Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 561 Baba, is there another mosquito?

Chapter 561 Baba, is there another mosquito?

Outside the restaurant, Xue Zelong's eyes were trembling.

The dragon capture formation is a super large formation in ancient times, and it is also the ultimate group attack technique of the Shenghe Gang.

As soon as this battle came out, the world was shocked!
If the ten protectors work at the same time, they can even more than double the range just now.

It can be described as earth-shattering, killing everything in seconds!
According to legend, when the Yellow Emperor fought Chi You, he strangled Chi You's million demon soldiers with this formation alone.

He never imagined that such an extremely terrifying formation would be blown away without a trace by the people inside with a hurricane.

This really... completely subverted his worldview!
However, Di Anni and other members of the Flying Tiger Special Forces all opened their mouths wide open, looking terrified and inexplicable.

Such a terrifying and frightening formation was resolved in such an understatement.

Moreover, the nine protectors of the Shenghe Gang were instantly killed at the same time.

What kind of existence is hidden in the restaurant?

Diane thought about it for a while, and felt that the people sitting inside must be very similar to those legendary heroes in Hollywood blockbusters.

There are muscle bumps all over his body, a full beard, and a fierce and sturdy appearance.

"I really want to see him, his true face in Mount Lu."

Diane couldn't help but have a little expectation in her heart. The people inside have not shown up until now, which really whetted everyone's appetite.

As for Jiang Ruizhe, he was already dumbfounded by fright.

Thinking that before, he insulted that terrifying person, his heart twitched violently, thankfully that person didn't attack him.

Otherwise, [-] lives would not be enough for others to kill!
"Guild Master, the top ten protectors have been killed one after another, this is already a sworn enemy!"

"Today we will gather all the colleagues of the Shenghe Gang and fight to the death with the people inside!"

Silence is only temporary.

After the silence, there was an explosion.

Everyone in the Shenghe gang was filled with righteous indignation and full of murderous intent.

If they don't fight this battle, after today, they will never be able to hold their heads up on Hong Kong Island.


"You are going purely to die!"

"The people inside, only I can fight!"

Xue Zelong proudly raised his head, glanced at everyone in the Shenghe Gang, and signaled them all to back off.

Then he looked at Jufuyuan Restaurant and said:
"Forget it, I didn't want to use this trick at first, but you forced me to do it!"

"I would rather sink Hong Kong Island than kill you all! Because..."

"I, the Holy He Gang, cannot be humiliated!!!"

A white light shot up from Xue Zelong's body.

Seeing this, everyone in the Shenghe Gang could not help but shrink their pupils, and exclaimed:
"Could it be that the gang leader is going to use the trick he said in the legend?"

I see.

The white light broke through the sky like a giant dragon, and the sea near Hong Kong Island boiled up, and the waves beat the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

The ground suddenly trembled, and all the buildings on Hong Kong Island shook with the ground.

It seems that under the Hong Kong Island, a peerless giant is sleeping and is about to wake up.

It was as if he was about to break through the earth's crust and stand up majestically.

That earth-shattering aura made all Hong Kong Islanders tremble with fear.

hum! ! !
A loud noise exploded over the entire Hong Kong Island.

Nearly 10,000+ people were stunned by this sound.

Many people were also shaken so that they could not stand still and almost fell heavily.

I saw that the soaring white light turned into a huge human figure.

He has white beard and hair, wears silver-white armor, and holds a giant hammer in his hand.

Bow your head from the clouds and overlook the entire Hong Kong Island.

"Stone God!!"

"I didn't expect that the legend turned out to be true!"

"The gang leader has really merged with Stone God and summoned him!"

Everyone in the Shenghe Gang exclaimed in surprise, in addition to shock, there was extreme excitement in their voices.

stone god.

It is an existence older than the Five Elements God Emperor in Chinese legends.

He is the real Lord of the Earth!
According to legend, the entire land of China can become a part of his body.

He can absorb infinite power from the ground and grow to infinite height.

As long as he is willing, he can even smash the entire land of China with a single hammer!

