Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 563 Murong Yan's Intentions!

Chapter 563 Murong Yan's Intentions!

Because of Ye Yun's unintentional relationship with the government of Hong Kong Island, and because his strength was too terrifying, the governor had a brief chat with him after getting off the car, and then took Zhou Huiyu and others to leave.

However, when Zhao Wenyang saw the governor leave, he didn't dare to interrogate Ye Yunduo. After saying hello, he hurried back to the headquarters.

Diane finally saw the true face of Lushan, and saw that Ye Yun was so handsome, many times more handsome than Qin Feng, the number one young boy on Hong Kong Island.

Her nympho immediately overflowed, she stepped forward cheekily and begged Ye Yun to take a photo.

It wasn't until Ye Yun reluctantly agreed that he took a group photo and left contentedly.

As for the rest of the Shenghe Gang, they quickly disbanded and left.

They waited here just to see Ye Yun's true face.

As for revenge, I dare not kill them!
After everyone left, an event that caused a sensation in the entire Hong Kong Island, which could be called a once-in-a-millennium event, came to an end.

At the Governor's request, Ye Yun's identity was strictly kept secret in this incident.

Apart from those at the scene, almost no one knew that it was this handsome man who broke through the Dragon Capture Formation in one fell swoop and killed Stone God with one blow.

Seeing that they were full of wine and food, Ye Yun and Murong Yan followed the plan and took Yaya to go shopping.

"Baby, today you are a little birthday star, you must tell Papa Mama what you like, you know?"

Murong Yan said with a doting smile on her face.

Yaya nodded and said:
"Got it, thank you Papa Mama!"

"It's so cute!"

Murong Yan happily kissed her.

Then she opened the bag, took out a beautiful small box and handed it to Su Li, saying:

"By the way, Su Li, I have a gift for you."

Su Li took a look and couldn't help being surprised and said:

"Is this Graff's custom bracelet?"

Her family background is average, so she has never bought any luxury items.

But in the city of Hong Kong Island, I have been exposed to it, and I know many international luxury brands.

Therefore, it was immediately recognized that what Murong Yan gave her was the world's top luxury brand Graff.

Moreover, there are many diamonds on this bracelet, at least 3 carats in weight.

Just by looking at it, you can tell that it is expensive.

Murong Yan nodded:

Su Li quickly put the box into Murong Yan's hand, shook her head and said:
"This bracelet costs at least two or three million yuan, and I can't accept it."

Murong Yan put the box back into her hand and said with a smile:
"I didn't give it to you because it was valuable."

"But this bracelet is very beautiful, and the date of manufacture is the same as your birthday. I think it is very commemorative."

"So, don't care about its price, just accept it as long as you like it."

After hearing this, Su Li couldn't help but her eyes turned red, and there was a layer of mist in her eyes, she was moved and said:

"Yanyan, I didn't expect you to be so hardworking! Thank you!"

Making friends is all about taking care of yourself.

Su Li didn't expect that Murong Yan, as the eldest daughter of Jincheng's Murong family, possessed an incomparably glorious identity.

Unexpectedly, she still remembered the birthday of her high school classmate, which moved her very much.

Murong Yan took out a tissue and wiped her eyes, then said with a smile:
"Don't cry, you can also give me presents on my birthday in the future."

"Come on, I'll put it on for you, and then ask you to be our tour guide!"

Su Li smiled and nodded.

Soon, she brought Ye Yun and Murong Yan Yaya to the most famous shopping mecca on Hong Kong Island, New Pacific Place.

"The new Pacific Place is one of the world's top six shopping meccas, bringing together all the high-end brands in the world."

"I've always heard its name before, but I've been in Hong Kong Island for two years, and this is the first time I've been here today!"

Su Li led Ye Yun and the others into the door, and said with some embarrassment.

Murong Yan smiled, Su Li is a very simple girl, from the beginning of knowing her, I found her character is very straightforward, not vain at all.

Otherwise, Murong Yan would not be friends with her, and even specially gave her a precious bracelet.

The four of them then went upstairs, and because Yaya felt that she would wear a laurel wreath for her birthday, Ye Yun and the others took her to the flagship store of Van Cleef & Arpels.

