Dangerous boy.

He walked behind the counter as if no one else was there, opened the drawer and took a look, then said to Jiang Hui unhappily:
"Old man, why is there no money in the drawer?"

Jiang Hui was serving the dishes, and he couldn't help frowning when he saw him:
"It hasn't opened today, where's the money?"

Seeing Ye Yun and the others sitting in the private room, Jiang Ruizhe frowned and said:
"Not open? Then who are they?"

Jiang Hui replied:

"They are friends from Jincheng. Your mother and I are going to treat them to dinner."

When Jiang Ruizhe heard it, a trace of hostility immediately appeared on his face, and he cursed:

"Eat, eat a fart!"

"There is not a dime in the drawer. You don't want to make money, but you are still here to treat people to eat and drink. Are your heads broken!"

He knocked over the plate in Jiang Hui's hand with a slap, and it fell to the ground and broke into a pile of pieces.

He stepped on the dish and said:
"Don't be so hasty, hurry up and bring me the passbook at home, I need it urgently!"

(End of this chapter)

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