At this moment, seeing the arrival of the Stone God, everyone in the Shenghe Gang felt that revenge was hopeful.

Because, no matter who is hiding in the restaurant, he cannot defeat the Lord of the Earth Ishigami!
However, at this time, because of the appearance of the stone god, the entire Hong Kong Island fell into a huge panic again.

"God, is that our China's stone god? His eyes are so scary, does he want to sink Hong Kong Island?"

Shi Shen's gaze was like an eagle's, and everyone on Hong Kong Island was terrified.

That biting murderous aura couldn't be concealed no matter what.

Even if it was tens of thousands of meters away from his eyes, everyone could still feel his anger and hostility.

However, in the Hong Kong Island Police Headquarters.

Looking at the 1000 million air shock index displayed on the screen, Zhao Wenyang was so shocked that he almost went into shock.

If this terrifying energy is released, at least half of the earth can be destroyed!

But, what was even more frightening was that he suddenly received new news.

The entire Hong Kong Island is sinking rapidly because it cannot bear the weight of the stone god.

In less than a minute, it has sunk a full five centimeters!
"Fake! Fake! Fake!"

Zhao Wenyang uttered three swear words in a row.

"What's going on today? Why can a small restaurant lead to the stone god in Chinese legend?"

Zhao Wenyang only felt his mind go muddy for a while.

Since Di Anne and the others at the scene were unable to provide accurate information on the relevant personnel in the restaurant, he could only stomp his feet and say:

"Hurry up and prepare the car, I want to go to the Jufuyuan restaurant in person!"

If he couldn't see who was inside, he wouldn't be willing to die!
However, at the same time, several big figures at the top of the Hong Kong Island government also came out in full force.

They all want to rush to Jufu Garden as soon as possible, find out the situation there, give an explanation to the people of Hong Kong Island, and at the same time work out the best response plan on the spot.

"Those who humiliate me will die!!"

At this moment, there was a thunder in the air.

Stone God roared loudly, how strong was that momentum?

I saw that the clouds in the sky with a radius of a hundred miles were all blown away.

In the waters near Hong Kong Island, the water waves have reached a height of 500 meters.

The huge water waves directly isolated the entire Hong Kong Island from the world.

The earth roared, and some old buildings were directly shattered by the stone god's roar.

Howls and screams came and went.

The dust soaring into the sky seemed to be the end of the world, making everyone feel the fear of suffocation.

"I have a hammer that can split the sky and the earth!"

"Death to me!!"

Stone God held up the big stone hammer in his hand, pointed it at the tall building where Jufu Garden was located, and smashed it down.

"Everyone, hurry up and avoid it, as far as you can go, don't be affected!"

The Shenghe gang was terrified by the crowd, and quickly cheered up, and fled away desperately.

However, Di Anni and the others felt that the concentration in their bodies disappeared in an instant, and they all exclaimed, and tried their best to escape into the distance.

Just kidding, when this hammer comes down, you don't need to think about it, and you will be hit within five miles.

Mortals staying nearby are purely courting death!

However, just when everyone was terrified and inexplicable, another hurricane blew up.

Everyone looked intently, only to see the hurricane head-on, hit the huge stone hammer, and immediately twisted it into powder.

Then, the hurricane continued to speed towards the sky.

Wherever he went, the invincible stone god, first his legs were twisted into powder, and then his torso and limbs were twisted into powder.

Finally, his huge eyes opened round, and he let out an incredible cry:
" is this possible?"

"Who the hell is it that can... kill me!"

As soon as the words fell, the hurricane tore off his head and completely killed him!


Seeing this, the entire Hong Kong Island fell into silence.

Ishigami was also killed!
Who is it... No!Which god has such a terrifying ability?
At this time, in the private room of Jufu Garden, Yaya blinked her big eyes, looked at Ye Yun and asked:

"Papa, is there another mosquito?"

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled:

"No, this time it's a fly."

Stone God is bigger than Dragon Capture Formation, so in Ye Yun's eyes, he is slightly bigger than mosquito...

fly! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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