"Sir, we have a laurel wreath specially designed for little princesses. We are currently engaged in an event, and the event price is only 599 million."

"Okay, just this one!"

"Yes sir, in about a quarter of an hour."


After Ye Yun and Murong Yan helped Yaya choose the laurel crown, they took her away and planned to buy some nice clothes for her.

"I buy it! Isn't this Su Li's classmate?"

"I didn't expect that Su Li, who has been relying on part-time jobs in restaurants to earn her tuition, would also come to a place like New Pacific Place!"

The four of them had just taken two steps when they heard a crisp female voice next to them.

Her tone of voice was sarcastically unfriendly.

I see.

A tall, mature-looking girl with heavy makeup was walking over holding the arm of a man in a suit.

Su Li glanced at the woman lightly, and said:

"Du Yourou, I'm here to play with my friends, so please don't be so sarcastic."

This Du Yourou is her classmate at Hong Kong Island University and a native of Hong Kong Island.

Last year, the two competed for the school's scholarship at the same time. As a result, Su Li beat Du Yourou to get the scholarship, and Du Yourou has always hated her.

Du Yourou glanced at Ye Yun and Murong Yan, with a hint of surprise in her eyes, as if she didn't expect Su Li to have such a handsome and beautiful friend.

Suddenly, she glanced at the bracelet on Su Li's hand, and after taking a closer look, she couldn't help being surprised and said:

"I buy it, this bracelet of yours is not a Graff custom-made bracelet, is it?"

Su Li didn't answer, because she thought it was a gift from Murong Yan, no matter how much it was worth, she didn't need to show it off.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Du Yourou thought that what she was wearing was not genuine, so she sneered and said:

"It turned out to be a fake, so let me just say, you have to work part-time to earn your tuition fees, how can you afford such an expensive bracelet!"

Su Li couldn't help frowning:
"Du Yourou, this is a gift from my friend, don't talk nonsense!"

Du Yourou immediately showed a look of disdain and said:
"A gift from a friend? You have to work part-time to earn your tuition fees. How can you have such a rich friend?"

She glanced at Ye Yun and Murong Yan indiscriminately, and saw that both of them were dressed in expensive clothes, so she couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Things of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. Su Li is so poor, how can her friends be rich?"

"Most of this outfit is A-grade stuff, come out and pretend to be aggressive!"

Thinking of this, her gaze became even more disdainful.

"Huh? Isn't this the family of three from the mainland that I met this morning?"

Just then, two young men came over.

It was Zhang Xin, the tour guide of Dafu Hotel, and his colleagues.

The two were bringing a few tourists to the new Pacific Place for shopping. When they saw Ye Yun and the others, they stopped.

At this time, Zhang Xin and his colleagues had a look of contempt on their faces.

Du Yourou asked Zhang Xin:

"You know them?"

Zhang Xin nodded and said:
"I know them. I met them at the airport this morning. I wanted to be a tour guide for them, but they refused to pay a tour guide fee of a thousand dollars."

Du Yourou couldn't help laughing out loud.

Sure enough, I guessed it right, what kind of rich friends are simply two pretenders!

Can't bear even a little tour guide fee, and even come here to pretend to be aggressive, really thick-skinned!

She looked at Su Li contemptuously, and said ironically:

"Your friend is really rich, he can't even afford the tour guide fee!"

"So really don't tell me that the Graff in your hand is real, then I will die laughing, hehehe!"

Su Li saw that she was so bitter and mean, and she looked like a villain, so she didn't want to explain any more, so she said to Murong Yan:

"Let's ignore her, let's go buy clothes for Yaya."

Seeing this, Du Yourou laughed even more disdainfully:
"See, I feel guilty and want to escape, what a bunch of bumpkins!"

At this moment, the waitress of Van Cleef & Arpels ran over and said to Ye Yun:

"Sir, the manager called just now, and she immediately delivered the laurels in person, please come with me to the store."

Du Yourou saw the Van Cleef & Arpels badge on the chest of the waitress, and couldn't help asking:

"Did they buy anything from you?"

The waitress nodded and laughed:

"Yeah, I still bought our most expensive diamond laurel wreath, and the discount price for one piece is 599 million!"

Du Yourou: "..."

Zhang Xin: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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