Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 569 Sorry, she is my wife!

Chapter 569 Sorry, she is my wife!

What is beauty?
Is it a sinking fish and a wild goose, or a closed moon and a shameful flower?

It's Bai Meisheng who looks back and smiles, Liugong Fendai has no color,

Or is the beauty concealing the present and the past, and the lotus is shameful?

Do not!
These are all descriptions of the beauty of mortal women, no matter how gorgeous the words are, they cannot describe the beauty of Murong Yan at this moment.

Under the light.

Murong Yan had a flying bun designed by Ye Yun, with a purple peach hairpin inserted.

A purple ribbon inlaid with gold is hung on each end of the hairpin, exuding an incomparably noble temperament.

A head of blue hair was draped softly on her shoulders.

The smooth feeling makes people have no doubt that even a speck of dust can't fall on it.

She has a jade face with fairy muscles, and three purple peach petals are painted in the center of her forehead.

It complemented her dark eyes, tall nose, and delicate red lips.

Like a delicate peach blossom, waiting for the lover's pity in the bright spring sun.

Because of her well-proportioned and tall figure, she was wearing a purple dress with a tube top at the moment, which was neither revealing nor revealing, but also had a touch of charm and enchantment.

She exudes a very magical temperament, which makes people unable to move their eyes from the first sight.

"God, the beauty of this woman has surpassed human cognition! Even computer synthesis can't make her so beautiful!"

"Even though I'm a woman, I feel like I'm already in love with her!"

Finally, after a long silence, the crowd broke out in wonder again.

When Murong Yan walked to the center of the arena, Qiao Yimei and Lu Yingran, who had held their heads high before, couldn't help lowering their heads slightly.

Compared with them, Murong Yan is the phoenix that makes all birds bow their heads.

In front of her, no woman can be 100% confident.

This is her aura!
Naturally, born with it!
"Beauty, my father is the president of Hong Kong Island Daily Financial News, and his assets are conservatively estimated at 150 billion Hong Kong dollars. Can I add your WeChat?"

The crowd became more and more frenzied, to the point where a handsome man from Hong Kong rushed to Murong Yan madly, begging her to add WeChat on his knees.

It started with this person, and then someone started a frantic pursuit of Murong Yan.

"Beauty, my family runs a real estate business on Hong Kong Island. The new Pacific Place and the InterContinental Hotel in Causeway Bay are both my family's property. Please give me a chance, I just want to treat you to a meal!"

"They are nothing, the entire Gold Flag Bank on Hong Kong Island belongs to my family! My father controls nearly 3000 billion US dollars in assets, I beg you to give me a chance to get to know each other!"


As their numbers grow, so do their backgrounds.

Several people who were familiar with them couldn't help exclaiming:

"My God, nearly one-third of the rich and powerful children on Hong Kong Island all bow down under this woman's pomegranate skirt!"

"It's crazy! It's really crazy! It's unprecedented!"

Murong Yan showed a slight look of surprise.

She also didn't expect such a crazy thing to happen in Hong Kong Island, a place full of British gentlemen's style.

However, she was born with a big heart, and the Murong Group, which manages tens of thousands of people, can handle it with ease. Facing this group of sons and brothers, she didn't panic at all.

I saw her, raised her head and looked ahead with a smile, her beloved face said:
"Sorry, I already have a husband."

Everyone followed her gaze and saw that jade-like person had got up and walked towards Murong Yan.

Coming to Murong Yan's side, he gently embraced Murong Yan in his arms.

His eyes only glanced at those young masters lightly, which made them all feel ashamed.

"Sorry, she's my wife."

A simple sentence, but with infinite confidence and pride.

With an aura of disdain for the world, tell everyone, my wife, that you are not qualified to pursue her.

Only worthy, bow your head in front of her!
Seeing Ye Yun's extremely domineering eyes, Murong Yan couldn't help but squirm.

He is always so domineering to outsiders and so gentle to himself.

With such a man by my side, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, I will not be afraid!
"Ye Yun, I love you!"

Feeling overwhelmed, Murong Yan hugged Ye Yun's face and kissed it affectionately.

When the two separated, the tens of thousands of people present were mesmerized.

"My God, this dog food is so delicious, I'll eat it even if I'm so stuffed!"

"It's so cruel and inhuman! A handsome man and a beautiful woman's affectionate kiss directly hits us single dogs by [-] million points!"

"Wooooow, this picture is so beautiful, it makes me want to fall in love!"


Since the exhibition had to continue, Ye Yun then returned to his seat.

From then on, no one at the scene dared to go forward to woo Murong Yan.

It was because Ye Yun stood there, and all the men were overshadowed and lacked confidence.


Just as the exhibition was about to end, a handsome man of mixed race walked into the gymnasium with an old man.

When he saw the radiant Murong Yan, the man couldn't help showing a look of astonishment, the corner of his mouth slightly curled up and said:

"I thought that among the entire group of universities on Hong Kong Island, the twin stars of Hong Kong Island University are the most beautiful."

"Unexpectedly, this woman is several times more beautiful than Gemini!"

He pointed at Murong Yan, and said to the old man beside him:
"When we hold a banquet on the cruise ship, we will invite all the students from this exhibition to have a dinner, so that this woman must come."

The old man glanced at Murong Yan and asked:
"Young master, what do you mean?"

The man showed a domineering look and said:

"This woman, I'm going to make it!"

The old man nodded and smiled:

"Okay, I'll arrange it here!"


"Yanyan, I didn't expect this exhibition to be so sensational that the Zhou family would come forward and invite us to dinner on the cruise ship!"

"Isn't that right? The Zhou family is the second largest family on Hong Kong Island. It's as unattainable as the ancient imperial family. Who would have thought that they not only sponsored our exhibition, but also invited us to dinner!"

"It is said that Zhou's Victoria cruise ship is one of the top ten cruise ships in the world. In the whole of China, there are only less than a thousand people who are eligible to board this cruise ship. We are so lucky today!"

Because the leaders of Hong Kong Island University personally invited everyone in this cosplay exhibition to go to the Victoria cruise ship, Murong Yan went there with Su Li and the others.

After Ye Yun separated from her, he took Yaya for a stroll.

However, he was not idle, and when he was separated from Murong Yan, he opened his spiritual sense and enveloped the entire Hong Kong Island.

In this way, everything around Murong Yan can be monitored in real time, and her safety can be guaranteed no matter where she is.

On the other side, Murong Yan and Su Li chatted and laughed all the way, and soon arrived at the cruise ship Victoria located in Victoria Harbor on Hong Kong Island.

Seeing Murong Yan's face appear in the crowd, the old man from before, that is, the housekeeper of the Zhou family, hurried to Zhou Ziwen, the eldest son of the Zhou family, and said:
"My lord, that girl is here!"

 Thanks for the peerless 599 reward~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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